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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 74

"Wellington, 16th May, 1894


"Dear Sir,—A general meeting was held here on Monday last with the object of taking history measures for the formation of an organisation to

Actively Oppose the Tactics of the Prohibition Party.

The meeting was most successful, being largely attended, and considerable enthusiasm was [unclear: maintested] in practical form; as, in response to a resolution, signatures were obtained for con[unclear: serious] aggregating £250 for the first year, which, it is anticipated, will be largely increased [unclear: in] the week. Three resolutions were submitted and unanimously adopted. A committee [unclear: as] appointed to develop the details of the scheme, and watch legislation at the forthcoming [unclear: passion] of Parliament; and it was further resolved to arrange for the presentation to Parliament a perition from all parts of the Colony against any alteration of the present Act until it had a fair trial.

"It is the intention of the committee, after the formation of the trade organisation is communicate, to promote associations of the moderate party outside the trade, and it is sincerely hoped [unclear: of] the measure now being taken will result in the establishment of branches of the association [unclear: gurs] and every licensing electorate, from the North Cape to the Bluff. It is assumed that [unclear: branches] of the outside associations will have to derive their financial support indirectly [unclear: in] the trade, or in any case receive substantial assistance. They will also require to be kept [unclear: re] by means of periodical lectures or addresses, the publication of literature controverting the [unclear: Dements] and figures of doubtful character and origin, so freely circulated by the Prohibition [unclear: tion], and by such other means as may be desired. The committee recognise the hard work expenditure of money this will involve; doubtless frequent rebuffs will be met; and much may elapse before anything approaching successful organisation is accomplished. But no [unclear: ber] how arduous the work, or how difficult the task, the end to be obtained will fully justify [unclear: means] adopted, and will subsequently offer ample compensation for the expenditure involved. [unclear: It] committee would urge the necessity of immediate action in your district, so that the work [unclear: ftrated] in Wellington may go on simultaneously in all parts of the Colony. The committee [unclear: he] ask you to indicate the name of a gentleman in your district with whom correspondence be exchanged, and who will reply to this circular before the 31st May instant, informing me steps, if any, have been taken in the direction of seconding the efforts of the Wellington [unclear: relation].