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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 19

[Annual general meeting of the Unitarian Congregational Church, 24 April 1871]

page 14

At the Annual General Meeting of the Unitarian Congregational Church, held in the Chapel, Macquarie Street, Sydney, on Monday evening, the 24th April, 1871, A. M. àBeckett, Esq., President, in the Chair, the following leading Principles and Regulations were adopted, in substitution for the "Fundamental Principles" and "Rules," forming the Constitution of the Church:—

Leading Principles:—

1.The recognition of one God, to whom, as the embodiment of all the excellencies which the highest human mind can conceive, it behoves us to render the homage of our adoration and the devout service of our lives.
2.The recognition of Reason and Conscience as of higher authority than any book or any church; and of Inspiration as manifesting itself whenever man, by reverently accepting the guidance of these faculties of his nature, obtains insight into what is true and good.
3.The recognition of the exercise of the right and duty of Private Judgment in religious matters as essential to completeness of character; and of free and unfettered religious inquiry as indispensable to the discovery of truth.
4.The recognition of purity and uprightness of life as superior to mere belief in any doctrine whatsoever; and of our obligation to be good and to do good without regard to the losses our integrity may bring upon us in this world, or the gains it may secure to us in the next.
5.The recognition of Jesus of Nazareth as chief among the prophets and apostles of God comprising the good and noble of every age, race and creed; and, therefore, as worthy of our highest admiration and our deepest love.


1.Every person using the Church as a place of worship, or contributing to its support, shall, unless a wish be expressed to the contrary, be considered a member, and entitled to vote at any meeting of the Congregation.
2.The following, chosen from the members, shall be Officers of the Church:—a President, Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian and two Church Wardens—all to be elected annually by a majority of votes, at a General Meeting to be held on, or near, the 25th March. These, together with eight other members, chosen by ballot from a list of nominees—each nominee to be nominated by two members—posted at the Church entrance on the Sunday previous to the Annual Meeting, shall form the Committee of Management.page 15
3.The President shall preside at all General Meetings, have power to call special meetings of Committee or of the Congregation at any time, and generally to act in such manner as may seem to him fit and necessary for the Church's welfare: provided always that such action shall be accordant with the rules and principles of the Church.
4.The Treasurer shall receive contributions to the Church funds, and, with the sanction of the Committee, meet such claims as may be made upon them. He shall also prepare an annual debtor and creditor account, to be audited and passed at a Committee Meeting, prior to Annual Meeting for Statement of Accounts.
5.The Secretary shall prepare and issue notices of Committee and other meetings; he shall make minutes of proceedings and conduct the correspondence of the Church.
6.The Church Wardens shall have charge of the Church and all church property. They shall receive applications for sittings and see that strangers are accommodated with seats and books. They, or one of them, shall be in attendance at the Church half an hour before the time for commencing service.
7.The Committee shall at their first meeting appoint one of their number to be Chairman of Committee during their year of office.
8.Any member of Committee, absenting himself from four successive meetings of Committee regularly summoned, shall be considered as having resigned his office, but may be reappointed by a vote of the Committee; and in the same manner shall be filled up any vacancy that may occur.
9.To constitute a regular Committee meeting the following conditions shall be observed:—1. That each member shall have sent to him not less than two days' notice; such notice to specify the object of the meeting. 2. That it be held on the second Thursday evening in the month. 3. That five members at least be present. A special Committee Meeting may be convened at any time by the President, or by three members of Committee.
10.A resolution in Committee to be valid must be proposed, seconded, and carried by a majority of votes; the Chairman having, when the votes are equal, a second or casting vote. Every such resolution shall be entered by the Secretary, or Chairman, in the minute book.
11.A General Meeting shall be called by the Committee at least once a year, for the purpose of electing a new Committee, passing the Treasurer's account, and for other business, not less than fourteen days' notice to be given. A Special General Meeting may at any time be convened, on giving not less than eight days' notice, by the President, the Committee, or the Minister, or at the request of eight members.
12.The Church records shall include the following:—1. Treasurer's Book, for the congregational accounts. 2. Secretary's Book, for minutes of proceedings. 3. Register of baptisms, marriages, and burials, to be kept by the minister. Such records may, at any suitable time, be consulted by members of the congregation, but not removed.page 16
13.Any addition to, or alteration in, these rules may be made at the Annual or at any Special General Meeting: provided always written particulars of the proposed alteration, or addition, shall be sent to the Secretary three weeks before the day of meeting, and also be posted at the Church doors in the interval, for the inspection of members of the congregation.