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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 27

The Sixth Annual Report of the Educational Institute of Otago, 1882-83

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The Sixth Annual Report of the Educational Institute of Otago, 1882-83

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Report of the Educational Institute of Otago.


The Committee of Management have much pleasure in laying before Members the Annual Report of the Institute.

The subjects brought under the consideration of the Committee during the past year have reference to matters which concern teachers generally.

The resolutions from the Annual Meeting respecting the formation of a New Zealand Institute, were fully considered. The question of establishing a New Zealand Institute has been before the Committee on several occassions; indeed, it was part of the original intention in founding the Otago Institute, that, as soon as similar organisations were started in the other Provincial districts, it would then be desirable to have a

New Zealand Educational Institute.

A circular, containing the resolutions referred to, was sent to all the Teachers Associations in the Colony, inviting them to send representatives to Christchurch for the purpose of drawing up a constitution for the proposed Institute. Nineteen representatives met as appointed, and discussed the subject at length. Your Committee nominated Dr. Macdonald, Messrs. Park, Fitzgerald, and White to represent Otago. The delegates report that the meeting was very successful; this was mainly due to the great interest manifested in the movement by the Canterbury and North Island representatives. The proposals adopted by the Conference are attached to this report.

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New Zealand University.teachers Regulations.

Tour Committee have had under review the Regulations of the University permitting teachers to proceed to the B.A. examination. Members are doubtless aware that, according to existing statute the privilege would have been withdrawn this year, but the Senate having been memorialised on the subject, agreed to extend the time to 1884, not 1886 as reported in the local press. It will be for the Annual Meeting to say whether it is advisable to again petition the Senate for a further extension of time.

Inspectors Recommendations On Syllabus.

The Inspectors recently reported to the Otago Education Board on the requirements of the Syllabus, and suggested that amendment should be made in respect to (a) excluding History from the Third Standard; (b) fixing number of attendance necessary to qualify for examination; (c) treating History, Geography, and Grammar as class subjects. Your Committee cordially concurred in the course of instruction recommended, and expressed a hope that the suggestion would be given effect to.

Branch Reports.

The Southland Branch has seceded from the Institute.

A Branch has been established at Tapanui, which, although small, gives promise of increased membership.

Your Committee are of opinion that a Branch might be started at Palmerston as a centre, and will be glad to see the subject, taken up at the Conference of Teachers, resident in and around that district

Science Lectures At The University.

It is gratifying to the Committee of Management to find that the University has made provision for another course of Lectures, to be given by Professor Shand, on Mechanical Physics.


The Treasurer reports a balance in hand of £24 13s. 2d., a satisfactory sum, seeing that one of the Branches has failed to pay up, and another has seceded from the Institute. It must be remembered, also, that the annual subscription is now only five shillings per member.

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Balance Sheet.

Balance Sheet

1882. £ s. d.
June 1. To Balance 30 19 0
June 10. To Additional Subscriptions 0 14 0
To Proceeds of Dunedin Branch Conversazione 1 19 6
To Tapanui Branch Subscription 1 10 0
To Members unconnected with any BranchSubscriptions 1 5 0
May 1. To Balclutha Branch Subscription 2 7 0
To Tuapeka Branch Subscription 3 5 0
June 2. To Dunedin Branch Subscription 9 5 0
£51 4 6
1882. £ s. d.
July 1. By Printing Reports, Programmes, c. 6 15 3
By Otago Daily Times, printing 0 19 6
By Star, printing 0 17 6
By Herald, printing 0 8 0
By Rent of Hall 5 5 0
By Secretarys Stationery, Stamps, c. 2 8 9
By Carriage of Forms 0 4 6
Nov. 1. By Coulls, Culling, Co., printing Presidents Address 6 0 0
By Printing Reports and Programmes 1 0 0
By Telegrams 0 12 2
By Horsburgh, stationery 0 17 6
By Postages, c. 0 18 8
By Treasurer, petty cash 0 4 6
June 6. By Balance 24 13 2
£51 4 6
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The Conference.

The Education Board having sent out circulars to Committees advising the closing of the schools, it is confidently believed that all who wish to be present will be able to attend. The arrangements with the railway authorities are the same as those of last year. The Committee desire to record their appreciation of Mr. Prydes services in carrying out arrangements necessary for the success of the meeting.

D. White, Secretary.

W. T. Moore, Treasurer.

New Zealand Educational Institute.

The following is the Constitution adopted by the representatives at Christchurch:
1.That the New Zealand Educational Institute shall consist of the Teachers Associations and Institutes in Auckland, Wellington, Nelson, Canterbury, and Otago, and such other Associations as may hereafter be admitted to the Institute.
2.That the object of the Institute shall be to promote the interests of education within the Colony of New Zealand.
3.That the General Council of the Institute shall consist of members elected by the local Associations.
4.That each Association shall be entitled to one representative for the first twenty members, and one for every additional fifty names beyond the first twenty names on the roll of membership.
5.That the President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the New Zealand Institute shall be elected by and from the General Council.page 7
6.That the Council shall meet annually, during the Christmas vacation, at the chief centres of population, as shall he hereafter named by the Council.
7.That the General Meeting of the members of the New Zealand Institute shall be held once every two "years at such place as the Council shall determine.
8.That each Association shall pay the Treasurer of the New Zealand Institute the sum of for each name on the roll of membership.
9.That the General Council shall have power to make bye-laws for the conduct of all business, meetings, and proceedings of the Institute.

It will be part of the business of the forthcoming meeting to discuss the Constitution, and elect representatives on the General Council.

Scholarship Regulations.

The following are the resolutions adopted by the Committee appointed to report on this subject:
1.That there should be two sets of scholarships a junior and a senior.
2.That there should be an equal number of each.
3.That the Dunedin High Schools be excluded from the junior competition.
4.That all holders of junior scholarships should attend the Dunedin High Schools.
5.That all schools be entitled to compete for senior scholar-ships.
6.That there be an alteration of the text-book prescribed for the junior competition.
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Annual Report of the Balclutha Branch.

We beg to submit the Sixth Annual Report of the Balclutha Branch of the Educational Institute.

During the past year the membership of this Branch has slightly increased. Three members have removed from the district, while seven names have been added to the roll. Up to date, 9 members have paid their subscriptions, the amount of which comes to £3 7s 6d; while our annual expenditure amounts to 9s 8d.

The Branch has met five times during the year, but we regret to state that the attendance has not been so large as in former years. Papers have been read on the following subjects: Knowledge is power by Mr. Renton; The average age at which a child should be presented for the 1st Standard by Mr. Nicholson; and The relation of Inspectors of Schools to the Education Department by Mr Waddell; and various subjects of educational interest have been discussed at our meetings. The following is an extract from the minutes :It was agreed unanimously, on the motion of Mr Waddell, that the following motion be proposed at the Annual Meeting of the Institute.

That the General Committee of Management be instructed to take all lawful means, by petitioning the House of Representatives or otherwise, to have Inspectors of Schools placed under the immediate control of the Education Department.

Jonathan Golding, Secretary.

Annual Report of the Waitaki Branch.

This Branch of the Educational Institute of Otago has held nine meetings during the year, viz. One annual meeting, seven monthly meetings, and one picnic. During the year there have page 9 been many changes among the teachers of the district. Mr. Wallace, the President for the year, left the district towards the end of it. Very few have taken a keener interest in the Institute than Mr. Wallace, and the Branch recorded a vote of thanks to him. As a result of these changes, and from other circumstances, several papers were lost to the Branch. The only papers were The Situation, by Mr. Peattie; Reading, by Mr. Walker; and The Liberal Culture of the Teacher, by the Rev. Dr. Macgregor. At the other meetings, matters affecting the position and well-being of teachers were discussed.

Mr. Jas Lindsay and the Rev. Dr. Macgregor, both of this Branch, read papers at the General Conference.

R. Peattie, Secretary.

Annual Report of the Tuapeka Branch.

I have the honour to report for the year 1882-83 as follows:—

The lectures in Dunedin during the winter months interfered seriously with the meeting of this branch.

Seven meetings have been held during the year, which have been fairly attended. The following papers were read and discussed Mr Selby on Reading, and Mr Alnutt on Leading and Driving. The papers were usually read one day, and the discussion took place the following meeting.

Several interesting subjects were taken up for discussion, and, on the whole, the members have taken a lively interest in the meetings.

William Macandrew, Secretary.

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Annual Report of the Tapanui Branch.

I have the honour to submit our First Annual Report.

Four meetings have been held during the year, which have been fairly attended. We have as yet only six members, but anticipate an increase. Our schools being much separated interferes with the attendance at our monthly meetings.

P. Mco. Wilson, Secretary.

Annual Report of the Milton Branch.

I have the honour to submit the Annual Report of the Milton Branch for the year ending 12th May, 1883.

During the year several members left the district, and their successors have not yet joined our Branch, consequently our roll number is lower than formerly.

On the 6th June; 1882, Mr Reid spoke on the necessity of some change in the syllabus, especially in the arrangement of History, Geography, and Grammar, and the motion"That Mr Petries suggestions for modification of the syllabus be sup-ported, was carried. The Branch did not hold its usual meetings during the months of Professor Scotts lectures on Physiology. After resuming, the following subjects were dealt with:(1) The School Grounds, a paper by Mr McDuff. (2) The Pupil Teacher System, a discussion introduced by Mr Mahoney.

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(3) The Preparation of Teachers, a paper by Mr Reid. The Rev. Mr Chisholm agreed to read a paper at the Annual Conference.

The annual picnic was held in February at the Taieri Beach. We were joined by several members of the Dunedin and Lawrence districts, and spent a most pleasant day.

William Melrea, Interim Secretary.

Annual Report of the Dunedin Branch.

Papers, &c.—Fewer papers were read this year than in any other, a circumstance attributable mainly to the want of a fixed system of securing contributors. In September the President introduced for discussion a system of Mutual help in schools. November 4th: Mr. Jas. Jeffery read a paper on The English Language. March 3rd : The Secretary introduced for discussion the Otago Pupil Teachers Regulations. June 2nd: Mr. Jas. Rennie read a paper on The Insecurity of Teachers tenure of position in New Zealand.

Membership.The question of membership came on for consideration at the last meeting of the Branch, when it was unanimously resolved to issue circulars with a view of securing the countenance and active assistance of the many teachers in our midst. This step has resulted in a substantial addition to our membership roll.

W. J. Moore, Secretary.

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Education as a University Subject.

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