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Dictionnaire Samoa-Francais-Anglais et Francais-Samoa-anglais : precede d'une grammaire de la langue samoa



Ta, pron. poss. Lou, lau (thy).

Tabac, sm. 'O le tapaà (tobacco).

Table, sf. 'O le laulau (a table, board).

Tableau, sm. 'O le faàtusa (a picture).

Tache, sf. 'O le ila (a spot).

Tâcher de.., v. n. taumafai (to endeavour).

Tacheté, e, a. ilaila (spotted, speckled).

Taciturne, a. matafaàlologo (silent, reserved).

Taie, sf. 'O le moalili (cataract).

Taillader, v. a. tatipi (to cut, to slash).

Tailler, v. a. ta (to cut).

Tailleur d'habits, sm. 'O le tagata sui òfu, 'O le tagata sele òfu (a tailor).

Taire, v. a. (to conceal).

Se Taire, v. r. faàlologo (to keep silence).

Talon, sm. 'O le mulivae (a heel).

Tambour, sm. 'O le tupalau (a drum).

Tancer, v. a. Aôài (to reprimand).

Tandis que, conj. manu o... (whilst).

Tant, adv. Selau, afe (so much, so many).

Tant mieux, adv. Ua lelei (so much the better).

Tantôt, adv. Se aso... se aso e... (sometimes... sometimes).

Tant pis, adv. talofa (so much the worse).

Tapis, sm. 'O le ie fola (a carpet).

Taquiner, v. a. faàtigâ loto, faiaga (to tease).

Tarder, v. n. tuai (to delay).

Se Targuer de..., v. r. mimita i... (to boast of).

Tas, sm. 'O le faupuega (a heap).

Tàter, v. a. togo, tofotofo (to feel, to try).

Tâtonner, v. n. Tago faàtemutemu (to be uncertain what to do).

Tatouer, v. a. Ta le tatau (to tattoo).

Taxe, sf. 'O le sii (a tax).

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Taxer, v. a. Tuù se sii (to tax, to charge).

Teindre, v. a. fufui i se lanu (to dye, to give a colour to..).

Tel, le, a. faàpei (like).

Téméraire, a. Tulai ma oso (rash, precipitate).

Témoignage, sm. 'O le mau (testimony).

Témoigner, v. a. Molimau (to witness).

Tempérance, sf. 'O le tepelasia (temperance).

Tempête, sf. 'O le afâ (storm, tempest).

Temple, sm. 'O le malumalu (a temple, a church).

Temporiser, v. n. faàtuai (to delay).

Temps, sm. vaitausaga, augaaso (time, season).

Tenace, finautele (tenacious).

Tenailles, sf. plur. 'O le aiofi (pincers).

Tendre, v. a. fâlô (to bend. to stretch out).

Tendre, a. malulu (soft) : yeux — (weak eyes).

Tendresse, sf. affection, 'O le alofa tele (tenderness).

Ténèbres, sf. pl. 'O le pouliuli (darkness).

Tenir, v. a. Tago (to hold, to keep). Se —, v. r. puè, taofi (to hold fast).

Tentation, sf. 'O le faàosoosoga (temptation).

Tentative, sf. 'O le tofoiofo, 'O le taumafai (endeavour, effort).

Tente, sf. 'O le fale fetafai (a tent).

Tenter, v. a. tofotofo (to try).

Terme, sm. 'O le aso atofa (appointed time).

Terminer, v. a. faàiù, faàuma (to terminate, to put an end to).

Terrain, sm. 'O le èleèle (soil, ground).

Terre, sf. 'O le èleèle (earth, 'and, ground).

Terreur, sf. 'O le mataùtia (terror).

Terrible, a. Mataùtia (dreadful).

Territoire, sm. 'O le itu nuù (district).

Tes, pr. poss. plur. ou, au (thy).

Testament, sm. 'O le faàtô (testament) : L'ancien —, 'O le feagaiga tuai (the old testament). Le nouveau —, 'O le feagaiga fou (the new testament).

Tête, sf. 'O le ulu (head).

Téter, v. a. Susu (to suck).

Têtu, e, a. finauvale (obstinate).

Thé, sm. 'O le ti (tea).

Tiède, a. Mafanafana, faàleogalua (lukewarm).

Tiédir, v. n. Liu faàleogalua (to grow lukewarm).

Tien, pr. poss. et sm. Lou, lau, lo òe de, la òe (thine).

Tiers, sm. et a. 'O lona tolu o vaega (a third part).

Tige, sf. 'O le àu (trunk, body).

Timbre, sm. 'O le leo (the sound of a bell).—, O le faàiloga (stamp).

Timide, a. fefe, mataù (fearful).

Tinter, v. n. en parlant des oreilles, Taalili (to tingle).

Tire-bouchon, sm. 'O le vili momono (a cork-screw).

Tirer, v. a. Toso (to draw). —, fanafana (to shoot).

Tison, sm. 'O le motumotu (a firebrand).

Titre, sm. 'O le igoa (title).

Titrer, v. a. Foai atu le igoa (to give a title).

Toi, pron. pers. 'Oe, o òe (thee).

Toile, sf. 'O le ie (cloth).

Toit, sm. 'O le àto (roof).

Tolérer, v. a. Onosai (to suffer).

Tombeau, sm. 'O le tuugamau (a grave, a tomb).

Tomber, v. n. Paù (to fall).

Ton, ta, a. poss. lou, lau, lo òe, la òe (thy).

Tonneau, sm. 'O le paelo (a cask, a vessel).

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Tonnelier, sm. 'O le kupa (a cooper).

Tonner, v. n. faititili (to thunder).

Tonnerre, sm. 'O le faititili (thunder).

Torchis, sm. 'O le pain (mortar).

Tordre, v. a. Milo (to twist).

Tort, sm. 'O le sesê (wrong) : A — et à travers, Soona (at random).

Tortue, sf. 'O le volu (tortoise).

Tôt, adv. vaive (quickly): Trop—, vave naua (too soon). Bientôt, E le pine (very soon).

Total, sm. 'O le faitau aofai (whole).

Touchant, prép. I, ia (about, concerning).

Toucher, sm. 'O le tago (feeling).

Toucher, v. a. Pai atu (to touch). —, v. n. Lata mai (to be near).

Toujours, adv. Pea (ever, always) : pour —, e faàvavau (for ever).

Tour, sf. 'O le òlo (a tower).

Tour-à-tour, adv. fesuiai (by turns).

Tourbillon, sm. 'O le asiosio (whirlwind).

Tourment, sm. 'O le tigâ, puapuagâ (torment, pain).

Tourmentant, e, a. faàtigâ loto, faàfiufiu (teasing).

Tourmente, sf. 'O le afâ (storm, tempest).

Tourmenter, v. a. faàtigâ (to vex, to tease).

Tournant, a. et sm. : en —, faire entrer en —, v. g. visser, vili i tua lima (to screw in); défaire en —, dévisser, vili i alofi lima (to screw out).

Tourner, v. a. et v. n. Taavili, seu (to turn, to move round).

Tournoyer, v. n. Taamilo (to turn about).

Tousser, v. n. tale (to cough).

Tout, tous, a. uma (all, whole).

Tout-à-coup, adv. faàfuasei (suddenly). Tout à l'heure, adv. Analeila, analeila nei (justnow).Tout auprès, adv. i ona tafalafa (close by). Tout beau, adv. fai-fai malie (softly). Tout-de-bon, adv. faàmaoi (seriously). Tout de suite, adv. Loa (immediately). Tout doux, adv. faifai malie (softly, gently).

Toute-puissance, sf. 'O le maria uma (omnipotence).

Tout-puissant, a. E ona le mana uma (almighty).

Toux, sf. 'O le taie (cough).

Tracasser, v. a. Faàtigâ, faàlavelave (to vex, to tease).

Trace, sf. 'O le faàiloga, 'O le tulaga (trace, mark).

Tradition, sf. 'O ùpu tuù faàsolo (tradition).

Traduire, v. a. Liliu i le tasi gagana (to translate).

Trafic, sm. 'O le faàtau (trade).

Trafiquer, v. n. Faàtau (to trade).

Trahir, v. a. Faàlata (to betray).

Trahison, sf. 'O le faàlataga, (treason).

Traînasser, v. a. Faàtitipa (to delay).

Traîner, v. a. Toso (to draw).

Se traîner, v. r. Faàseesee, totolo (to creep along).

Traire, v. a. Tatao le sua susu (to milk).

Trait, sm.: — d'un arc, 'O le u (an arrow).

Traite, sf. 'O le faàtau (draft).

Traite des nègres (the slave trade).

Traité, sm. 'O le feagaiga (agreement).

Traître, sm. 'O le faàlata (a traitor).

Tranchant, sm. 'O le mata (edge).

Trancher, v. a. et v. n. Sala, page 462 vaelua (to cut off, to cut in two). —, décider, Faàmasino (to determine).

Tranquille, a. Filemû (peaceful).

Tranquillement, adv. Ma le filemû (quietly).

Tranquilliser, v. a. Faàfilemû (to quiet, to calm).

Transférer, v. a. Tautuù (to remove, to transport).

Transformer, v. a. Faàfou, liu (to transform).

Transfuge, sm. 'O le sui tagavai (a deserter).

Transissement, sm. 'O le tete o le tino (numbness, chill).

Transmettre, v. a. Avatu, tautuù (to transmit, to convey).

Transpercer, v. a. Soà ia ati (to make way through).

Transpirer, v. n. Afu (to perspire).

Transport, sm. 'O le tautuù (transport, conveyance).

Trapu, a. Tutua (thick and short).

Travail, sm. 'O le galuega (labour, work).

Travailler, v. n. et v. a. Galue (to work).

Travailleur, sm. 'O le tagata galue (a labourer).

Travers, sm.: à travers, prép. I totonu (across).

Traverser, v. a. Sopo (to cross).

Trébucher, v. n. Paù (to fall, to stumble).

Treize, a. Sefulu ma le tolu (thirteen).

Tremblant, e. a. tetemu (shaking).

Tremblement, sm. 'O le tetemu (trembling, shaking): Tremblement de terre, 'O le mafuiè (an earthquake).

Trembler, v. n. Tetemu (to shake).

Tremper, v. a. fufui (to dip). —, v. n. faàvai (to soak).

Trente, a. Tolu sefulu (thirty).

Trépas, sm. 'O le oti (death).

Trépasser, v. n. 'Oti (to die, to depart this life).

Très, adv. Malua (very, most).

Trésor, sm. 'O le òloa nânâ (a treasure).

Tressaillir, v. n. Tei, oso (to start). — de joie, Oso fiafia (to leap for joy).

Tresser, v. a. Laga, Lalaga (to plait).

Triangle, sm. 'O le tafatolu (a triangle).

Tribut, sm. 'O le taulaga (tribute).

Trier, v. a. Filifili (to pick).

Trinquer, v. n. (to tope).

Triompher, v. n. Malô (to obtain victory).

Triple, a. Faàsautuatolu (threefold).

Triste, a. Faànoanoa (sorrowful).

Trivial, e. a. Faàtatuvaa (vulgar).

Trois, a. Tolu (three).

Troisième, a. et sm. 'O le tolu (third).

Tromper, v. a. 'Oleòle (to deceive).

Se tromper, v. r. Sesê (to be mistaken).

Trompette, sf. 'O le pu (a trumpet).

Tronçonner, v. a. Vaevae (to cut in pieces, in logs).

Trop, adv. Tele naua (too much), Toatele naua (too many).

Troquer, v. a. Fesuiai (to exchange).

Trou, sm. 'O le pu (a hole) : — d'un bas (hole).

Trouble, sm. 'O le popole, atuatuvale (trouble, perplexity).

Troubler, v. a. Faàgaepuepu (to make muddy). —, fatiguer, Faàtigâ (to make uneasy).

Se troubler, v. r. Popole (to be disturbed).

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Troupe, sf. 'O le faàpotopotoga (company)

Troupeau, sm. 'O le àu manu (a flock).

Trousser, v. a. Suè i luga (to tuck up).

Trouver, v. a. Maua (to find, to discover).

Truelle, sf. 'O le lima (a trowel).

Truie, sf. 'O le aumatua (a sow).

Tu, pron. pers. 'Oe (thou).

Tu autem, sm. 'O le faigatâ, 'O le itu faigatâ (chief difficulty).

Tuer, v. a. Fasi, fasioti (to kill).

Tumeur, sf. 'O le rnea fulafula (swelling).

Tumulte, sm. 'O le nunuvale (tumult).

Tuteur, sm. Puipui, tausi (a protector, a defender).

Tyran, sm. 'O le tagata sauâ (a tyrant).

Tyrannie, sf. 'O le faàsauâ (tyranny).