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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 48

Industrial Exhibition Commission

Industrial Exhibition Commission.

A meeting of gentlemen appointed by the Government to act as a Commission to inspect the Local Industrial Exhibition was held at the City Council Chamber, at 2 o'clock on Tuesday, July 20. The following gentlemen were present:—Mr E. Wakefield (Chairman of the Royal Commission on Local Industries), Captain Colbeck, M.H.R., Messrs P. Cunningham, J. Inglis, Hon H. B. Gresson, and His Worship the Mayor of Christchurch.

It was proposed by the Mayor, and seconded by the Hon H. B. Gresson—"That Mr E. Wakefield act as Chairman." Carried.

The following letter, from the Hon the Premier, which had been addressed to each member of the Commission, was then read:—

"Government Offices,

"Wellington, July 19, 1880.

"Sir,—The attention of the Government has been directed to the interesting exhibition of articles of Colonial manufacture now being page 28 held in Christchurch, and it has been suggested that it is very desirable full and accurate information respecting such articles should be obtained, with a view to publication.

"The Government, believing that this in-formation would be instructive and valuable, decided to appoint a Committee of gentlemen known to take an interest in Colonial Industries to examine the exhibits, and to report:—

"1. On their quality and the cost at which they are produced, as compared with similar articles imported.

"2. The extent to which their production has already taken root in the Colony.

"3. The amount of employment which each manufacture now affords or appears likely to afford; and—

"4. Any other facts or suggestions relating to the exhibits with which the Committee may think it desirable that the Government and the public should be made acquainted.

"The following gentlemen have consented to act on this Committee:—Mr Justice Gresson, His Worship the Mayor of Christchurch (Mr Ick), Mr Edward Wakefield, and Captain Col beck, M.H.B.s, Mr Peter Cunningham, and Mr John Inglis, and I shall feel much obliged if you will agree to afford to the Government the benefit of your services in a like capacity.—I have, &c.

"John Hall."

A deputation from the Exhibition Committee, consisting of Messrs Allan (Chair-man), Hulbert, Howland, Coleman, Charters, Jenkins, and Professor Bickerton, was then introduced.

Mr Wakefield said that they had been appointed by the Government to acquire information as to the nature, quality and cost of the articles on view at the Exhibition, and they thought one of the best modes of gaining such information was to invite the assistance of the Christchurch Local Industrial Exhibition Committee.

Mr Allan, on behalf of the Exhibition Committee, said the members of that Committee would be happy to give any information in their power, but much valuable information would be obtained from the various exhibitors. The object of the Committee in asking the Government to send a Commission to visit the Exhibition, was that they might receive a visit from the Local Industries Commission, the members of which could here have seen in a compact and condensed form what they had been seeing during their travels scattered over different parts of the country.

After some further conversation,

The Commission, accompanied by the deputation, then proceeded to the Drill-shed to view the exhibits, and immediately commenced an examination, carefully noting down any particular exhibit which seemed worthy of especial notice. During their inspection the Commissioners frequently expressed their surprise and admiration at the superior character of many of the exhibits.