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Port Molyneux : the story of Maori and pakeha in South Otago : a centennial history : commemorating the landing of George Willsher and his companions at Willsher Bay, June 28, 1840 : with a programme for the unveiling of the centennial cairn, erected by the Clutha County Council, June 28, 1940

A Great Map Maker

A Great Map Maker.

Here is Shortland's estimate of Tuhawaiki:—

“Tuhawaiki, who has obtained the inappropriate sobriquet of ‘Bloody Jack’ from the whalers, was a chief of a very intelligent and pleasing address. He spoke a little English, of which, and of his English dress, he was evidently proud. His influence over the natives present was decided, and appeared to be very beneficially exerted for all parties… Sometimes Tuhawaiki's account of goods received did not correspond with Mr. Jones' written lists of property paid; the latter, however, was always ready to admit the error to be most probably his own. Indeed this native had so good a character for integrity that he frequently … obtained on credit slops, flour, and rum in large quantities, which he retailed both to his own countrymen and to the whalers.”

Colonel Godfrey gives evidence that he “was much struck with the straightforward and willing evidence given by this chief in all the cases examined, and with the skill displayed by him in illustrating his description of boundaries by tracing with a pencil the line of coast and the position of islands, rivers, etc.”

Many of Shortland's sketch maps of southern coasts and harbours were drawn from particulars given by Tuhawaiki.