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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 84

Annual District Reports

Annual District Reports.


This Union was formed by Mrs. Leavett on the 4th February, 1885, and is in a very satisfactory and encouraging position.

Work is being done in nearly all the departments mentioned in the Constitution.

The prisoners are being visited in their cells, and cared for on their release.

Auckland was the first to take up the barmaid question. Upwards of 13,000 signatures were obtained to the petition.

Two thousand votes were obtained in a fortnight, through our efforts, for prohibiting the selling of strong drink to children under sixteen years.

There are 600 temperance pamphlets being circulated, which will, when necessary, be replaced by fresh ones.

Six hundred and thirty leaflets and tracts have also been distributed. Ten of the members subscribe to the Union Signal. One hundred and two copies of the Leader are distributed weekly. The members are working hard in view of the coming licensing election. There are one hundred and sixty-five working and eighteen honorary members.


This Union was formed by Mrs. Leavett on the 11th June, 1885.

The meetings are held every Thursday, in St. Pauls Schoolroom.

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The first work undertaken was to obtain 800 signatures to a petition against the employment of barmaids.

A supply of temperance literature has been obtained from America, and distributed from house to house. Eight of the members subscribe to the Union Signal.

Preliminary steps have been taken for the formation of an Industrial Home.

There are twenty-nine working members.

New Plymouth.

This Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward on the 27th October, 1885, and has a membership of fifteen working and one honorary members, but the members have not grasped a clear knowledge of the objects of their Union and have lost heart, and the attendance has consequently been small; but they intend doing their best to keep together and continue their meetings.


The Union was formed on the 29th October, 1885, by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward, and has six working members.

The first work undertaken was the formation of a Cottage Hospital.


The Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward, on the 31st October, 1885. Meetings have been held, and temperance literature distributed.


This Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward on the 5th October, 1885. Arrangements have been made for the insertion of half a column of temperance literature in the Herald and Chronicle once a week, the necessary funds being collected by one of the honorary members. Efforts have been made to instil temperance principles into the public school children, and to persuade them to join the Blue Ribbon Army. There are thirty-three working and fifteen honorary members.

An increased interest is being taken by the members in the Union.


The Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward on the 3rd September, 1885.

Business and Executive meetings have been held regularly since that date.

Evangelistic meetings have been conducted at Mitcheltown, under the superintendence of Mrs. Hinse, also a weekly Bible- page 18 class for young men and maidens (all the class are abstainers) and a monthly evangelistic meeting. The attendance has been very encouraging. Twenty-five pledges have been taken.

Weekly evangelistic meetings have been conducted under the superintendence of Mrs. S. Costall, in the Mission Hall Quin-street, one of the worst neighbourhoods of the city. The attendance has been good, and the results satisfactory. Thirty-five pledges have been distributed.

Statistics are being collected with a view of influencing Parliament to prevent the crowding together of the lower classes, and its pernicious effect on the young children.

Mrs. Bennett has visited among the aged and the sick.

Work has been done among the seamen. Two of our members visited H.M.S. Nelson when in Wellington, and distributed 250 copies of Gospel Temperance tracts, and a copy of the New Testament to each mess. The members greatly regret that there is no Sailors' Home to invite the sailors to.

Mrs. Linnell has laboured, with very encouraging results, among the fallen sisters. The houses are visited, and situations have been found for several. The need of legislation is felt very much on this matter.

Temperance literature has been freely distributed.

There are thirty working and three honorary members.

The Union realizes that they have done very little, yet they thank God, and take courage for the future.


This Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward on the 16th September, 1885, when fifteen members handed in their names. Meetings are held monthly.

Temperance literature is being distributed, and a greater interest taken in the temperance cause than has ever been felt before.


This Union was founded by Mrs. Leavett on the 15th May 1885.

The general meetings are held weekly, and the Executive meet monthly. A monthly evening meeting has been commenced, with a view of inducing young women engaged in business to attend.

There are one hundred and five working and nine honorary members.

A Prison Gate Mission has been formed; and, through Mrs. A. Dudley Ward's influence, a railway pass to and from Lyttelton has been obtained for the Superintendent, Mrs. Raffles. Eighty prisoners have been received into the Home during the past six months.

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The Superintendent of Evangelistic Work, Mrs. Lodge, has been carrying on her labours in connection with the Blue Ribbon and Gospel Temperance Mission; and from the second annual report we gather that 680 meetings have been held during the year.

The work for the suppression of the Social Evil has been carried on by the Superintendent, Mrs. Cunningham. Her labours were necessarily confined to writing, and the circulation of literature. At her request a series of addresses to men only, were delivered by the Rev. J. Holland; an address has also been written by her to married women, which is now published and circulated.

The Superintendent of Literature, Mrs. Isitt, has had some temperance tracts printed for circulation in Christchurch.

The first work undertaken by the Union, upon Mrs. Leavett's advice, was to canvass for signatures to the Barmaid petition; 4,800 signatures were obtained.

A social evening was held on the 24th September; the attendance was good. Several addresses were given, interspersed with vocal and instrumental music.

A Temperance Booth was erected on the grounds at the Agricultural Show, and £8 worth of temperance literature was purchased and distributed. The public showed a thorough appreciation of our efforts by their liberal patronage.

The members of the Union decided not to purchase from grocers holding spirit licenses.

Papers on the following subjects have been read before the Union :—

Brandy: what it does, and what it cannot do, by Miss Firth; The Nation's Curse and its Remedy, by Canon Farrar; Women's Responsibilities; Political Aspects of the Drink Traffic; Ladies' Dress; Social Reform; The Franchise; Woman, Her Influence and responsibilities; Drinks, Natural and Unnatural; Canon Farrar's Reply to Lord Bramwell; Panegyric on Strong Drink; Our Electoral Laws; two papers by Dr. Tivy, Sleep and Sleeplessness; Woman as a Citizen of the State; Band of Hope Work; Wheat Bread; Kindergarten Work; Unfermented Wine.

Gratitude is expressed for the liberal contributions of money and kind by the members.

While feeling conscious of the little amount done, the wish is expressed for an increased usefulness in the coming year.


The Union was formed by Mrs. Leavett on the 28th May, 1885. The members felt somewhat reluctant at first, but finally decided to form the Union. The meetings are held fortnightly in the Good Templars' Hall.

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When the petitions against barmaids being allowed in the public-houses were being signed, the Union canvassed the district for signatures. Parcels for the Prison Gate Brigade have been sent from time to time.

There are thirty-five members on the roll.


Just a month ago this Union was formed by Mrs. A. Dudley Ward. Twenty-four members have handed in their names. Four ordinary and five prayer meetings have been held. The prayer meetings were held in the suburbs, with a view of reaching those who cannot attend the ordinary meetings.

The members feel encouraged at the result of their labours, and hope for an increase of willing helpers.


The Union was formed by Mrs. Leavett on the 16th June, 1885.

The members distributed temperance literature at the Agricultural Show. The ships in port have been visited, and leaflets distributed among the seamen; and house-to-house visiting is being carried on.

Signatures have been obtained to the petitions against the employment of barmaids, and supplying liquor to children under sixteen years.

There are twenty-two working members.


The Union was formed by Mrs. Leavett on the 5th May, 1885. The meetings are held each week.

The Star and Gaiter Hotel has been purchased through the efforts of the members and fitted up as a Home, which has been named the Leavett House, in honour of the founder of the Union.

The first work attempted was the visiting and classifying those who took the pledge during the mission of Mrs. Leavett and Mr. Booth in Dunedin.

Signatures were obtained to the petition against the employment of barmaids and selling liquor to children.

Two weekly meetings are held in the Leavett House—one for girls and one for boys,—and a service on Sunday night. There are upwards of 400 names on the roll, all pledged abstainers. A bazaar was held to dispose of the children's work, and a harmonium purchased with the proceeds.

Mothers' meetings are held each Wednesday afternoon in the Leavett House.

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Efforts were made to induce the churches to discontinue the use of fermented wine. The Union decided not to support grocers holding spirit licenses.

The last work undertaken was to join the Licensing Vigilance Committee, to collect money, and endeavour to bring voters to the poll.

There are one hundred and forty members.


The Union was re-formed by Mrs. Leavett in May, 1885.

The patients in the Hospital have been visited each week. Religious and temperance tracts have been distributed to them.

An attempt was made to visit the Gaol, but without success.

Classes are held in two of the Public Schools for religious instruction each Friday.

Sixteen ladies have undertaken the work of visiting the homes and distributing tracts.

Efforts have been made to have unfermented wine introduced into the churches.

Endeavours have been made to induce the Secretaries of Sunday-schools to introduce direct temperance teaching into the schools. We suggested that one Sunday in each quarter should be set apart for temperance instruction, founded on the Bible, and pledges given to the children. Several schools have adopted our suggestions.

The Union meets each Wednesday.

Gratitude is offered to God for encouragement received in the work.