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The Spike or Victoria University College Review, June 1927

Letters to the Editor

page 29

For the following letter, partly because of its primitive sentiments, and partly on account of the still more primitive language in which they are expressed, we refuse to accept any responsibility whatsoever.—Ed. "Spiked."

Letters to the Editor.

To the Editor.

Dear Sir,

Although by the time "The Spike" comes out, capping in the library will probably have become an accomplished fact, yet sir, I would like, on behalf of the undergraduates of the V.U. College, to enter, through your kindly columns, a decided protest against such a condition of affairs.

I regard such conditions as a betrayal of the undergraduate interests in the College. Let me explain my position. We are all aware of course, that the recently passed University Act forbids the University to confer degrees in public. Degrees are now to be conferred, we understand, by the Council sitting around the afternoon tea cup, i.e. in private. But power is still left for the various colleges to have some form of congratulatory ceremony to welcome into the fold the graduates of the year.

Now Victoria College proposes to hold some such ceremony this year. The only place which is capable of holding the graduates, the undergraduates, parents and friends, the staff, and the Council, is the Town Hall. But the College Council, forsooth, in its all-seeing, benevolent wisdom, decides to hold the ceremony in the College Library. And what are its reasons for this absurd step, a step which means the exclusion of the majority of undergraduates from any participation in the proceedings? Why, simply and solely these: that the undergraduates are a noisy, rowdy, repulsive lot of mannerless children, who ought to know better than to poke ridicule at gentlemen on a public platform, and to make a certain amount of noise. Apparently the gentlemen responsible consider that undergraduates would be far better chasing the almighty pound-note than enjoying themselves at the Town Hall.

Moreover the Professorial Board decides to forbid the students holding a capping procession. This is another unjustifiable invasion of students' rights. The procession last year was conducted in a fashion that could give offence to none, but those who take offence at everything. Now, Sir, the capping celebrations are found in every university the world over. They are a traditional part of the undergraduates' year; he has a hard enough row to hoe without the College authorities interfering with his harmless amusements. If some of our College councillors saw the capping carnivals at Glasgow or Oxford or London they would probably die of shame or epilipsy, after the performance.

Admittedly, the Professorial Board has very kindly left us our undergraduates supper. Yes, but for how long? They will probably decide in the near future that undergraduates are ruining their delicate digestions by eating between meals, or ruining their constitutions by staying up after 9 p.m. and then—away goes the undergraduates supper. From this it is a step to the page 30 Capping Ball being swept away. And by this time we will all be a soulless lot of grab and grafting commercial men. May I, for one, be spared this fate!

I am, etc.,

Laudator Temporis Acti

Dear Sir.

I wonder whether yon will be good enough to allow me some small space in your columns to comment upon a matter I have deeply at heart?

It has always been said that V.U.C. is a night school, but some of us here have never really grasped the fact. With what a horrible thud it is brought home to us then, when we hear that the extravaganza, and an excellent extravaganza at that, has been turned down by those past students of V.U.C. who were good enough to give their valuable time towards its production; turned down because the present day students participating are apparently only doing so for their own amusement and cannot exert themselves to turn up regularly for rehearsals.

It was obvious from the tournament results—with the exception, of course, of the athletics—that our students were not vitally interested in the welfare of this college, but when it comes to the Extravaganza not arousing enough interest among the seven or eight hundred students at V.U.C. for a working number to be present at each rehearsal something is very, very wrong.

To begin with, the Executive is to blame. The Extravaganza according to the latest ruling is to be handed in on October 20th. It was not completed then, but the polished product beautifully manicured and faultlessly attired, was handed in on March 23rd. Days passed and still more days and nothing was done. The Opera House bookings were not investigated, and when at last someone moved in the matter, it was found that the Opera House was booked until June 9th. Consequently interest waned and the Extravaganza about which we had heard so much, died a lingering death in its very infancy; performers attended irregularly, the producers threw it up in disgust, and who is to blame them?

If it had been a case of rushing it through in the first term I believe that even our apathetic students of 1927 would have buckled to, but they certainly had not enough interest to bring them to rehearsals of a play which would not be produced till mid-June.

We are hopelessly floundering in the mire and unless our present day students arouse themselves and devote a little of their leisure to V.U.C. affairs, as a university college we shall be wiped from the face of the earth.

I must apologise for taking up so much of your valuable space.

Yours faithfully,


To the Editor.

Dear Sir,

I should like to ascertain the exact position with regard to the extra ten and sixpenny levy about which there have been sundry notices scattered around. The payment of the first ten and sixpence is compulsory unless special exemption is granted by the Professorial Board. What are the privileges obtained by payment of this sum? One formerly was admitted to all affiliated page 31 college clubs upon written application. Now we are told that the first levy only permits us the privilege of applying for admission; we are not members of any club until the second levy has been paid. I have not come into contact with anyone who has paid the second levy, though doubtless the college contains a few honest souls who have done so. Such a system appears to be very unsatisfactory and I should be very grateful if anyone will tell me that the above statements are hopelessly incorrect, and will set out the whole situation clearly for many puzzled students.

Yours faithfully, M.L.

(We would draw our correspondent's attention to the fact that, the Constitution of the Students' Association lays down the following:—

"Every student attending lectures shall each year on enrolment pay to the Registrar of the Victoria University College the sum of 10/6 for transmission to the Association. Upon payment of this sum, the student shall ipso facto become a member of the Association.

Upon payment of a further sum of 10/6 to the Secretary every member of the Association shall be entitled to become on written application and without any further payment a member of all affiliated college clubs and societies, provided he agrees in writing, to abide by their constitution and rules."

As our correspondent is probably aware, the Professorial Board ruled that the second levy of 10/6, as laid down in the last of the above clauses, should not be collected. Hence the second levy has in no case been paid.—Ed. "Spike.")

To the Editor,


I wish to protest against the scandalous reply received from the manager of Gamble and Creed's regarding our application to hold the Undergraduates Supper in their tea-rooms. Does he indeed only cater for gentlemen! Then it is our bounden duty never again to darken his doorstep. Let us all fall upon our knees and swear that under no circumstances whatever shall we call for a chop beneath his roof. In deference to his wishes it is all we can do. Perhaps the secretary of the Students' Association will pen an epistle to that effect, and let him know that he will no longer be troubled with any person, male or female, from these halls of learning. I close with the following lines from Shakespeare (revised edition).

Starving student slinking by,
Longing for a hot meat pie,
Turn away that rolling eye;
In your slow and hungry amble,
Never glance with greed at Gamble,
But pursue your empty ramble
Unto "Iris" groves or "Barns";
For your socks are full of darns,
And your head is stuffed with yarns,
You are NOT a gentleman!
Gamble henceforth all must ban,
Lap no more from his milk pan!—P.P.