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Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary


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NA, a word used to call attention at the commencement of a tale: Na, ka tae mai te miromiro—P. M., 31. 2. Denoting position near, or some connection with person spoken to: Ko wai tena tangata i mea mai na ki a koe—Hoa., v. 12. Cf. naka, as second Na.

NANA, see! behold! Nana, kua rite nei te tangata ki tetahi o tatou—Ken., iii. 22. Cf. anana, an exclamation.

Tahitian—na, lo! behold! (b.) a word of calling to fowls, pigs, &c.; nana (nànà), to look at, to view; to direct the eye to some object.

Hawaiian—nana, to look at, to view attentively: E nana hoi, Look, behold! Nana iho la maua me ka milimili; We two looked at it as a curiosity. Hoo-nana, to cause to look at. Cf. nanao, to look at the clouds, and observe times, &c.

Mangaian—na, lo! behold! Na, kua mate; Lo, it was dead!

Mangarevan—nana, to look at, to see; (b.) to spy out; to act as a spy; aka-nana, to see, to regard, to consider attentively.

NA, by; made by; acted on in any way by: Ka mea mai ‘na te taua’—P. M., 95. 2. Possessed by, belonging to: Na matou tena ika. Cf. no, belonging to; nana, his; naku, my. 3. By reason of; on account of: Na te pakeke o o koutou ngakau—Mat., xix. 8. 4. By the way of: E haere ana na te ara ki Pareuru—P. M., 154. 5. Begotten by: Na wai ia tamaiti? Ka mea ratou ki a ia, ‘Na Rawiri’—Mat., xxii. 42.

Tahitian—na, by, for; (b.) by the way of: O tei tomo mai na te uputa i te pae i apatoerau; He enters by way of the north gate. (c.) An adverb of place, as ia oe na, with you (at some distance).

Hawaiian—na, of, for, or belonging to: Na ka poe naauao hoi keia mau mea; These things also belong to the wise.

Marquesan—na, by, through; (b.) for, belonging to, applied to food: Aia te ika na te hakaiki; Here is fish for the chief.

Mangarevan—na, a sign of the genitive case, used only in speaking of food, or of a wife by her husband; (b.) by; of; belonging to; (c.) because; (d.) his, belonging to him. Cf. naku, mine.

Paumotan—na, of, or belonging to. Cf. no, of, belonging to.

Mangaian—na, belonging to: Na wai koe? na wai ano hoki enei i tou aroaro? To whom do you belong? and whose are these in front of you?

NA (), to be satisfied.

NANA (nànà), to tend carefully, to nurse.

Whaka-NA, to satisfy.

Samoan—na, to quiet, to hush, as a crying child; fa‘a-na, to quiet a child; (b.) to conceal. Cf. tinà, a mother.

Tahitian—na, quiet, applied to a child that has ceased crying; faa-na, to pacify a child; a pacifier. Cf. naenae, the place where children were nursed.

Hawaiian—na, to be quiet; to be pacified, as a child; to be comforted, as one in affliction; quiet; pacified; calm; (b.) to enjoy respite from pain; nana, to quiet, to console; to be quieted or consoled, as a child, hoo-nana, to comfort or sympathise with one. Cf. nanai, to love greatly, to love exceedingly.

Tongan—naa, Hush! be still! applied to children. Cf. nai, a term of endearment or affection; nainai, to attend to, to be careful of; nahunahu, to take care of; nani, to act fondly.

Marquesan — nana, a woman recovering from a severe case of child-bearing.

Mangarevan—cf. tinana, applied to parents who show great affection for their children.

Paumotan—nana, to grow, to wax greater; fakanana, to increase; (b.) to create; to raise up; to produce.

Ext. Poly.: Motu—cf. naria, to take care of.

Fiji—cf. na, and nànà, words used by children when addressing their mother, instead of using her name.

Sulu—cf. inaun, aunt.

Sikayana—cf. nana, mother; tinàna, mother. Waigiou, (Alfuros), — cf. nen, mother.

Lifu—cf. nina, mother.

Ponape—cf. nono, mother.

Guaham—cf. nana, mother.

Ilocan—cf. ina, mother.

Formosan—cf. nai, a mother, or aunt.

NAENAE, a mosquito. Cf. naeroa, a mosquito; naonao, a midge; wae, the leg. [See Naeroa, and Namu.]

Tahitian—cf. nainai, small, diminutive.

Ext. Poly.: Fiji—cf. nànà, small stinging gnats, the sand-fly; namu, the mosquito.

NAHAKU (nàhaku), belonging to me, mine (for naku): He tama meamea koe nahaku—Col., Trans., xiv. 18. Cf. nahau, belonging to thee (for nau); nahana, belonging to him (for nana).

NAHANA (nàhana), his, hers, belonging to him or her (for nana): Ka ki mai te tane nahana te wahine i whakapekapeka—Wohl., Trans., vii. 35. [See Nana.]

NAHAU, quick. Cf. ngahau, brisk.

NAHAU (nàhau), by thee, belonging to thee, thine (for nau): Ka ki mai a Maui ‘Nahau ano’—Wohl., Trans., vii. 37. Cf. nahaku, belonging to me (for naku).

Mangarevan—nahau, thine.

Mangaian—naau, thine. [For full comparatives, see Nau.]

NAHEA, long (in time). Cf. hea, “What time?”

Tahitian—nahea-e, long ago, long since.

NAHERANGI (myth.), the most lofty of the divisions of Heaven, the Heaven of Rehua. It was the tenth heaven upward. Sometimes Naherangi is called “The great Temple in the Tenth Heaven.” Tuwarea is another name for Naherangi—A. H. M., i. App.; M. S., 117.


Hawaiian—cf. nahe, to blow softly, as a gentle breeze; nae, the upper regions of the air, in distinction from the lower; the place whence the wind comes.

NAHINAHI, the name of a plant (Bot. Convolvulus soldanella).

NAKA, denoting position near, or connection in some way with the person spoken to. Haere tonu atu i te aranui naka—P. M., 25. Cf. na, with same meaning as naka.

NAKINAKI, the name of a plant.

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NAKO, the name of a bird, the Fern Bird (Orn. Sphenœacus punctatus).

NAKONAKO, recollection. 2. Anxious thought. Cf. nao, to feel with the hand.

Samoan—cf. nao, to feel for, as for fishes in holes, by introducing the arm.

Hawaiian—cf. nanao, to thrust the hand and fingers into some unknown receptacle; to seize hold of, as the mind; to think deeply; deep, capacious. [See Nao.]

NAKU (nàku), by me; belonging to me, mine: Naku tenei ika, noku enci whare—P. M., 121. Also nahaku. Cf. noku, mine; taku, my, &c.

Tahitian—na‘u, mine, or for me; (sometimes) by me: To raro a‘e i te rai atoa nei, na‘u ia; Whatever is under the whole heaven is mine.

Hawaiian—na‘u, for me; belonging to me, mine: Homai i wahi wai inu na‘u; Give me here some water to drink.

Mangarevan—naku, of me; mine; it is mine: Naku noti; That is my own. (b.) To take, to seize.

Paumotan—naku, (also noku,) mine. Ext. Poly.: Pellew Islands—cf. nak, me.

NAKU, NANAKU, NAKUNAKU, to dig; to scratch. Cf. natu, to scratch; raku, to scratch. to reduce to fragments. Cf. ngaku-ngaku, reduced to shreds. 2. To be broken to pieces; to be crushed.

Hawaiian—cf. naku, to root, as a hog; to throw up the ground in heaps or ridges; a rooting, a throwing up dirt in hills; to tread upon; to trample down; to follow; to shake; to be in a tremor; a destroying; an overturning; nanaku, to scratch like a cat; to be wild.

Samoan—cf. nau, the name of a cat.

Tahitian—cf. natu, a scratch, or mark of pinching.

Tongan—cf. aku, to scratch; to throw up loose earth with the hands.

Marquesan—naku, to pinch with the nails; nanaku, to contend; contention: Atea a Ianaoa, aha nui a nanaku; Light and Darkness, great wrath and contention. Ext. Poly.: Basa

Krama—cf. nakal, mischievous.

NAMATA, former times; ancient days: Tera ano tetehi Pa nui o namata—P. M., 162: Ko ta namata riri, he kahikatoa, he paraoa—Col., Trans., xiv. 38. Cf. matamata, source; nonamata, a long time ago.

NAMU, a small fly, the Sand-Fly (Ent. Simulium cœcutiens): Ko tena, engari te namu e rahi ana—M. M., 157. Cf. kamu, to eat.

NAMUNAMU, a blistering plaster.

Whaka-NAMUNAMU, to appear like a speck in the distance.

Samoan—namu, the mosquito.

Tahitian—namu, and ramu, the mosquito.

Tongan—namu, the mosquito; (b.) scent, odour; fakananamu, to smell; to hold anything to the nose. Cf. namua, abounding in mosquitos; taenamu, a mosquito curtain.

Hawaiian—cf. namunamu, to nibble, as a fish at bait.

Mangarevan—cf. namunamu, to eat with the edge of the lips.

Fotuna—namu, the mosquito.

Mangaian—namu, the mosquito: Na tangi namu i vavai; Split by the humming of the mosquitos. Namunamu, a mosquito: To komata toto, e te namunamu; Ever thirsting for blood, thou mosquito.

Paumotan—namu, the mosquito; faka-namu-namu, to infest.

Ext. Poly.: Motu—cf. namo, the mosquito.

Fiji—cf. namu, the mosquito; nànà, small stinging gnats, the sand-fly; namu-ta, to chew. The following words mean “mosquito”:—Kayan, hamok; Malay, namok; Sikayana, namu; Dyak, njamok; Pampang, yamuc; Tamil, lamoc; Duke of York Island, namu; Pentecost Island, namu; Espiritu Santo, namugi; Aurora Island, namu; Meralava, nam; Santa Maria, (Gog,) nam; Santa Maria, (Lakon,) namug; Mota, namu; Saddle Island, nem; Torres Island, (Lo,) nam; Macassar, njamo, and lamoe; Urepara—para, nem; Rotuma, rom; Nifilole, namu; San Cristoval, (Wano,) namo; San Cristoval, (Fagani,) namu; Vaturana, namu; Florida, namu; Savo, namunamu; Ysabel, (Bugotu,) gnamu; Guadalcanar, namu.

NANA (nàna), (also nahana,) his, belonging to him: Ka mea a Tainui nana te ika—ka mea te Arawa nana te ika—P. M., 77. Cf. na, belonging to; nona, his; mana, for him, &c.

Tahitian—nana, his, hers, its: Ia parau mai te tahi e nana taua tao‘a ra; Which another person says are his.

Paumotan—nana, his, belonging to him.

NANA, in a passion; raging. Cf. nanakia, outrageous; fierce; naunau, angry; hinana, staring angrily; tùnana, impatient of restraint.

Samoan—cf. nana, to urge a request, to persist in asking.

Hawaiian—nana, to growl; a snarling, growling disposition.

Marquesan—nana, to pout; to be angry; to take iu ill-part; aka-nana, to hate, with an intention of revenge on the hated person; akanananana, to pout, to look sour; to take in bad part.

Paumotan—cf. nana, to push, to shove.

Ext. Poly.: Malagasy—cf. nananana, a cry, a scream, a shout; nanananaina, being shouted at.

NANA, the eyebrow. Cf. manana, bent.

Mangarevan—cf. naha, a bow of the archer; aka-naha; to bend.

NANAHU, well executed.

NANAKIA, outrageous; fierce: Haere e hoki! ka mate korua, he nanakia te iwi nei—P. M., 48. Cf. nana, in a furious passion. [For comparatives, see Nana.]

NANAKU. [See under Naku.]

NANAO. [See under Nao.]

NANATI. [See under Nati.]

NANAU. [See under Nau.]

NANAWE. [See under Nawe.]

NANE, a dog. Cf. mame, a dog with short, bristly hair.

NANENANE, rotten kumara (sweet potatoes). Cf. hanehane, rottenness.

Tahitian—cf. nane, to knead a paste.

Mangarevan—cf. nane, to mix, to mingle.

NANEA, copious; satisfying.

Tahitian—nanea, capacious; producing or containing much.

Hawaiian—nanea, joy, comfort; comfortable, quietness; carelessness, thoughtlessness; (b.) to live indolently, to idle about; to allow of no care or anxiety.

Mangarevan—nenea, to abound; to multiply.

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Paumotan—nanea, enough; to suffice; satisfying; faka-nanea, to multiply.

NANI (nanì), wild cabbage; wild turnip: introduced by Cook (Bot. Brassica oleracea).

NANI (nanì), noisy. Cf. nanu, to murmur; inarticulate.

Samoan—nani, to talk indistinctly, as a child; fa‘a-naninani, to speak indistinctly, to speak like a child. Cf. nanu, to stammer; nànuga, to talk nonsense, as a delirious person.

Tahitian—cf. nane, to be all in confusion.

Mangarevan—cf. oronani, to speak badly; bad construction of sentences.

NANIHI, distant. Cf. ninihi, to steal away.

Mangarevan—cf. nihi, going quickly.

Whaka-NANO, to discredit; to refuse to believe.

Mangarevan—cf. nano, to be sulky; to be vexed.

NANU, mixed, confused. Cf. raru, to be perplexed; to be in difficulty; ranu, to mix; natu, to mix. 2. Indistinct, inarticulate. 3. To murmur; to grumble at.

Whaka-NANU, to mix, confuse.

Samoan—nanu, to stammer; to pronounce wrongly; (b.) to speak a foreign language; fa‘a-nanunanu, to stutter. Cf. nànuga, to talk nonsense, as a delirious person; nani, to talk indistinctly, as a child.

Tahitian—nanu, envy, jealousy; displeasure, on account of not being properly considered as to a share of food; (b.) to grudge or envy what another has; nanunanu, to make a noise like a pigeon; (b.) to be envious of another's possession. Cf. nanupo, to be disappointed at not having been awaked to partake of a feast prepared in the night; ainanu, displeasure or sullenness on account of food, or deprivation of a proper share. (Myth.) A constellation, comprising the two stars Pipiri and Rehia, supposed to be two children, who, being badly treated at mealtimes, flew up to the sky. Cf. nanuvai, the increase or swelling of waters; nanumiti, the flux of the sea; nane, to be all in confusion; pananu, to flow, as the tide; hananu, flowing, rolling on, as the sea towards the land.

Hawaiian—cf. nanu, the surf of the sea: for nalu (Maori = ngaru), a wave; nu, to grunt; to roar; an indistinct murmur.

Mangaian—nanu, to mutter, to murmur.

Mangarevan—cf. nane, to mix, to mingle. [See also words meaning “water,” under Ranu.]

NAO, NANAO, to handle, to feel with the hand; to take hold: Ka naomia atu e Tuwhakararo—P. M., 41. Cf. naunau, to take up. 2. To catch fish with the hand: Kihai nga ika o te moana i hi ranei, i haoa ranei, i naomia ranei—A. H. M. v. 33.

Samoan—naonao, to feel for, as for fishes in holes, by introducing the arm.

Tahitian—nanao (also nenao), to thrust the hand or arm into any cavity. Cf. panao, to introduce the hand into an opening, bag, or basket; punaonao, one that takes something from a bag; to take out of a bag; tinao, to put the hand into an aperture.

Hawaiian—nao, to thrust in, as the fingers into an opening; naonao, to take hold of, to seize; to steal; panao, to thrust the hand and fingers into some unknown receptacle; (b.) to seize hold of, as the mind; to think deeply, to penetrate, as the mind; (c.) to be slippery; to be led astray; to turn aside; (d.) deep; capacious; deep down.

Marquesan—cf. tinao, to poke anything into a hole with the finger.

Mangarevan—nanao, to take fish out from a creel.

NAONAO, a small moth, a midge. Cf. naenae, a mosquito.

Whaka-NAONAO, to appear like a speck in the distance. Cf. namu, a sand-fly; whaka-namunamu, to appear like a speck in the distance.

Samoan—cf. naonao, one kind of ant which eats the taro leaves.

Tahitian—cf. nao, a sort of fly, or insect; naonao, a small fly, infesting fermented breadfruit; the mosquito; tinao, a fire kept in old rotten wood, for the purpose of smoking out mosquitos.

Hawaiian—cf. naonao, a species of ant, the winged or flying ant.

Marquesan—cf. nono, the mosquito.

Mangarevan—cf. nao, the mosquito; naore, to make smaller; nau, the mosquito.

Paumotan—cf. naonao, distant. [For “mosquito,” see under Namu.]

NAPE, to weave. 2. To jerk. 3. To say falteringly; to make a mistake in speaking. 4. A fishing-line.

Samoan—nape, to be entangled; fa‘a-nape, to tie loosely; to interrupt a speech in order to notice the arrival of some chief, or to give a parable by way of explanation.

Tahitian—nape, sinnet, made from the husk of the cocoanut.

Hawaiian—cf. nape, to bend, as a flexible stick; to yield; napenape, to be shaken; to vibrate rapidly; soft; flexible; bending.

Tongan—nabe, one method of plaiting kafa (sinnet).

Mangarevan—cf. nope, flexible; bending.

Paumotan—nape, to weave; (b.) a tress or plait.

NAPENAPE, quick, speedy; hasten! Cf. napi, quick.

Tahitian—napenape, activity; vigilance; to be brisk, active, vigilant.

Hawaiian—cf. nape, to bend, as a flexible stick; napenape, to vibrate rapidly; to be shaken, as by the wind.

NAPENGA, a faltering, a mistake in speaking or reciting: Pawera tonu tana papa a Makeatutara, ki te napenga o tana karakia—P. M., 20. A derivative of nape. [For comparatives, see Nape.]

NAPI, to be quick: A ka napi ano te tere o Tainui—A. H. M., v. 10. Cf. napenape, quick, speedy.

NAPI, NANAPI, to cling tightly.

NATI, to pinch or constrict by means of a ligature. Cf. noti, to pinch or contract by means of a ligature. 2. To fasten raupo on the walls of a house. 3. To restrain, to stifle.

NANATI, NATINATI, pinched, contracted. Nanati-i-te kaki, to strangle.

Samoan—cf. nati, to tease, to be importunate; fa‘a-nati, to be urgent.

Tahitian—nati, to tie or bind with a cord; (b.) fitting or setting close; (c.) a stick with loops, for catching eels; nanati, to tie up; to bind together; (b.) to make use of enchantments, as formerly supposed to be done by sorcerers; natinati, to tie repeatedly or in different places; a bundle. Cf. natimoe, a family, kindred; farenatinati, an inaccessible house, such as those of the wizards were said to be; nanatiaha, to use enchantment.

Marquesanpage 264 nati, to tie: Mea nati a haamau i tahuna te tai o te puaa; To tie up and make fast in couples the kinds of animals. Cf. naki, to tie.

Mangaian—nati, to be entangled.

Mangarevan—nati, to tie with a running knot; (b.) to curse, to anathematise; (c.) to devote to the gods; nanati, to tie with a cord; (b.) to strangle; natinati, to make many running knots in a fastening or cord. Cf. natikaha, the death of anyone by a knotted cord of cocoanut fibre (kaha = sinnet), the priest pronouncing the name of the victim.

Hawaiian—naki, and nakii, to tie, to tie up, to fasten, as a horse; to bind fast; to tie round; to tie a knot; to confine one, as if bound; nakiki, and nakiikii, to bind (as naki); nakinaki, to bind often, to bind fast; (b.) to swell out, to make large; to sweli, as the belly; (c.) a person sick in the chest, and feeling as though he were bound; one filled to surfeiting with food.

NATU, NANATU, to scratch. Cf. naku, to scratch. 2. To stir up, to mix.

NATUNATU, to knock out of shape, to squeeze up, as a tin can when jumped on and flattened, but not broken to pieces.

Tahitian—natu, a scratch, or a mark of pinching; (b.) to pinch with the thumb and finger; (c.) to mash some substance by clenching the hand; natunatu, to pinch or press repeatedly, as a secret sign; to mash or mix repeatedly, as some food, with the hand.

Hawaiian—naku, a rooting, a throwing up dirt in ridges or hills; to root, as a hog; (b.) to trample down; to tread upon; to seek after; to follow, to pursue; (c.) to shake, to be in a tremor; hoo-naku, to tremble: Hoonaku, hookaahea, hoowiliwili; Trembling, crying, struggling. Cf. nanau, to scratch like a cat; to be wild; to be crabbed, sour in disposition; unfriendly, unsocial.

Tongan — natu, to knead, to mix; faka-natu, to say the same thing over and over, as if one were kneading bread. Cf. aku, to scrach; to throw up loose earth with the hands.

Mangarevan—natu, to squeeze wet linen; (b.) to press, to squeeze a person; (c.) colic.

Marquesan—cf. naku, to pinch with the nails; nanaku, to contend, contention.

NAU, by, or belonging to thee; thine; also nahau: Ka mea atu a Maui-potiki, ‘Nau ano au’—P. M., 13. Cf. nou, thine; naku, mine; na, belonging to.

Tahitian—nau, thine.

Hawaiian—nau, for thee; belonging to thee; thine. Cf. na, of; belonging to.

Paumotan—cf. naku, thine.

Tongan—cf. nau, they, their (plural).

Mangaian—naau, thine, belonging to thee.

Aniwan—cf. niau, of thee.

Fotuna—cf. niau, thine.

Ext. Poly.: Malagasy—cf. nao, thine; thy; by thee.

NAU, to come: Nau mai! Ka mea ‘Nau mai, e te atua?’—P. M., 112.

NAUNAU, to take up. Cf. nao, to take hold of; rau, to handle, to lay hold of.

Samoan—cf. nau, to desire earnestly, to long for.

Tahitian—nau, to get, to obtain; naunau, to long for, to desire; naua, to get, to obtain. Cf. nauma, and naupa, to get, to obtain.

Mangarevan—nau, complaisant. Cf. naumai, come! to come.

Hawaiian—cf. lau, to feel after a thing. [See Lau.]

NAU, the esculent cress (Bot. Lepidium oleraceum). Cf. ngau, to bite.

Hawaiian—nauhau, the name of several acrid plants, as wild horse-radish, cresses, pepper-grass, &c.

Samoan — cf. nau, the name of a bindweed.

Tahitian—cf. nau, the name of a species of medicinal grass.

NAU (nàu), to stay.

NAUNAU, angry. Cf. nana, angry, furious; ngau, to bite.

Whaka-NAU, to refuse.

Whaka-NANAU, to be angry.

Hawaiian — nau, to chank, to gnash the teeth [see Ngau]; nanau, to be crabbed; sour in disposition; to scratch like a cat; unfriendly; naua, cold, distant, unyielding, angry. Cf. naulia, the growling action of a dog while devouring its food; naulu, to vex, to provoke.

Mangarevan — aka-nau, to mock to turn into ridicule.

Marquesan — cf. nana, to pout; to be angry.

NAUHEA, a vagabond, a rogue (also nauwhea): Ka maranga ake taua nauhea ra—P. M., 16: E tuku iho ana ano te nauwhea ra—P. M., 149. Cf. nau, to come; hea, where.

NAUHURI, the name of a fresh-water fish.

NAUMAI, “Come!” “welcome!” 2. A guest. Cf. nau, to come; mai, hither.

Mangarevan—naumai, to come; “Come!”[For full comparatives, see Nau, and Mai.]

NAUNAU. [See under Nau.]

NAUPATA, the name of a shrub (Bot. Coprosma baueriana). Also called taupata. (Myth.) This tree is said to have grown from the paddles and skids of the Arawa canoe. [See Arawa.]

Tahitian—cf. naupata, the name of a tree; a thicket of brushwood; a thicket of branching coral in the sea.

Mangarevan—cf. naupata, the name of an herb.

NAUPIRO, the name of a shrub.

NAUWHEA. [See Nauhea.]

NAWAI, NAWAIA, (nàwai), a word denoting regular process of time; at length, &c.: Nawaia, te mutunga o nga ra e toru—Hoh., ix. 16.

NAWE, NANAWE, to be set on fire. 2. To be kindled or excited, as feelings. 3. To be immovable.

Whaka-NANAWE, to loiter, to dawdle: Te whakananawe iho, kia roa ai taku tirohanga—M. M., 84. 2. To fasten.

Tahitian—nave, to be pleased or delighted; navenave, pleasurable, delightful. Cf. anave, a line, or cord; faa-navenave, to procure delight or pleasure.

Mangaian — nanave, to be delighted.

Paumotan — navenave, voluptuous; (b.) delight; delicious, sweet.

Tongan—navei, to bind; to handcuff.

NAWE, a scar. Cf. nawe, to be set on fire.

NE, an interrogative of emphasis: Ka haere au ki te tiki ahi, ne?—P. M., 25.

Tahitian—cf. nei, What? How? Do you hear?

Marquesan — cf. nehe, Perhaps.

Mangarevan—cf. nei, Is it not so? Is it true?

Ext. Poly.: Fiji—cf. ne, Is it not so?

NEHE, the rafter of a house.

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NEHENEHE, the forest: Kua oti te motu nehenehe i tona taha te tua—Kai., vi. 28. 2. A wild deserted place: Ko te nehenehe ko te whare o te wahine—A. H. M., iv. 103: He otaota, he kiekie, e tupu i te nehenehe—A. H. M., v. 76. Cf. nge, a thicket; ngaehe, to rustle.

Hawaiian—cf. nehe, to make a rustling noise; nehenehe, a rustling.

Ext. Poly.: Aneityum—cf. nesei, the forest.

Whaka-NEHENEHE, to quarrel.

Tahitian—cf. nehenehe, to be affected with uneasiness of body or mind.

Hawaiian—cf. nehenehe, rustlings; shuffling the feet to and fro, &c.

NEHE, ancient times: Ara me timata i o nehe noa atu—G.-8, 17: E tataku ra i nga korero o nehe—A. H. M., i. 7.

NEHERA, ancient times: Ara me timata i o nehe noa atu—G.-8, 17: E tataku ra i nga korero o nehe—A. H. M., i. 7.

Hawaiian—cf. nehe, a rustling sound; the rumour of a thing done.

Mangarevan—cf. aka-nehe, to seize hold of anything to prevent its slipping, falling, &c.

NEHU, dust: Ka homai e Ihowa hei ua mo tou whenua te puehu me te nehu—Tiu., xxviii. 24. Cf. punehunehu, dusty; pungarehu, ashes; puehu, dust; rehutai, sea-spray; konehunehu, resembling dust; hu, mud. 2. Steam; minute particles of water in suspension: Na raua i mau nga hau maku, nga nehu ki a Rangi—A. H. M., i. 22. Cf. anehu, misty, foggy; rehu, mist; na-punehunehu, misty rain; nehutai, sea-spray; ehu, turbid. 3. Hair, dusty or whitened.

NEHUNEHU, dusky. Cf. kaunenehu, dusky.

Whaka-NEHU, to pulverize, to reduce to dust.

Samoan — nefu, to be stirred up, to be turbid, to be muddy; nenefu, to be dim, indistinct; fa‘a-nefu, to make muddy, to stir up water; fa‘a-nefunefu, to be indistinct; to be misty; to be dim (of the sight, or of words). Cf. efu, dust; to become dust.

Tahitian—rehu, ashes; any fine pulverized powder: A rave ai i te rehu no te tusia taauahi i pau i te auahi; He shall take the ashes of the offering which has been burnt in the fire. Rehurehu, the dusk or darkness of evening. Cf. ehu, discoloured, as water by reddish earth; muddy or disturbed water; aehuehu, agitation; troubled, as the mind; puehu, to be blown away by the wind; rouruehu, reddish or sandy hair; porehu, dusky, dark, as the evening.

Hawaiian—lehu, ashes; to be or become ashes: Ua uhi mai oia ia‘u i ka lehu; He has covered me with ashes. (b.) The number 400,000; lehulehu, a multitude; many, numerous; lelehu, to see with difficulty, to be partially blind; (b.) to be almost dead; to be weak; to be faint; (c.) to be sleepy or drowsy; hoolelehu, to be sleepy; (b.) to writhe, as in the pains of death; (c.) to turn sideways; hoolehulehu, to increase greatly in numbers and size. Cf. lelehuna, to fly into small particles; to become fine, as dust, or fine rain; lehuahi, ashes; lehuula, dust and dirt carried by the wind, and appearing reddish; ehu, the spray of the surf; red or sandy-haired; ehuehu, darkness arising from dust, fog, or vapour; hehu, mist or vapour; puehu, to scatter, as dust before the wind.

Tongan — nenefu, twilight; dimness; dim; dull; uncertain; faka-nenefu, to cause dimness of sight. Cf. efu, dust; efuefu, ashes; efui, to wash the hair during the process of dyeing it; afu, the seaspray, when breaking on the shore; gaehu, turbid, muddy, applied to water; kefu, yellowish, applied to the hair; maefu, dust; lefu, the smallest in a litter of pigs.

Marquesan—cf. tuehu, to seek hot coals in the ashes; efu, fragments; to fall in particles; hokehu, red hair; kehu, fair, blond; oioikehukehu, daybreak; maehuehu, to begin to dawn; tunehunehu, a dwarf, a small person.

Mangarevan—rehu, ashes, cinders; rehurehu, morning, soon after sunrise. Cf. ehu, dust, ashes; trouble, commotion; tuehuehu, dirty, soiled, said of clothing; vaiehu, disturbed water; taiehu, a troubled sea; keukeukura, blond, fair; panehu, to dry up, to wither; paneu, grey, covered with dust. Rarotongan-reu, ashes: E riro oki ratou mei te reu i raro ake i to kotou vaevae; They shall be as ashes under your feet. Reureu, dark.

Ext. Poly.: Sikayana—cf. rehu, lime.

Fiji—cf. dravu, ashes.

Motu—cf. rahurahu, ashes.

NEHU, a lock of hair. Cf. nehu, hair whitened or dusty. [For comparatives, see Nehu.]

NEHU, to bury: He mea waiho noa iho, kihai i nehua—A. H. M., v. 22: A nehua ana a Kowhitinui e Rata i roto i nga maramara o te waka ra—A. H. M., v. 8. Cf. nehu, dust; ehu, to exhume.

NEHUTAI, spray from the sea. Cf. nehu, dust; mist, fog; tai, the sea; ehu, turbid; rehutai, spray from the sea. [For comparatives, see Nehu, and Tai.]

NEI, a word denoting near position, or some connection with the speaker: A kia haere atu ia ki te rapu i taua wahi e noho nei raua—P. M., 13. Cf. tenei, this; near the speaker; here; akuanei, presently; aianei, now; konei, this place; this time, &c.

Samoan—nei, this: Ua matou maua le mea nei; This is the thing we have found. (b.) Now.

Tahitian—nei, here, in this place; now, at this time; this, spoken of: Ahiri e paari to ratou ia ite ratou i teie nei parau e; Oh, that they were wise and understood this! Cf. auanei, to-day; teienei, now.

Hawaiian—nei, this place, or time; this person or thing spoken of: A hookeke nui mai la lakou i ua kanaka nei; They crowded hard upon this man. Cf. aianei, there, just by; aenei, now; manei, here.

Marquesan—nei, here; now: Te efa ipuipu ua tau meitai nei; The four bowls were safely landed here.

Mangarevan—nei, this. Cf. aponei, to-night. (b.) If, in case that. Cf. akunei, presently; aranei, to-day.

Aniwan—nei, this. Cf. tenei, this.

Paumotan—nei, here.

Tongan—ni, this, these: Bea koeha nai teu fai he aho ni, ki hoku ogo ofefine ni? What can I do this day to these my daughters? Cf. anaini, instantly; presently.

Rarotongan—cf. teianei, this; ainei, this; akonei, shortly.

Ext. Poly.: Sikayana — cf. nei, this. Eddystone Island—cf. ra-nei, to-day.

Macassar—cf. inni, this.

NEINEI, to stretch forwards, in readiness to fly. Cf. ngeingei, stretching forth; tineinei, ready to move.

Whaka-NEINEI to stretch forwards.

Hawaiian—cf. nene, to be on the point of breaking forth, as war; nenene, to be on the page 266 point of doing a thing; to act as a bird about to fly; nene, a goose, a species of which is found on the high lands at Hawaii.

Mangarevan—neinei, to be on the point of doing a thing.

NEINEI, the name of a shrub (Bot. Dracophyllum latifolium).

Mangaian—cf. neinei, the name of a tree.

NEKE, to move: Katahi ia ka neke tata iho ki raro iho—P. M., 18: Nekehia mai te waka ki uta mai—P. M., 119. Cf. paneke, to move forwards; kanekeneke, to move from one's place; koneke, to slide along; a sledge; rekereke, the heel. [See Marquesan.] 2. A roller on which a canoe is dragged: Kei Awhitu, ko nga neke o Tainui—G.-8, 19: Kua takoto atu nga neke i te hokowhitu ra—P. M., 78.

Whaka-NEKENEKE, to cause to move along.

Samoan—ne‘e, to bear up, to lift up, as a boat lifted by the water; (b.) to inflate, to puff up, as with pride; nene‘e, and ne‘ene‘e, as ne‘e; fa‘a-ne‘ene‘e, to praise, to make much of; to pet.

Tahitian—nee, to crawl or creep, as an insect: Te mau mea o te repo e nee nei; All the things of the earth which creep. (b.) To move or sail, as a ship; (c.) swift of motion, as a vessel at sea; (d.) a journey or excursion; (e.) the company of those that go a journey; neenee, to crawl or move repeatedly; (b.) to sail or move repeatedly upon the water; faanee, a steersman; to steer a boat or ship; faaneenee, to steer repeatedly, or in different directions. Cf. neeneearo, to crawl, as the ro, or ant; neeneeatohe, to slide in a sitting posture; ance, ductilely, the quality of extension; to spread or extend, as a thing beaten out with a hammer; aronee, to draw near an enemy, by crawling along the ground, to fight; aunee, to bend oneself and creep, in order to avoid being seen; manee, movable, portable; to be able to move or manage; oneenee, to creep slowly; tainee, to crawl, to creep; to be shifting, as the wind; taneenee, to go carefully.

Hawaiian—nee, to move along horizontally; to move off; to hitch along; (b.) to move as a large body; to move from one place to another: I noho ai lakou ma ko lakou wahi iho, aole e nee hou aku lakou; That they may dwell in their proper homes, and move about no more. (c.) To pass along for inspection, as soldiers; (d.) to move, as a mass of people; to remove, as an object: Ka pukoa nui e nee ae nei—è; Oh, the great rocks of the reef all coming this way. Neenee, to move in various ways, and in different directions: to draw near or approach, as a marching army; (b.) to journey on towards a place; (c.) to draw near, to approach one to ask a question; (d.) to approach one to show respect and reverence; (e.) to go near one to kill him: E neenee aku oe, a e lele aku maluna ona; Go near and fall upon him (to slay him). (f.) To crawl on the hands and knees [Note.—This was the ancient manner in which the common people approached a chief]; (g.) to go beyond; to separate oneself from others; (h.) to go afar off; nenee, to draw to, to move along; hoo-nee. to remove, to push out of place, to change the place of a thing; (b.) to remove a landmark; (c.) to change the mind, or opinion. Cf. anee, to hitch or move along, like a cripple; to walk on one's knees; one who goes about from house to house begging, or telling fortunes; hanee, to fall flat, as a decayed house; to slip or slide down, as an avalanche; haneenee, to hitch along; paneenee, to move by little and little; to go ahead; paneeha, to haul along, to drag.

Tongan—neneke, to rise, to swell, to bulge; faka-neke, to rise heavily, as one in pain. Cf. maneke, to bulge, to push out.

Marquesan—neke, to move by walking on the heels.

Mangarevan—neki, to draw, to drag from a little distance; aka-neke, to come near; (b.) to have the trouble of journeying, carrying, &c.; (c.) to carry a heavy thing upon the shoulders; aka-neki, to draw back on one's tracks; akanekeneke, to carry, in the way of a parcel or bundle.

Paumotan — neke, to row, to paddle; (b.) to creep; neneke, to oppress; oppression.

NEKO, a mat: Kei whea o neko, i whakaputu mai ra—M. M., 18.

NEKUNEKU, to decline, as the sun.

NENE, a word used to call attention. Cf. manene, importunate, asking again and again; unene, to beg importunately; nana, See! Behold!

Mangarevan—nene, to importune, to entreat warmly.

NENE, extreme pleasure felt during sexual intercourse.

Whaka-NENE, to jest, to sport; (b.) to quarrel.

Samoan—cf. nene, the name of a game of play.

Hawaiian—ne, to tease; to fret, to be peevish, sour, sad; nene, to be on the point of breaking out, as war; (b.) to be excited, to be moved, as a company of persons at some unexpected news.

Tahitian — cf. nenene, agreeable, pleasant.

NETI, a small dart, used in play. Cf. niti, a dart, used in play.

Hawaiian—cf. neki, a bulrush.

Tongan—cf. liji, to throw with violence.

NIAO, the gunwale of a canoe: Me he niao waka—Prov.: E whakatitahatia ai te waka, kia mahi tetahi niao—A. H. M., v. 8. 2. The edge of any open vessel.

Hawaiian—niao, the sharp edge or corner of a board; the middle of a cocoanut leaf; (b.) an edge; a projection; (c.) a groove; (d.) a standing with the head and ears erect; (e.) the brim of a container, as a box, &c.; (f.) any substance with prominent corners. Cf. niau, the stem of a cocoanut leaf; to sail easily; niu, the cocoanut tree, and its fruit.

NIHINIHI, small, little. Cf. nohinohi, small; nukenuke, small.

NINIHI, small, little. Cf. nohinohi, small; nukenuke, small.

NINIHI, steep. Cf. manihi, to make steep; nanihi, distant; anini, giddy, dizzy. 2. To move stealthily; to sneak away: Kei ninihi atu koe i a ratou—Tin., xxii. 1. Cf. konihi, stealthy; avoiding observation; tapanihi, to go stealthily; to go on one side.

Whaka-NINIHI, to move stealthily.

Hawaiian—nihi, to do a thing quietly, silently, or secretly; carefully, quietly; to walk very carefully, as on tip-toe; (b.) to turn sideways upon entering a house; (c.) to abstain from doing certain things for fear of offending the gods; nihinihi, anything standing on the edge; the sharp ridge of a mountain; the corner of a square piece of timber, &c.; narrow-ridged, as a mountain sharp at page 267 the top; difficult; strait; ninihi, to walk on the edge of a precipice; hoo-nihinihi, to be full of ridges; to diminish upward; (b.) to take slender hold of a thing, as in fear of filth; (c.) to eat sparingly. Cf. anihinihi, near to falling off a precipice; kunihinihi, a steep ridge.

Samoan—cf. niniva, to be giddy.

Tahitian—cf. manihi, to slip or slide, as in climbing a smooth tree; manihinihi, uneasiness; to feel lassitude; tanini, to stagger, to reel; anini, dizziness.

Marquesan—nihi, to go away; to escape; to hide oneself. Cf. takanini, to swoon, to stagger.

Mangarevan—nihi, that which goes quickly; (b.) a kind of crustacean; nihinihi, to gesticulate with hands and feet; aka-nihinihi, to doubt. Cf. penihi, the edge of the road.

Tongan—cf. ninimo, giddy, dizzy.

NIHO, a tooth: He niho tapiki hoki tona niho—P. M., 39. Niho-tapahi, a front tooth (“cutting-tooth”); niho-kata, an eye-tooth; nihopu, or niho-purakau, a double tooth; niho-waha, or niho-hawa, a broken tooth; niho-tunga, a decayed tooth; tooth-ache; niho-tapiki, uneven or overlapping teeth; niho-kaiù, milk-teeth. 2. Sharp; a sharp cutting edge of a tool, &c.: He puruhia enei toki, kahore he niho—Wohl., Trans., vii. 46. For the charm against tooth-ache, commencing He tuna, he tara, &c., see S. T., 131.

Whaka-NIHONIHO, to grow in the shape of teeth. 2. To quarrel.

Samoan—nifo, a tooth: Faitalia se mea e oo mai ou te u lo‘u tino i o‘u nifo; Therefore I take my flesh in my teeth. (b.) A tusk; (c.) a horn; nifoa, having teeth; fa‘a-nifo, to make forked, as the upper end of a post, so as to receive a beam; fa‘a-nifonifo, toothed; jagged. Cf. nifoelo, having poisonous teeth, causing bad wounds, as dogs or wild hogs; nifougà, having bad teeth; nifotuimanu, an eye-tooth; nifopù, having a vacant space in the row of teeth; ‘aunifo, the row of teeth; muànifo, the front teeth.

Tahitian—niho, a tooth: Te nanairaa o tana nifo e ati noa e e mea riaria; His teeth are terrible round about. Cf. nihoafa, a broken tooth; nihomanumanu, the tooth-ache; ataniho, to smile (M.L. = kata-niho); mamauniho, to hold each other by the beak, as cocks do in fighting; Ruahine-nihoniho-roroa, the goddess of strife, cruelty, and murder; tariniho, the gums.

Hawaiian—niho, a tooth; teeth; to bite with the teeth: O ka niho i haiia, o ka wawae okupe; A broken tooth and a foot out of joint. (b.) The tooth of an animal, especially a whale's tooth; (c.) to indent; to set in like teeth; (d.) to lay a stone wall in a bank of earth; nihoniho, to set with teeth, as a saw; projecting, stretching out; rough; full of protuberances; hoo-niho, to set stones in a wall; stones inserted in a bank; a stone wall or hedge. Cf. nihoawa, poisonous; corroding; nihohui, tooth-ache; nihokai, tooth-ache; nihokahi, old age (“one tooth” remaining); nihomole, gapped, a gap; not regular; nihopalaoa, a neck ornament made from the ivory of the walrus or sea elephant, originally worn only by nobles; poniho, to uncover, to separate, as the lips from the teeth.

Tongan — nifo, a tooth; teeth: Bea e hinahina hono nifo i he hua huhu; His teeth will be white with milk. (b.) A horn; ninifo, large, full-grown; faka-nifo, to indent; to scoop out. Cf. teenifo, the gums.

Mangaian — nio, a tooth; teeth: Kua aati te nio o Veetini; The teeth of Veetini are broken.

Rarotongan—nio, a tooth; teeth: Kua aati oki aia i taku nio ki te kirikiri; He has also broken my teeth with gravel stones.

Marquesan—niho, a tooth: Te etua niho teea; The god with white teeth. Cf. nihonihokioe, a kind of plant.

Mangarevan—niho, a tooth: Meimei i te niho a kai nei; This food sets the teeth on edge. Nihoniho, dentated; aka-niho, to make a screw; (b.) to finish off food. Cf. koniho, tooth-ache; nihomamanu, tooth-ache; tekonio, dirt on the teeth.

Paumotan—niho, a tooth.

Ext. Poly.: Aneityum—cf. neihin, a tooth.

Malay — cf. gigi, a tooth; gigit, to bite. The following words mean “tooth”:—Malagasy, nify; Kayan, knipan; Sikayana, nitcho; Guaham, nifin; Sataval, ni, and ngi; Soloman Islands, nifo, and nifa; Magindano, nipun; Kisa, nihan; Manatolo, nihi; Savo, nuhsi; Tagal, ngipin; Bouton, nichi; Sula Islands, nihi; Saparua, nio; Matabello, nifoa; Vaiqueno (East), nissy; Brissi (West), nissin; Lifu, nyo; Iai, niou; Pentecost, liwo; Ulawa, niho; San Cristoval, (Wano,) riho; San Cristoval, (Fagani,) lifo; Malanta, (Saa, and Bululaha,) niho; Malanta, (Alite), livo; Vaturana, livo; Florida, livo; Aurora, liwoi; Bougainville Island, liho.

NiKAU, the New Zealand Palm Tree (Bot. Areca sapida): Me nga nikau c whitu tekau—Eko., xv. 27. [See also Niu.]

Samoan—cf. niu, the cocoanut tree (Bot. Cocos nucifera); (b.) the fruit of the cocoanut; niupiu, the fan palm (Bot. Pritchardia pacifica); niuvao, wild palms; niutetea, the albino cocoanut; aloiniu, the inner side of the kernel of the young cocoanut.

Tahitian—niau, the leaf or branch of the cocoanut tree. Cf. niu, a general name for the cocoanut tree; huniu, the cocoanut blossoms.

Hawaiian—niau, the stem of a cocoanut leaf. Cf. niao, the middle of a cocoanut leaf, the middle fibre thereof; niu, the cocoanut palm, and its fruit. [Note.—Under the old kapu (tapu) system, a female who had eaten a cocoanut was punished with death.]

Tongan—cf. niu, the cocoanut tree, and its fruit.

Mangarevan—nikau, the cocoa-palm. Cf. niu, the cocoa-palm while it is young.

Mangaian—cf. nu, the cocoanut palm.

Paumotan—cf. niu, the cocoanut palm.

Ext. Poly.: Malay—cf. nior, and nur, a cocoanut.

Dyaknju, a cocoanut. The following words mean the “cocoanut palm”:—Solomon Islands, niu; Java, nu; Guaham, nidjui; Lifu, niu; Yap, niu; Bicol, niyog, &c.

NIKO, to tie. Cf. taniko, the ornamental border of a mat.

Samoan—ni‘o, the rope of a sailing vessel; (b.) to bring the hand round behind in order to catch something; (c.) to do things in a semicircle; (d.) to cover up a bad word uttered; (e.) to say, and then to deny the meaning attached. Cf. fa‘a-tani‘o, to “go about the bush” in speaking.

Hawaiian—cf. nio, a page 268 kind of handsome kapa (native cloth); hoonionio, to embroider.

Tongan—cf. niko, variegated; takaniko, to surround; circles round the moon.

NIKO, wild Cabbage.

NINIA, to glow: E ninia te taha o te rangi, ka wera te Tihi-o-Manono i au—P. M., 63. Cf. ponini, to glow.

Tahitian—nia, done or roasted on one side, as breadfruit on the fire; faa-nia, to turn over, applied to anything in cooking.

Hawaiian—nia, bald; round and smooth; niania, shining, reflected light; (b.) calm, quiet, smooth, as an unruffled sea; (c.) smooth, shorn close, as the head; hoo-niania, to make smooth or fair on the outside.

Marquesan—ninia, to close the eyes in too strong light. [See comparatives of Pongipongi.]

NINIHI. [See under Nihinihi.]

NITI, a dart; to throw the dart in a game: Ka niti ano te iwi, a ka niti ano a Hutu—A. H. M., ii. 158. Cf. neti, a dart, thrown in play.

Tongan—cf. liji, to fling or throw with violence.

NIU, a means of divination by throwing small sticks; the sticks so thrown: Kei whakawareware i taku niu, kia toa—S. T., 139: Kia manu tenei niu, tenei te niu ka rere—Ika, 206: I tuhia mai ki te niu maka rapa—A. H. M., v. 4.

NIUA, to lay under a spell.

[Note.—The connection between the niu, divination, and “cocoanut,” may be that the cocoanut was used as a means of divination in the South Sea Islands. It was spun round, and the omen appeared in its manner of falling or stopping.]

Samoan—cf. niu, the cocoanut.

Tahitian—niu, a native spear, commonly made of niu, the cocoanut tree; (b.) the wake of a ship or canoe; (c.) to run, as a canoe, after the pullers cease paddling; (d.) to excel, as a cock in fighting; (e.) an appearance in the sky, taken as an omen of some unfavourable event; (f.) a foundation; the first row of stones in a wall; (g.) the side of a piece of timber, well adzed. Cf. niumate, the name of a certain ceremony and prayer to procure the favour of the gods; niupahi, the distance a ship runs on a tack.

Hawaiian—cf. niu, to whirl about in any way; to whirl, as a top; niuniu, to turn, to twist; niniu, to turn as a top; niu, the name of the cocoanut tree and its fruit; oniu, a top for spinning; pauniniu, to turn about as a top.

Marquesan—cf. niu, a top.

Tongan—cf. niu, the cocoanut tree and its fruit; taniu, a casting lots to know the origin of a disease.

Mangarevan—cf. niu, the cocoanut palm when it is young; to turn on itself; poniu, to turn, giddiness of the head, vertigo. [Ext Poly.: For comparatives, see Nikau.]

NIWA, great (one auth.).

NIWANIWA, unlimited.

NIWAREKA (myth.), the wife of Mataora. She left her husband on account of his having beaten her, and she went down to the Underworld (Po) to her father, Uetonga. Her husband followed her, and underwent the tattooing process, being the first mortal thus ornamented. Mataora then took his wife back to the world of Day; but he, having omitted to leave an offering with Kuwatawata, the janitor of Hades, was informed that he would be the last of the human race suffered to escape from the Kingdom of Death. Niwareka and Mataora had one child, named Papahu—A. H. M., ii. 5. 2. The canoe of Rata—A. H. M., i. 71. See Rata.]

NIWARU, the throbbing of the heart with joy or pleasant emotion. Cf. ru, to shake, vibrate.

NIWARU (myth.), the name of Rata's canoe, which was made by the fairies—Wohl., Trans., vii. 47. It is called Riwaru in the North Island. Also Niwareka, by White—A. H. M., i. 71.

NIWHA, the barb of a fish-hook. Cf. kaniwha, the barb of a fish-hook, the barb of a spear; riwha, chipped, gapped.

Whaka-NIWHA, to furnish with a barb: Ka kite ia he mea whakaniwha—P. M., 28.

Samoan—cf. lifa, sloping, as some small declivity; malifalifa, a hollow, a sunken place in the ground.

Tahitian—cf. rifa, a scar of any sort.

Hawaiian—cf. niha, rough, harsh.

NO, from, of, or belonging to: No te marangai koe?—P. M., 26. Cf. nou, thine; nona, his, &c. 2. Of past time, from: No mua no atu—P. M., 121. 3. Until; no-te-mea, because: Notemea e kore koutou e ahei te whakarongo ki taku kupu—Hoa., viii. 43. No reira, no kona, no konei, therefore, wherefore. No hea, if used interrogatively, sometimes expresses a negative.

Tahitian—no, of; belonging to: E pau fenua no Havaii; Finished is the world of Hawaiki. (b.) About; (c.) concerning. Cf. nou, thine.

Hawaiian—no, of; for; belonging to; concerning: Kuka iho la lakou no ke kaua ana; They consulted together respecting the war: Aole i maluhia ka aina no ke kaua pinepine; The land did not enjoy rest, on account of the frequent wars.

Rarotongan—no, of, from, or belonging to: Kia akaipoipo aia i tetai vaine no reira; For him to take a wife from that place. Cf. noea, whence.

Marquesan—no, of: Mau kaki Atanua no Atea; Atanua shades the neck of Atea. (b.) For; (c.) if.

Mangarevan — no, a sign of the genitive case, except in names of food, or of women, if spoken of by their husbands. (b.) Whence; noteaha, why?

Paumotan—no, of; belonging to.

NOA, made common; not under tapu or other restriction; without restraint: Kia eke mai ki te whakamama i te kohukohu ruahine o te waka nei, kia noa rawa ai—P. M., 72: Ka mutu tenei kua noa te iwi—A. H. M., i. 12. 2. Within one's power. 3. Of small account, of little moment: Na te tangata noa atu ranei taua tamaiti—P. M., 14. 4. Without restraint; outside bounds: Engari, me hoe rawa ki waho noa atu—P. M., 23: A hoki noa mai au ki to te tangata ahuatanga—P. M., 21. 5. with oneself. 6. Gratuitously. 7. At random, without object: Kei te noho noa iho ia i te kainga. 8. Fruitlessly: A e rapu noa ana ana tamariki i te ahuatanga o te Po, o te Ao—P. M., 7. 9. Intensive: quite, altogether, &c.: Po iho, ka haere ano, ao noa ka noho ano—P. M., 21. 10. Already. 11. Just, merely.

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Samoan—noa, of no account; (b.) without object, without cause; (c.) without fastening; noanoa, calm, quieted, hushed. Cf. talitalinoa, to wait uselessly; talanoa, to talk nonsense; to chat; talatalanoa, to take things easily, to live at ease.

Tahitian—noa, common, in opposition to raa, sacred; (b.) a word of common use, generally implying some negative idea: as tupu - noa, growing spontaneously; aroha-noa, to pity freely, to have compassion without any deserving cause; faa-noa, to profane, to make common; nonoa, to spurn each other, applied generally to husbands and wives; faa-nonoa, to spurn with disgust.

Hawaiian—noa, to be released from the restriction of a kapu (tapu); to take off a prohibition; to be released from restraint: Aole hoi i laha nui ka ai noa ia la; The free eating did not extend very far that day: Ia po no, ai no i ka loko o ka ilio noa; On that night indeed they ate the inwards of a dog not forbidden: No ka menemene o make i ka ai noa; Lest he should die by eating contrary to tapu. (b.) The lower or degraded class of people; a lower servant; a backwoodsman; (c.) a fire constantly burning, like a volcano; noanoa, a common man, a labourer; hoo-noa, to release one from tapu; (b.) to cause to become a prostitute.

Tongan — noa, random, trivial, worthless; (b.) undesigned, disengaged; (c.) dumb, dumbness; faka-noa, to be silent, to refrain from speaking; to be dumbfoundered; faka-nonoa, to gaze vaguely, to stare about; (b.) to appear thoughtful; to be silent, not knowing what to say, as the guilty when accused; (c.) to veer, as the wind. Cf. aganoa, foolish; ofoofonoa, unprepared, being taken by surprise; ohonoa, to rush without thought; foolhardy, headlong; launoa, to talk nonsense.

Marquesan—cf. noa, the mark of superlative degree, as itinoa, smallest, &c.; manoanoa, said of a canoe which is not sacred.

Mangarevan—noa, without ceasing; (b.) wholly, entirely; (c.) although; (d.) solely. Cf. nunuiroa, very great indeed; oranoa, immortality.

Paumotan—noa, single, simple; (b.) spontaneous, spontaneously; (c.) although; faka-noa, to abolish a prohibition.

NOHEA. [See Nowhea.]

NOHINOHI, small; plural nonohi: Korerotia tau wahi nohinohi kia rangona ai—M. M., 152: He ika ano à ratou torutoru nei, he mea nonohi—Maka, viii. 7. Cf. nukenuke, small.

Tahitian—cf. noinoi, small, diminutive; noninoni, very small; nainai, diminutive.

Samoan—cf. ni‘ini‘i, small, minute.

Hawaiian—cf. noinoi, small, as a dwarf; nahinahi, very small and fine.

Marquesan—nohinohi, short, spoken of a man.

Tongan—cf. noinoi, to limp, to hobble along.

NOHO, to sit: E noho, tena te au o Rangitaiki hei kawe i a koe—Prov. 2. To stay: Ko ia hoki, he roaroa tana noho ki Ahia—Nga mahi, xix. 22. 3. To dwell: Kia haere atu ia ki te rapu i taua wahi e noho nei raua—P. M., 13. Noho noa, to dwell at ease; noho noa iho, without a fixed object. 4. To cohabit: I noho a Tangaroa i a Papatuanuku—Whol., Trans., vii. 31. 5. To agree, to ratify.

NOHOIA, to be inhabited: He maha ano nga whenua kiano i nohoia e te pakeha—M. M., 123. (b.) To be sat upon.

NOHOANGA, a seat: Ka tapu koe i te nohoanga o Tangotango—P. M., 53: Kei tona nohoanga hoki i runga i te manga o te rakau—P. M., 17. 2. A dwelling: Ko taku nohoanga i roto i tona kopu—P. M., 17.

Samoan—nofo, to sit: Sa au filifili lo latou ala; sa ou nofo atu foi o le sili ia te i latou; I chose out a way for them, and sat as chief. (b.) To dwell: Mo ou nofo e pei o se tupu i ana ‘au; I dwelt as a king in the army. (c.) To live with: Ua nofo ai foi le tinà; His mother also lived with him. (d.) To cohabit with, as a wife; (e.) to remain; fa‘a-nofo, to cause to sit up; (b.) a secondary wife, introduced by the first wife; nofoa, a seat. Cf. nofoao, to be a titled chief; nofoali'i, a chief's seat; nofoàtau, the war-stool; nofofua, to be single, unmarried, of a woman; nofolelei, to dwell in peace; nofopologa, to be a slave; nofotane, to be married, of a woman; ‘aunofo, troops in reserve; lauganofo, to sit attentively, as when waiting for the enemy.

Tahitian—noho, to sit; (b.) to abide, dwell; (c.) the hinder ranks of an army set in array; nonoho, to dwell: Nonoho iho no laua; Dwelling together are they two. Nohoraa, a seat; a dwelling; the time or place of sitting; faa-noho, to cause to sit or abide; to place; one who places things or persons in their proper positions; one who fixes another on his land. Cf. nohotahaa, one who abides in the unmarried state; to dwell or sit naked.

Hawaiian—noho, to sit; a seat: E hele no anei ko oukou poe hoahanau i ke kaua, a e noho no oukou manei; Will your brothers go to the war, and you sit here? (b.) A place of staying or dwelling; to dwell, to tarry in a place: Ke akua noho i ka iuiu; The god dwells afar off. (c.) To be in a certain condition, or to exhibit a certain character: as e noho malie, to live quietly; nohonoho, to sit together; hoo-noho, to cause one to sit, dwell, &c.; (b.) to establish or appoint one to any particular place or business; (c.) to set forth a declaration of some facts in history; (d.) to lay a foundation, as of a building; (e.) a builder, an architect; hoo-nohonoho, to put together in order; nohoana, a sitting, a dwelling, a living; (b.) moral character. Cf. nohoaloha, friendly; at peace; nohopia, to dwell in captivity; nohopaa, to establish, to confirm; anoho, a custom, a practice.

Tongan—nofo, to dwell, abide: Akoe oku nofo i he fonua; You that dwell in the land. (b.) A seat; to sit: Naaku nofo i hoku fale; As I sat in my house. Nonofo, to dwell together; the state or circumstances of persons dwelling together; nofoa, a seat; nofoaga, a dwelling-place, a habitation; fakanofo, to appoint; to inaugurate; coronation; nomination; to consecrate; (b.) to espouse; faka-nofo, to call people to their proper places in the kava party [see Kawa]; (b.) to teach a baby to sit up.

Rarotongan—noo, to sit: Ko koe e toou au oa e noo ki mau ia koe ra; You and your companions that sit before you. (b.) To dwell, to remain, to stay: E noo ua atu ei ki ona i etai ra; Stay with him a few days: Noo mai koe i te aiai; Remain thou, until the evening.

Mangarevan—noho, to remain, to stay, to dwell: Kua noho Maui-Matavaru io te tupuna; Maui the Eight-eyed lived with his grandfather. Nohonoho, said of a stone placed well in position; nohonohonoho, to page 270 make a long stay; aka—noho, to cause to sit; (b.) to take possession; (c.) to place a stone or piece of wood in position; aka-nohonohoaga, marriage; cohabitation; nohoka, a seat. Cf. nohohenua, a husbandman; nohomuo, to kneel down, to rest on the knees; nohoio, to sit down.

Marquesan—noho, to sit, to rest: E noho, Tanaoa, no te haehae; Rest, Tangaroa, upon the curling wave. (b.) To dwell: A noho una, a nonoho atu; They dwelt above, they dwelt beyond. Nonoho, to dwell: Tanaoa hakapi a nonoho i na ani atoa; Tangaroa filled and dwelt in the whole heavens. Hakanoho, to set, to place: Ua hakanoho oia ieia te enata aia i pepena; There he placed the man whom he had made. Cf. nohoko, a seat; nohoteitei, to be exalted, seated on high.

Futuna — cf. nofi, to sit; to dwell in.

Paumotan—noho, to dwell, reside; (b.) to rest; faka-noho, to dwell; (b.) to cause to sit down; nohohaga, an abode; to stay; to dwell; nohoraga, a dwelling-place. Cf. haunoho, to sojourn, stay; tainoho, resident.

Ext. Poly.: Motu — cf. noho, to dwell.

Sikayana — cf. noho, to sit; to stay. Lampong - cf. noo, a house.

NOHOKU (nòhoku), mine, a lengthened form of noku: He aroha whakauru, nohoku nei ki reira—M. M., 79. [See Noku.]

NOHO-TINEINEI, to sit on one's heels, ready to jump up. Cf. noho to sit; tineinei, ready to move [For comparatives, see Noho, and Neinei.]

NOHOU (nòhou), thine. A lengthened form of nou. [See Nou.]

NOHUNOHU, unpalatable, nauseous.

Mangarevan — cf. nohunohu, breadfruit when the skin is harsh and rough; nohu, the name of a fish having poisonous spines, and which hides in the sand.

NOI, to be elevated, to be high up. Cf. inoi, prayer; to beg. to pray.

NONOI, urgent. 2. Distigured.

Whaka-NOI, to hang up, to elevate: Ka poua ki te rakau, ka whakanoia taua hei—P. M., 177.

Samoan—fa'a-noi, to raise the hand in order to strike, or as threatening to do so; (b.) to ask permission.

Hawaiian—cf. noi, to beg, to beseech, to ask; to ask earnestly, to ask as in prayer; noiau, wisdom; to be wise; noili, knowledge, skill.

Tongan—cf. fakanoi, to urge, to incite.

Marquesan—cf. nonoi, to demand; to beg for; inoi, to beg, to beg for.

Mangarevan—cf. inoi, to demand.

Paumotan—cf. nonoi, to invoke; to overawe; to protest; to complain; to exact, to require.

NOKE, an earth-worm. Cf. toke, an earth-worm; nuke, crooked, humped; oke, to struggle, to writhe; ngaoki, to creep, to crawl.

NONOKE (nònoke), to struggle together, to wrestle: Nui whakaharahara nga nonoketanga i nonoke ai maua ko toku tuakana—Ken., xxx. 8.

Whaka-NOKENOKE, to tie a man hand and foot.

Marquesan — cf. noke, to trail or drag oneself along.

NOKO, the stern of a canoe: Tahi mai ano i te ihu, a te noko atu ana—P. M., 52.

Tahitian—noo, the stern of a canoe; faanoo, to put a square stern to a canoe. Cf. panoo, a board in the stern of a canoe; tanoo, a steersman; to steer.

Samoan—cf. no'o, the hips.

Tongan—cf. noko, the hips; nokonoko, large on the hips; faka-noko, to bulge out, as the hips.

NOKU (nòku), mine, belonging to me: Na, naku tenei ika, noku enei whare—P. M., 121. Cf. no, belonging to; naku, mine; toku, my, &c.

Tahitian—no‘u, mine: No‘u noa iho hoi to te ao atoa nei; All the whole world is mine.

Hawaiian—no‘u, my, mine; for me: No‘u no ka aina no ka mea hoi; The land and its belongings are mine.

Rarotongan—noku, my, mine; for me: Kare aina koe i vaoo i tetai meitaki noku? Have you not reserved a blessing for me?

Marquesan — no‘u, belonging to me; of me.

Paumotan—noku, mine.

NONA (nòna), his, belonging to him, or her: Hei tikitiki nona te harakeke i Otoi—P. M., 139.

Tahitian—nona, his, hers, its: Ei metua vau nona; I will be his father.

Hawaiian—nona, his, here, its: Alaila e hui oia me ia i ka hapalima o ka moni au i manao ai a e lilo ia nona; Add the fifth part of the price and it shall be his.

Rarotongan—nona, his: No te mea kare ia nona; Because it is none of his.

Ext. Poly.: Fiji—cf. nona, his.

NONAHEA, interrogative (of time past): From what time? At what time? When? Cf. no, a sign of past time; ahea, When?

NONAIANEI (of time past,) to-day; just now: He mea puta hou ake nonainei—Tiu., xxxii. 17. Cf. aianei, now, to-day; about this time; nei, implying position near the speaker; inaianei, just now (in time past). [For comparatives, see Inaianei.]

NONAKUARA, a little while ago. Cf. inakuara, a little while ago.

NONAMATA, a long time ago. Cf. no, a sign of past time; namata, former times; inamata, formerly.

NONANAHI, yesterday. Cf. inanahi, yesterday; tainanahi, yesterday. [For comparatives, see Inanahi.]

NONAOAKE, the day before yesterday. Cf. inaoake, two days ago.

NONAOAKENUI, three days ago. Cf. nonaoake, two days ago.

NONAPO (nonapò), last night. Cf. no, a sign of past time; po, night; inapo, last night. [For comparatives, see Inapo.]

NONAWHEA. [See Nonahea.]

NONE, to consume, to waste.

NONI, crooked, bent; a bend, a turn. Cf. panoni, to change; kononi, crooked. 2. A fish-hook.

Tahitian—cf. noninoni, very small.

Hawaiian—noni, turning the eyes up, down, or sideways in attempting to recollect some fact, or in being perplexed, as the mind with something not clear; confused, as the mind; doubtful; anxious, Cf. anoni, to mix together several ingredients; to revolve in one's mind.

Mangarevan—noni, lame, crippled; to limp; (b.) to walk in a vacillating manner.

NONO, the intestines

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NONOHI, small. [See Nohinohi.]

NONOKO, the ant.

NONOKURA, red. Cf. kura, red.

Samoan — cf. nonu‘ula, the red kind of Malay apple (Eugenia malaccensis).

Tahitian—cf. nono, the sour apple, and the tree which bears it.

Hawaiian—cf. nono, to be fresh, or red in the face, from exercise; to be sunburnt, or red from the heat of the sun; redness; a dark red or purple colour.

Mangarevan—cf. nono, the name of a tree, and its fruit.

NOTEMEA, because; “from the fact of”: Notemea i a ia te mohiotanga—G.-8, 26.

Mangarevan—notemea, because.

Tahitian—notemea, because: Notemea, ua faarue ratou ia‘u; Because they have forsaken me. [See under No.]

NOTI, to pinch or constrict, as with a band or ligature; constriction: Ko te noti, ko te noti; ko te here, ko te here—Ika., 223. Cf. nati, to pinch or constrict by means of a ligature. Nonoti i te kaki, to throttle: E notii pu te kaki o te tamaiti ra, a ka mate ia—A. H. M., v. 8. 2. A mountain pass, a hollow between two mountains.

NONOTI, to pinch or constrict, as with a band or ligature; constriction: Ko te noti, ko te noti; ko te here, ko te here—Ika., 223. Cf. nati, to pinch or constrict by means of a ligature. Nonoti i te kaki, to throttle: E notii pu te kaki o te tamaiti ra, a ka mate ia—A. H. M., v. 8. 2. A mountain pass, a hollow between two mountains.

Whaka-NOTI, to draw together with a cord, as a bag, &c. 2. To bank up a fire with ashes, to prevent its going out. Cf. kaunoti, a stick used to make fire by friction.

Samoan—cf. noati, to tie up animals; noa, a girdle of ti (Cordyline) leaves; noaunu, a slipknot; noataga, a tie.

Tahitian—cf. nati, to tie or bind with a cord.

Marquesan—cf. nati, to tie.

Tongan—cf. nootaki, to tie up, fasten; noo, to tie together; nuji, a garland, a wreath of flowers.

Mangarevan—cf. nati, to tie with a running knot.

NOU (nòu), thine: E Rehua! he kino kainga nou—P. M., 36.

Tahitian—nou, thine. Cf. no, belonging to.

Hawaiian—nou, thy, thine; of thee; for thee, &c.: E kaukau nou, e Lono; An altar for thee, oh Rongo.

NOWHEA (also nohea,) whence? Ha! nowhea to koutou toko-rima! Cf. no, from; belonging to; whea what place? [For comparatives, see No, and Whea.]

NUI, great, large: I huna iho hoki koe ki roto ki te hopara nui a Toi—P. M., 65. Cf. whanui, broad, wide. 2. Superior; of high rank. 3. Riches, wealth. 4. In public.

NUNUI (plural), many: E ua patapata nunui, ka mate au—P. M., 63.

NUINGA, a party, an assembly of people: Ka hoki a Ngatoro ki te nuinga, ka korero ki a ratou—P. M., 91.

Whaka-NUI to extol, to exalt. 2. To exaggerate. 3. To aggrandise. 4. To fulfil an engagement, to keep one's word.

Samoan—nui, to be great; to increase, as wind, or pain. Cf. nunu, to crowd together.

Tahitian—nui, great, large: Havaii nui raa; Hawaiki great and sacred. Nunui, to be great. Cf. tanui, to enlarge.

Hawaiian—nui, size; increase; multitude; magnitude; fulness; to be large; great, large: Auhea la ka mea nui i kuena ai oukou ia oukou iho! Where is the great thing for which you boast yourselves? (b.) To swell, to enlarge; (c.) to raise, as the voice; hoo-nui, to add to, to increase; (b.) to magnify; haa-nui, to speak proudly; to vaunt, to brag; nuinui, to be very great; to increase; nunui, very large; to be large, to be numerous; (b.) to grow up, as a child; hoo-nuinui, to increase greatly; to raise, as the voice.

Marquesan — nui, much, large, great, strong (plural, nunui): I tenei he pahei nui haka ia; Here a great division was made. Haka-nui, to multiply: A tupu outou, a hakanui; Be fruitful and multiply. Cf. aanui, a high-road, highway, a beaten track.

Mangarevan—nui, great, large: Oro! motu te vahi nei! Behold, the large portion broke. (b.) Numerous; nunui, very great; aka-nui, to make large, to augment, to aggrandise; aka-nunui, to exaggerate, to amplify. Cf. nuinuinoa, as great as possible; nuipu, the middle; to cut in halves; punui, a chief town.

NUIPUKU, a great quantity. Cf. nui, great, large; puku, a swelling, a protuberance. [For comparatives, see Nui, and Puku.]

NUKA, to deceive: Na te aha koutou i nuka ai i a matou?—Hoh., ix. 22. Cf. nukarau, to deceive; nuke, crooked.

NUKANUKA, shuffling, prevaricating.

Paumotan—cf. nukanuka, to double, to fold, to plait.

NUKARAU, to deceive: Kaua e tukua mai, kei nukurautia koe—P. M., 22. 2. Deceitful; evil: Katahi ano aua uri tutu nei ka mahi nukarau ki nga ika—A. H. M., i. 37. Cf. nuka, to deceive; nuke, crooked; hangarau, to jest with, to befool; rauhanga, deceitful.

NUKE, crooked, humped. Cf. noke, an earthworm; nuka, to deceive.

NUKENUKE, small. Cf. nohinohi, small.

Samoan—cf. ni‘ini‘i, small.

Tahitian—cf. nainai, small; noinoi, small.

Mangarevan—cf. nik, small; ninika, very small; nikoka, small.

Ext. Poly.: Silong—cf. nek, small.

NUKU (myth.), the god of the Rainbow (for Uenuku). [See Uenuku.] 2. Space, personified—Col., Trans., xiii. 69. 3. [See Koroti (myth.)]

NUKU, a wide extent: Te ara a te Maori i toro mai ai i te nuku o te moana i tae mai ai ki enei motu—G.-8, 17: Haere atu ki te amiomio, i te nuku o te whenua—G. P., 268. 2. Space. 3. The Earth (for Papa-tu-a-nuku). 4. A portion of the earth. 5. Far off.

Samoan—nu‘u, a district or town: Ia ilia le pu i le nuu; Blow the trumpet in the land. (b.) A country, or island: O le fea lenei nu‘u? What is this country ? Auà ua faatafunaina le nuu uma; The whole district is spoiled. (c.) People: Na te aueesea loto o alii sili o nuu o le lalolagi; He takes away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth. Fa‘a-nu‘u, to be like a people. Cf. nunu, to crowd; an assembly; nu‘utuloto, an island; nu‘ututai, an islet near to the mainland; aganu‘u, to act according to the customs of one's own country; atunu‘u, a chain or group of islands; vainu‘u, the space between two islands; polenu‘u, to die (lit. “night in the land”).

Tahitian—nuu, a fleet of canoes; an army or host passing by land or water; (b.) to slide along, to glide; faa-nuu, to pro- page 272 cure or gather a nuu, or fleet; (b.) to slide or move along to another place. Cf. raanuu, a large collection of food for visitors; tanuu, to form a fleet; tanuunuu, to encamp leisurely from place to place.

Hawaiian—nuu, a raised place in the temple where the god dwelt, and where the offerings were placed; (b.) evenness; an evenly raised surface; (c.) a wide space; the air; the firmament; O na hoku i ka nuu paa; The stars in the firmament. (d.) To rise, or swell up; to be full, or high; hoo-nuu, to eat much; to devour food greedily; to have a swelled stomach. Cf. manuu, and manuunuu, great, immeasurable, vast; multitudinous; a small round hill; a knob; to boll.

Mangaian—nuku, a host; an army: I Rangikapua te nuku o te atua; The host of the god is at Rangikapua.

Mangarevan — nuku, the earth; (b.) a country; (c.) a place.

Paumotan—nuku, a crowd, a throng.

NUKUMAITORE (myth.), a fairy or elvish people, found by Whiro and Tura. [See Tura.] They were peculiar in shape: their arms and legs being so short that they seemed to have no limbs at all. Their haunts were the kiekie (Freycinetia) leaves and fruit; they sat among the foliage, waving their hands and short arms. Tura's wife was of this race. Their children were always born by the Cæsarian operation. The Nuku-mai-tore were seen also by Pungarehu, and his friend Kokomukahaunei, who were driven away to foreign lands by a storm. Pungarehu cooked some whale's flesh as food for these fairies, and killed a pouakai (man-eating bird) with his stone axe—A. H. M., ii. 32. [See Pungarehu, Pouakai, and Tura.]

NUKUMERA (myth.), a son of Rangi-potiki, the Prop of Heaven [see Toko] and Papa-tu-a-nuku. His brothers were Tu, Tangaroa, Rongo, &c. He was born twin with Rongomarae-roa—S. R., 18.

NUKUNUKU, shuffling, prevaricating. Cf. nuka, to deceive; nuke, crooked.

NUKUPOURI (myth.), a chief of the Fairy people; he is mentioned in incantations—S. R., 50.

NUKUROA (myth.), a heavenly personage dwelling in a place called Tamatea-kai-whakapua. He was visited by the god Tane—A. H. M., i. 135.

NUKUTAIMEMEHA (myth.), a name of the canoe of Maui—A. H. M., ii. 70.

NUKUTERE (myth.), the canoe in which Whironui came to New Zealand. [See under Arawa.]

NUKUTAWHITI (myth.). [See Tuputupuwhenua.]

NUMI, to disappear behind, or into: Ka nunumi, ka tawha ki te tara o Poutu-te-raki nei — A. H. M., i. 117: Ka nunumi ki roto ki te awa — A. H. M., v. 49. Cf. henumi, to disappear, to be out of sight; hanumi, to be swallowed up; konumi, to fold, to double; tanumi, to disappear behind an object.

NUNUMI, to disappear behind, or into: Ka nunumi, ka tawha ki te tara o Poutu-te-raki nei — A. H. M., i. 117: Ka nunumi ki roto ki te awa — A. H. M., v. 49. Cf. henumi, to disappear, to be out of sight; hanumi, to be swallowed up; konumi, to fold, to double; tanumi, to disappear behind an object.

NUNUMI, ashamed: Numinumi noa ana, kopikopi noa ana, e te whakama ra—G. P., 119: Ka mate tera i te whakama, ka nunumi—Wohl., Trans., vii. 36.

NUMINUMI, ashamed: Numinumi noa ana, kopikopi noa ana, e te whakama ra—G. P., 119: Ka mate tera i te whakama, ka nunumi—Wohl., Trans., vii. 36.

Whaka-NUNUMI, to disappear.

Samoan—numi, to be involved, to be intricate; (b.) to rumple, to crush together without folding up; (c.) to be jobbled, as the sea; (d.) a gather of a dress (plural nunumi); fa'a-numinumi, to cause to be wrinkled or puckered. Cf. ma'anumi, wrinkled, puckered; fa'a-ma'a-numinumi, to wrinkle.

Tongan—numi, to gather-in sewing; to plait; to pucker, crease; faka-numinumi, to crease. Cf. fenumi, to be hidden by other things; fenuminumiaki, to cover up or over, to conceal; manumi, creased or crimped, not folded.

Mangarevan—nunumi, to press strongly; (b.) to imprint; (c.) to seal up; numinumi, to loathe inwardly; (b.) lasting anger.

NUNANGA (Moriori,) a band, fillet, cincture; to bind.

NUNUKU (myth.), a chief mentioned in Moriori tradition. By his command all fighting ceased in the quarrels which arose after the people of Moe-a-Rauru came in the Oropuke canoe—Trans., xviii. 28.