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A Dictionary of Mangareva (Or Gambier Islands)



  • U (ù), the breast; the nipple. 2. Milk, 3. barking, baying; to bark. 4. Cheers of mockery or contempt. 5. To shout after, to hoot at.

    Akau (aka-ù), to commence: said of a sickness. 2. To offer, to present. 3. The lowlands, the shore.

    Uu, an exclamation: “Look!” “Look here!” 2. To slip, to glide easily. 3. To break wind (pedite).

  • Ua, the parts of generation. 2. The genital glands. 3. The thighs. 4. When employed alone it denotes plurality, a conjoint plurality.

    Uaga (uàga), efforescence; the blooming-time of floweres. 2. Abundance of fruit. 3. Between the thighs.

  • Ua (ùa), rain. Cf. ragiua. Uamakamiki, fine rain. 2. A ball; a hand-ball for games.

    Uaua (ùaùa), a rainy sun, giving more than ordinary heat. 2. A tendon. 3. A vein.

    Uaua, a small portion; a little piece. Cf. uagake.

    Akauaua (aka-ùaùa), not to listen to counsel or advice; deaf to reason.

  • Uagake (uagàke), of short stature; low in height. Cf. uaua.

  • Uai (ùai), to sink a piece of wood into ground where there are no stones. 2. To make a lever get a purchase under a stone. 3. To make a lever get a purchase under a stone. 3. To push a canoe or raft into the water. Cf. vai, vaihaga.

  • Uaihaga (ùaihaga), to sink the basket for taking fish.

  • Uaikai (ùaikài), to take food (maa) from the hole. Cf. kai.

  • Uairua (ùairùa), to weave like twill, double-milled. Cf. uatai.

  • Uaitai (ùaitai), to weave with simple warp and woof. Cf. tahi, uarua.

  • Uaiti, retention of urine; stricture.

  • Uakai, one who gathers fruit before it is ripe; a waster of fruit.

  • Uareka (uarèka), the name of a tree.

  • Uata, a cross-piece of wood on a hand-net.

    Akauata, to carry somewhere else; to transport. 2. A piece of wood that supports the circel of a net.

  • Uatagamarie, to dispose with care: Uata marie te keu, To prepare carefully for the fight.

  • Uatu, a variety of banana. Cf. huatu. See tovaeuatu.

  • Uaua. See under ua.

  • Ue (ùe), a lever; to lift with a lever, or anything used as a lever. 2. To drive any one away from the land on which he has settled. Plural, ueue (ùeùe). Cf. urukeke.

    Akaue (aka-ue), to demand, to ask for. 2. To carry orders. 3. To ordain; to regulate; to direct. 4. To call to war; a call to war, a muster, a levy; he who calls to war.

    Akauea (aka-uea), loose, slackened, not rigid.

    Ueitepapatahutihuti, to root up; to be torn up by the root; to fall.

  • Uga, to send, to despatch. Ugauga, plural of the action and of the persons sent.

  • Ugauga, crumbs, little pieces. Cf. huga.

    Akaugauga (aka-ùgaùga), not to be able to cook well.

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  • Uha, the thigh, the breech. Cf. huha. E. matagi no te uha, with the wind aft.

    Akauhauha (aka-ùhaùha), to make efforts to go to stool; to strain to evacuate the bowels.

  • Uhe, a calabash still on the plant, not gathered. 2. The name of a fish. 3. A cry of impatience, of contempt. Cf. uhere.

  • Uhere, a cry of impatience, of contempt. Cf. uhere.

  • Uhi, the yam.

  • Uhi, to extinguish fire with water; to put linen or cloth to soak.

    Uniuhi, to cover over. 2. To hide, to conceal. 3. To fill in the spaces between the stones of an arch with smallar stones.

  • Uho, the pith of trees: by extension the soft part of any interior, such as the crumb of a loaf, &c. Plural, uhouho.

  • Uhorega (uhorèga), the name of one kind of banana.

  • Uhu, the name of three fish, generally found together. 2. Fish that can be taken with the kavei. 3. To disappear. 4. To gather fruit, berries, &c., without breaking them from the stalk. 5. To obtain a thing for one's self.

  • Uhuate (ùhuàte), the name of a fish.

  • Uhure, to open. 2. To uncover. 3. To unfold, to unroll.

  • Uhuti, to pull up by the roots. Cf. hutihuti.

  • Ui (ùi), to ask, beg, request. 2. To question. Cf. eui. 3. To gather with the hand. Cf. uui. Plural, uiui (ùiùi).

  • Uiai, to ask for with exactitude and repeatedly.

  • Uiui, to cover over. 2. See under ui.

  • Uka, to hold firmly in the ground. Cf. niaukauka. 2. To be difficult to root up or to cut down. 3. To hold firmly to an opinion; adhering stedfastly; holding fast.

    Akauka (aka-uka), to force from; to pull away; to strain to expel from a place.

    Ukauka (ùkaùka), hard to chew, difficult to bruise with the teeth.

  • Uka, forth that comes from the mouth. Cf. ukahare, huka.

    Ukauka, froth that comes from the mouth or nose of drowned persons.

  • Ukahare, decay, rottenness; filth that exists from the decay of a house. Cf. uka and hare.

  • Ukau, the scanty bark of the tumei.

  • Ukauka. See uka (to hold firmly), and uka (forth).

  • Uki, to stir the fire, to break the fire with a stick, &c. Cf. huki. 2. To allude to; to make remarks on.

    Ukiuki, a sinking down; a breaking-in of a surface. 2. Pains, shooting pains. 3. Pains of childbirth.

  • Ukiake, to stir the fire from above with a pole.

  • Ukou (ukòu), swellings, bloatedness; to swell up. Plural, ukoukou (ukòukòu).

  • Ukui (ukùi), to wipe, to wipe off. 2. To scrape, to scratch.

    Ukukui, to wipe for a long time or many times.

  • Umagaha (umàgàha), to have a pain in the stomach after eating.

  • Umavakavaka, the centre of the bosom; between the breasts. Cf. vakavaka.

  • Ume, the name of a fish that has a horn. See tahaga.

  • Ume. See akaumeume.

  • Umere (umère), a train, a retinue of followers. 2. To accompany one's superior. 3. To walk in a crowd of others. Plural, umeumere (ùmeùmere).

  • Umi, a species of sea-calf.

  • Umoko, one kind of priest attendant on images of the gods. 2. A sacred person.

  • Umu, the name of a fish: it is thick in proprtion to its length, and is black.

  • Umu (ùmu), a native oven. Cf. areumu, uruumu, pakuumu. Piroumuahi, heavy sweat, like that of an oven.

    Akaumu (aka-ùmu), to put or cause something to be put into a heated oven, on to the heated stones.

  • Umuhuke (umuhùke), to hate one's social superiors. 2. Vengeance; reprisals.

  • Una (ùna), to hide. Cf. atahuna. 2. To chew one's words, to mouth words. 3. To stammer; to falter; to pronounce badly. 4. To speak with timidity and embarrassment. Unauna (ùnaùna), shows prolonged action.

    Unaga (unàga), the action of una.

    Unauna, to hide habitually.

  • Unagakotava (unàgakotàva), a pantry, safe, place for keeping food.

  • Unahi (unàhi), the scale of a fish; to remove the scales. Unahiga (unahìga), the action of removing the scales, &c.

    Unaunahi, small scales.

  • Unauna. See under una.

  • Unehe, small, dwarfish; a dwarf: used of fruit, bread-fruit, men, &c. Cf. nehe.

  • Uneune (ùneùne), a resounding drum.

  • Unu (ùnu), a piece of wood used as a mark of a fishing-ground. 2. A piece of wood on which one throws himself into the sea. 3. To drink. Cf. unuvai. 4. To eat porridge or soup.

    Unuunu, to mark with a piece of wood a place one does not wish crowded.

  • Unuga-Vai, a drink, a beverage. Cf. unu and vai. 2. The action of drinking.

  • Unuhi, to take off; to pull off or out; to change one's dress. 2. To carry off somewhere. Plural, unuunuhi. 3. To draw a knife, &c.

  • Unuhiua, to drag away everything; to pull everything out or off. Cf. unu. 2. To finish, to end; to achieve. Plural, unuunuhiua.

  • Unuunukoke, passing, transitory; dwelling for a short time in a place.

  • Uo, the sound of words spoken right into the ear.

    Uouo, the bass notes of the marine conch-shell.

  • Uoke; to be disobedient; deaf from stubbornness (for hu oke). Cf. uoko.

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  • Uoko, headstrong, wilful, stubborn. Cf. uoke.

  • Uouo. See under uo.

  • Upaki. See akaupaki.

  • Upoko, the head of a man or animal. [Oho is used as the head of a man only.] Cf. utohupoko.

    Akaupoko (aka-ùpòko), to swim on the surface: said of a fish that lifts its head. Plural, aka-upoupoko (aka-ùpòùpòko).

  • Upokoroa, one who sleeps constantly, a sluggard.

  • Ura, a flame; to burn. Cf. aura, ranura, kana-kanaura. 2. A kind of cray-fish. 3. A lobster. Cf. kovakeura.

    Akaura (aka-ùra), to light, to set fire to. 2. To burn, to inflame. 3. To blow the fire. Plural, akauraura (aka-ùraùra).

    Uraura (ùraùra), quick leaping flames. 2. An inflamed countenance. 3. On fire, in flames; ignited. 4. To burn for a long time.

  • Urari (uràri), to rumple, to wrinkle. 2. To be broken; trodden under foot, ruined.

    Urarirari, to be altogether broken up and ruined. Cf. ururari.

  • Ure, the male organ, the penis of a man. Syn. tore.

    Akaurega (aka-urèga), an opening, a chink.

  • Urei, to uncover the eye by doubling back the upper and lower eyelids.

    Akaurei, to uncover the eye when some small object has got into it.

  • Urete, a cry to cause fear. Syn. Ute! Cf. urute.

  • Uri, to turn upside-down; to reverese. Cf. huri. 2. The rudder or helm. 3. The name of a small fish. 4. To throw the leaf-fillet in fishing. 5. To accuse some one so as to excuse one's self; to throw the wrong on another; to traduce. Cf. akatouri, mouri. Uri kopu noa nanatu, to “go as you please,” not in regular order.

    Uriaga, the action of turning in sleep.

    Akauri (aka-ùri), to cause to turn; to turn over; to present another face.

    Akauriuri (aka-ùriùri), to keep turning, to revolve continually.

  • Urigaru, to be tossed about, turned over and over by the force of waves. Cf. uri, garu.

  • Urike-Urike, to doubt, to hesitate. 2. Sometimes one way, sometimes another.

  • Uriuri (ùriùri), very dark; black. Cf. (auriuri, pouri.) 2. The colour of the deep sea; also said of bright, vivid colours.

    Akauriuri (aka-ùriùri), to make blue, to tint blue.

  • Uroku, the name of a shrub.

  • Uru (ùru), south-west. 2. The south-west wind. 3. The nature, the kind, species. Cf. huru. 4. The hair on the body. Cf. huru. 5. A feather. Cf. huru. 6. The name of a handsome sade-tree. 7. To repair a mat by weaving or patching pieces in. 8. To cry out on account of the presence of a god.

    Akauru (aka-ùru), to replace the old links in a chain. 2. To put new flowers or ornaments in a garland made some time before. 3. To attempt to enter or advance. 4. To make vegetation flourish. 5. To stuff, to cram; to stuff and animal. Plural, akauruuru (aku-ùruùru).

    Uruuru (ùruùru), the eyebrows; the eyelashes. 2. The hair on the body. Cf. rouru. 3. A filament, thread. 4. The root of the ti (Cordyline) plant.

  • Uru-I-Te-Moana, to duck a person in the sea.

  • Urua (urùa), the name of a large and handsome fish, a scomber.

  • Uruga (urùga), a pillow.

    Akauruga (aka-uruga), a pillow, a bolster. 2. To put the head down on the bed. Akaururuga (aka-ùruùruga), plural of the action; akauruga-akauruga (aka-uruga-aka-uruga), another plural of the action.

  • Uruhara (uruhàra), to regret; to sigh; to weep suddenly.

  • Urukeva, a term of contempt towards poor people.

  • Uruke, to rail at. Plural, urukeuruke.

    Urukeke, a lever. Cf. ue.

    Urukeke (urukèke), to chase away with a stick. 2. To raise with a lever.

  • Urumanu (urumànu), common people; the herd; poor. 2. A feather. Cf. uru and manu.

  • Urunui (urunùi), to be feeble, sluggish; slow in moving when awakened. Uruurunui (uruurunùi) denotes a stronger action than urunui.

  • Urupatiu, west a quarter south; the wind west a quarter south. Cf. tiu.

  • Urupatoga, south a quarter west; the wind south a quarter west. Cf. toga.

  • Urupau, the gunnel of a canoe.

    Urupaupau (urapàupàu), the seat in the stern of a canoe. Cf. urutago.

  • Ururari, to spoil, to spoil, to waste. 2. To overthrow; to swallow up; to destroy entirely.

  • Urureka (ururèka), to have confidence in; to trust to.

  • Ururoa (ùruròa), of great dignity. 2. Of good quality, rich.

  • Ururu (urùru), to catch in the teeth: said of food.

  • Urutago (urutàgo), to make a seat on a raft. Cf. urupau.

  • Urutara, to be repugnant. 2. To be spiny bossy. Cf. tara. Plural, uruurutara (ùruùrutàra).

  • Urute, cries to frighten and cause fear. Cf. urete, ute.

  • Urutea (urutèa), scattered, spread here and there: only said of white things. Cf. tea.

  • Urutu (ùrutù), to be satiated.

  • Urutupu (urutùpu), the cranium; the top of the head.

  • Uruua (ùruùa), to have a fever. 2. To be possible to pass on, to continue. Plural, uruuruua (ùruùruùa).

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  • Uruumu, tongs. 2. A pole for stirring the stones of the oven. Cf. umu.

  • Uruuru. See under uru.

  • Uta (ùta), an expression denoting “towards the mountain,” when on land; “towards the land,” when at sea. Cf. rauta. 2. To carry over-seas to land. Plural, utauta.

    Utaga (utàga), a large cargo. 2. A great number of bunches of coco-nuts on a plam.

    Akauta (aka-ùta), to carry from sea to land. 2. To put things one on the other. Plural, akautauta (aka-ùtaùta). Akauta-tupapaku, funeral ceremonies: to hold a funeral feast while the corpse is present.

  • Utauta, the cries of chickens and small birds in the nest.

  • Ute, a small kind of papyrus. Cf. eute. 2. A war-cry, to impress with fear: “Ute! ute! ute!” See urete, urute, uteu.

  • Uteu, a cry to incite others: “Uteu!

    Uteuteu, Uteuteuteu cries to incite others.

  • Utiuti (ùtiùti), to pull up, stalk by stalk. Cf. hutihuti.

  • Uto (ùto), the marrow of the bones. 2. The yolk of an egg. 3. Flesh in the form of an egg found in old coco-nuts. Plural, utouto (ùtoùto).

  • Utohupoko, the brains. Cf. uto. and upoko.

  • Utu (ùtu), a sign of the plural, placed before substantives and sometimes before verbs. 2. Much, many (when followed by a substantive).

  • Utu (ùtu), a presage, a prediction; augury. 2. A great occurrence; an emergency; a crisis. 3. The name of a tree.

  • Utua-Kerikeri (utua-kèrikèri), the season of the year about February.

  • Utuaki (utuàki), to follow, to go after, to come after: only said of food (maa), brought on when the first portion is finished.

  • Utuhi (utùhi), to draw water. 2. To give a newborn infant food. Utuutuhi (utuutùhi), plural of the action; uutuhi (uutùhi), plural of the subject.

  • Ututu (utùtu), to groan, to moan concerning the death of person.

    Utuutu, to mourn, to groan, to bewail.

  • Uu. See under u.

  • Uuate, the name of a handsome fish.

  • Uui, a slice. 2. A bunch, a row (a bunch growing as bananas grow, like the fingers of a hand). 3. A package; a bundle. Cf. ui.

  • Uuti, to sew leaves together.