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Salient. Newspaper of the Victoria University Students' Association. Vol 42 No. 15. July 9 1979


page 22


Drawing of a woman writing with a feather quill

Scotney Adds a Poet Script

Dear Peter,

So E. Hamilton thinks P.S.'s are messy. S/He ought to seee my room (well, maybe not). While I thank E. Hamilton for the criticism (per se, sic, and as such) re(id est, concerning) the usual comprehension of the literary use of "P.S'"s, I would like to point out that I was using the esses as in "Hiss", so it was P.S. — Hiss, P.S.S. — Hisss (or double hiss) and P.S.S.S. — Hissss (triple hiss). Got it? You see, it does make sense if you try. All that is needed is a different point of view — an unconventional one, admittedly but so what? Maybe my mind is not orderly - at least I have one. We'll get to the revolution yet, folks but first we have to put up with the social disorder and distress caused by an inconventional use of pees and esses.

Anyway, what is "correct" language? Are we low following the English Language according to E. Hamilton? Can I not change linguistic formats if I so want? All language is constantly being altered and adapted after all. Surely we must make an effort to move with it. We must progress beyond 557B.C. It is only five years until 1984. Newspeak awaits. There is much, to do.

While I did indeed apologise for my P.S's, it was only the number I was referring to. I feel no "shame" (as E. Hamilton suggests) in being creative, innovative, and original.

As for "this mistake......being most regrettably a very common one these days" sorry chum, Caesar's long gone and Carthage flourishes (well, at least the grass grows). Personally I regard the National Government as more of a regrettable mistake than P.S.S. instead of P.P.S. I mean, what the hell? Are P.S's now to become the most crucial issue facing students, and indeed, the whole of mankind, replacing nuclear warfare, unemployment, and education cuts?

Wot i rekon iz this: people who nit-pick over P.S's aint got no sense of humour and they aint got enough to do or worry about.

Yours anti-pedantically,

T. Scotney.

P.S. This is just to PiSS you off, E Hamilton

P.S.S. Nota Bene, Meas amicos, I am doing it again.

P.S.P.S. This one is a compromise. The End.

A Definite Slap in the Face

Dear Editor,

I find myself agreeing with Pope Harold Hedgehog I. The Paranoid Android can go and dance on a volcano.


in anger, The Carpet Crawler.

P.S. I know what I like.

Another Unprejuidiced Student Steps Forward

Dear Sir,

I write in reply to a letter from Mr Entell, published in Salient of the 2nd of July pertaining to the place of women in university life.

Whilst agreeing in the most part with what he said I wish to point out a few details which seem to have been overlooked:
1)Females should not enter university at all apart from a purely decorative role.
2)There is no such thing as an average women as they are all below average.
3)Marriage is not as desirable a state for a woman to attain as is slavery.
4)Women can never master anything as "mastery" assumes some competence.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Stenwick.

Boy, What a Pen!

Dear Peter (alias Disgruntled).

It was with great disgust and consternation that I discovered that mv newly acquired "cheap ballpoint", found in K303 on Tuesday June 12th 1979 at 4.59:15 p.m. (according to my new Australian digital-watch) was, in fact, far from being in perfect working order. Even a relatively small thing like that is almost enough to put me out of this line of work altogether, especially if my present run of bad luck continues.

Would you please leave me another little boy next time? — my last one split!

Many thanks,

Love, J. Smith.

A Startling Revelation

Dear Ed,

1.Kathy Drysdale, Paul O'Donoghue, B.C. Kelly and 7244046699230 are all one and the same person. You've heard of a schizophrenic well, s/he is a quadrophonic.
2.As Monroe Simmons never showed up I'm still free — any offers? No schizos, quadros or hedgehogs.


Carol Addley.

Bring back the good old days.......when sex was dirty and air was clean. (At least the government hasn't taxed either one, yet.)

The Best Visual Experience Since the Chunder Mile

Dear Sir,

Notice is hereby given that I, Paul O'Donoghue, do challenge the vile and obnoxious 7244046699 230 to a Duel to take place on the Hunter lawn on Tuesday July 10th 1979 at 1.15pm.

Your insults can be stomached no longer. Turn up if you dare, coward.

Weapons: 'Salients'.

Choose your own seconds.

Try it - for a Laugh

Dear Sir,

I would like to recommend joining the Labour Party to all light hearted University students. The following is what will arrive in the mail some weeks after joining: Pulse the Wellington Young Labour Association newsletter. Throb the Wellington Central newsletter. Grip a six monthly date sheet, and believe it or not Penetration an in depth look at the parliamentary Labour Party's actions.

Now I understand people who say grass-Roots politics is fun !

Yours sincerely,

John Freebairn.

What are you up to, O'Donoghue


My dilemma is, are Paul O'Donoghue's intentions honourable, or is he playing fast and loose with an innocent young girl's affections?

Yours in earnest,

Kathy Drysdale.

A Poem for the PM

Dear Peter,

I thought this 'prayer' might be appropriate after the budgets gloomy heights.

Muldoon's Prayer

Muldoon is my shephard, I am in want
He maketh me to lie down in deep anxiety;
He leadeth me beside the still freezing works,
He disturbeth my sleep:
He leadest me the paths of destruction for his party's sake
Yea, though I walk through the valley of depression, I anticipate no recovery—
For he is with me,
His policies and diplomacies they frighten me.
He prepareth a reduction in my income
He anointeth my salary with taxes,
My expenses runneth over.
Surely unemployment and poverty will follow me
All the days of my life
And I will dwell in a state of Mortgage
For ever and ever.............

That was courtesy of, would you believe it, 1971 Pizzle-Rot, the Independent Lincoln College Journal of Agriculture. So even back then they could see the trouble that was coming through the Megalomaniac Muldoon. So let's keep up the fight for a better living and education.

By the way keep up the standard that Salient is setting. Having read this paper for nine years, it has remained the most informative of any student papers, and streaks ahead of the so called public 'independent' papers.


Barry Weeber.

P.S. I am not M. Entel as S. Pastic Garth Thornton would think, or more likely gesticulate.

Drawing of a monkey holding an ice cream

Brian Westlake, you're Amongst Friends

Dear Editor,

Twenty-three years ago, in a central city tube station during Sydney's peak hour traffic, a boy was born to a surprised Mrs Emily Westlake, just as the train for Bankstown, Illawara, then all stations to Penrith, screeched to a halt. Her husband Jow took immediate action. He rushed to the ticket office and bought a child's ticket. They caught the train.

And so began the life of Brian Westlake. A man born in noise so great, he now fronts a heavy metal rock band. That man is in New Zealand.

As one of the few people to have their ticket punched at four minutes old, Brian felt the authorities were always after him. He has never forgiven the conductor for making him stand up on that, his first train ride, and is now writing songs to prove it. Ballads played at devastating speed like "Train Conductors are Wankers", I will always remember. Ah! Brian how we your fans await that first concert!!

Paul Hagan.

Critic Lacks Credentials


I am most grateful to Paul Hagan for each week giving me the opportuntiy to preserve my sanity by becoming see thingly angry. I have yet to read a film review of his which suggests he has credentials to be a film critic. At the start of the year he actually had the stupidity to declare tha any film is a good film provided it achieves its aims, regardless of what those aims may be. By the same value system he doubt thinks that war comics are good literature because they succeed in entertaining puerile minds!

This week he reviewed 'Carrie' (quoting liberally from 'other' critics.) The but I knew, he had seen this film nine times, but it was only at his fifth attendance that he realised that the cars in the final street scene are driving backwards! Perhaps he should see more films five times.............


A. B. Pointon.

P.S. I hope his literary pretentiousness is not being financed with VUWSA funds — he'll buy the tickets himself if it means getting an established column.

PPS. Watch out for funny little hats in bus queues.

PPPS. Spare us any more letters or articles from Victoria House residents, present or past.

Gumboots are in!


I've done it! Someone has written a letter in reply to my correspondence. I am G.R. Howell alias Raz. & Co spelt it R—A—S. I am not a leftist, I even voted for Andy at the SGM.

The Gumboot Maniac forgives you [unclear: Snod] grots. Please write again as it is easier to reply than make up a letter each week.

Love a Gumboot lover, write to me, have fun and pass all your exams.

Gumboot Maniac.

Domestic Racism

Dear Andrew,

'Charity begins at home." Recently a motion was passed at SRC concerning 'domestic racism.' However we do not need to look further than the bounds of our own university to find the tumour

I am referring to the almost total social segregation of overseas and New Zealand students. [unclear: So] much, then, for the ideal of the university as a [unclear: sh] rine for the free flow of ideas: social, cultural, [unclear: p] litical, whatever. As the 'host' country we are to take the major part of any blame for mis deplorable state of affairs. If racism is founded on an intolerance of anyone or anything different, this demonstrates how good we are at it.

Surely, therefore, we should look to the [unclear: apar] heid' at Victoria before pointing the finger [unclear: elsew]

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Murray.

Now We See Him, Now We Don't

Dear Sirs,

It has come to our notice that the graffiti stained walls of your nation have claimed Brian Westlake as your native son. We of the giant sun burnt pizza protest at your having taken him [unclear: into] your bosom and claimed him as your own.

Brian Westlake is alive and living in the land [unclear: o] Kangaroos and Holden cars. As for the recent [unclear: fir] ding of a Brian Westlake graffiti in Athens, it is a known fact that even fish and chip shop owners must go home for a trip sometimes.

Brian Westlake rules O.K. and will continue to do so.

Yours in all sincerity,

Barry "Blue" Thompson.

P.S. Fosters you beaut.

I Can't Think of a Headline for this on

Dear Sir,

Last year, if one had nothing better to do, [unclear: one] could always elicit some light entertainment by [unclear: an] lysing the quality, quantity and factual of [unclear: literary] prose appearing in Salient But like all things, [unclear: ex] cept the quantity of hot air rising from the [unclear: direct] of Parliament, have changed. I've noted the rise [unclear: a] fall of subjects such as Exosss Groops, Ardvaaks, Wetsuits for Hampsters and Pythagorean Owls. [unclear: S] veral of the perpetrators of these subjects seem [unclear: to] have managed to survive the ravages of time [unclear: and] Internal Assessment to spring forth, as yet [unclear: undar] ted, and clash yet again on the barren oasis of literary back stabbing and lip biting. This time [unclear: in] guise of Sheep, Hedgehogs and the relative [unclear: holyne] thereof.

I'm sure any disciple of Freud would have a field day on these apparently schizophrenic personalities. I have it on good authority that one of the sheep supporters has been known to write in support of Kathy Drysdale, but this aside I'm positive that if any of the afore-said people wished to know why they are forced to take out [unclear: the] extistential inhibitions by putting pen to paper [unclear: an] abusing hell out of each other on irrelevant subjects and why they hate their mothers then they should see any member of the Psychology Dept.



page 23

[unclear: a] — Another View

[unclear: ter],

[unclear: ought] the years, I have read several unjus[unclear: nd] unfair views in the form of letters to [unclear: tor], against the so called racist policy of [unclear: aysian] government. Now let me express [unclear: nion].

[unclear: not] see the malaysian policy of uplifting [unclear: ng] and educational standards of the indi[unclear: races] (and these are not only Malay), who [unclear: en] badly neglected during colonial timet, [unclear: t]. If those policies are racist, then the efforts [unclear: New] Zealand government to help the mao[unclear: also] racist. Let me point out that there [unclear: eral] scholarships available to maoris which [unclear: available] to europeans.

[unclear: immigrant] races of Malaysia, whose mem[unclear: to] make these racist allegations, have a way [unclear: bornly] refusing to integrate with the Ma[unclear: way] of life. For instance they refuse to [unclear: Bhasa] Malaysia, the official language and Franca of Malaysia. I certainly do not [unclear: chise] with anyone who is handicapped as [unclear: of] his/her own stubbomess. Just ima—[unclear: at] would happen to, say a Greek immi[unclear: n] New Zealand who refuses to learn or [unclear: English]. Would he get a good job? or [unclear: e] have the remotest chance of being ac[unclear: by] any New Zealand university?

[unclear: coclusion] may I add that I am neither [unclear: nor] Malaysian. I do not work for the Magovernment or have anything to do with

Yours in conformity,

Abu Sajed.

[unclear: talks]

[unclear: Jr.]

[unclear: rough] your letters column I would like to [unclear: o] Stephen Ruth's comments in 'Salient' [unclear: Firstly], he assumes that I want to remove [unclear: making] from SRC to the Executive........... [unclear: untrue]. However, I still question the cre[unclear: y] of an SRC (which at various stages bet—[unclear: 12] and 2pm on Wednesdays has been obser[unclear: be] graced by an attendance of well under [unclear: udents]) making policy for 6000 who pay [unclear: ees] as well. Introducing a system of bin—[unclear: rferenda] and lifting the quorum of SRC's [unclear: some], but not all the way to solving the [unclear: em] which exists.

[unclear: blishing] the minutes of a pointless discussion [unclear: Exec'] meeting has been seen to be pointless [unclear: ced] elaborate no more........

[unclear: nally] I make no apology at all for the com—[unclear: ; I] made about Exec' members which you re[unclear: in] your letter and if you came up with the [unclear: sort] of factuous statements that certain Exec [unclear: bers] and the Salient Editor made at that mee[unclear: would] say the same to you in a way that [unclear: be] construed as being as abusive as possi[unclear: Remember] an Executive will not be united [unclear: does] not want to be. This was clearly the case [unclear: t] meeting.

[unclear: hanks] for reminding me Mr Hull that I did not [unclear: lly] organize the 'revue' (although I did try to [unclear: rage] it and you say as much yourself) — I [unclear: forget] and you see I so desperately need Sa[unclear: to] remind me! Come on Mr Hull - who's leg [unclear: ou] trying Not to [unclear: pyff]? Maybe you would [unclear: o] tell us about that van you hired in CHCH [unclear: our] Treasurer was so concerned about (by [unclear: I] mean the Revue of course). By the way [unclear: nk] you and your friends did a good job on the [unclear: Reveue] so why are you getting so upset about [unclear: rm] in a teacup? — I never actually admitted [unclear: ing] a major part in the organization of the [unclear: se] as far as I am concerned.

Kind regards,

Andrew A. Tees.

Drawing of a can of 'paranoia'

[unclear: Op], Thief


[unclear: Would] the inconsiderate prick the ripped

[unclear: my]

[unclear: beque] book

[unclear: OSB] saving book

[unclear: ers] license

[unclear: ibrary] card

[unclear: edical] identification

[unclear: Greucho] Marx' badge

[unclear: he] keys to the front door of my ex-girlfriend

[unclear: ckland] house.

[unclear: iss] mountain knife'.

[unclear: qua] metic water pistol (blue, with red trigger) [unclear: ten] of hearts' and the 'Queeen of spades' [unclear: pla- g] cards(used as rulers)

[unclear: n] numerous other items of personal importances, [unclear: s] the very large place Italian leather 'pencil case' [unclear: m] holdall, cum wallet.

Please return to the Robert Stout building, no estions asked.

M. Rencen.

Another View on Text Book Costs

Dear Sir,

Rather belatedly I have discovered your article of 14 May headed "Utopia for $12.75 — Cheap at the price?". At the risk of being labelled "reactionary", "self-interested", "commercial", I felt I had to respond.

I am also taking the risk of being labelled as middle-aged when I recall that my annual expenditure on books during my four year course of study only 20 years ago at Auckland University, as 40 pounds. My total student bursary was 40 pounds; vacation jobs were Just as difficult, if not more so than today.

What worries me when I see the griping and groaning at the cost of books is that no one ever seems to comment about the importance to students of their building up a personal library of professionally valuable books. Discussion always centres on the importance of the information contained and few comments exce recognise the value of the acquisition of the source of this information and the ability to refer back to this readly. Okay, accept that I am a bibliophile and that because books were an attraction to me I eventually migrated into the publishing business. I appreciate that not everybody likes books as such, but I find it incredible that lecturers and students don't seem to regard even the acquisition of textbooks and references as important.

But in this day and age is $100, honestly, a lot of money to spend for one year's source of information? that is the equivalent of one ticket by air from Auckland to Christchurch, or a cheap demin suit, or a decent meal for four people in a restaruant. Alternatively, it is the equivalent of about twelve dozen of DB Brown and the new Muldoon prices. Well, that has labelled me as both reationary and middle-aged.

Now lets look at the real implications of your suggestions that books are overpriced and that what is cheaper is to produce in-house multillth publications, or to have information recorded on video tape available in the library. You don't have to study economics to realise that if no one changes the end user for the purchase of the printing press or video tape machine, the labour of the printer or librarian, the occupation charges of such machines, nor for the origination of the material itself, then the end product is always going to be cheaper than anything which is commercially produced.

You quote in your article that the forerunner of Professor Cleveland's "Politics of Utopia" which was produced by the Department never cost more than $6. Yet the commercially produced item cost $12.75. The price differential strikes me as remarkably low. Last year the student may have got the information at a cheaper price but the original publication was economically indefensible when compared with the more efficiently produced commercial publication. This commercially produced product was created at no expense to the taxpayer, the university, or for that matter, the fee-paying' student. The user pays for the production. For the Department's original publication the university, the taxpayer, and the fee-paying student all in effect contributed, even though they may not have been benefiting from the information. The cost of printing and the time spent in production was at the expense of other more valuable machinery, library books or salaries. In effect the students for whom the Department was supposedly catering in an effort to save them money, were the losers.

So now you can label me "commercial" as well. But at least my economics are in the right place!

Yours faithfully,

D. J. Heap,

President, Book Publishers Association of New Zealand.

The Facts on Overseas Students

Dear Peter,

May I reply to that load of hogwash emanating from a source that identified itself as Non-Apathetic Student (Salient 2/7/79). Non- Apathetic Student clearly reflects the degree of apathy and ignorance he is in when he blurts about thing like how N.Z. taxpayers are financing overseas students and also how overseas students are taking up local students' places at universities. If only Non-Apathetic Student had been less apathetic he would have found out that the points which s/he made unture.

The university system does not incure any extra costs for taking overseas students neither does it do so at the expense of local students. The costs of keeping the universities will still remain the same even if there are not any overseas students around. After the 45% cutback on Malaysian students there has not been a corresponding increase in the increas of Kiwi students to fill these places. Overseas students are often fed the crumbs of the N.Z. educational system, hence the imposition of quotas and restrictions on overseas students' enrolment in law, commerce and architecture and their exclusion from medicine, dentistry and nursing.

To talk of introducing fees for overseas students only confirms your ignorance. Malaysian and Singaporean students and all other overseas students have been paying fees ever since they have been admitted to tertiary institutions in this country. Preumably Non-Apathetic Student does not know. Doesn't s/he ever read Salient? Furthermore, to compare the level of education with that of Britain is absurd. Overseas students in Britain are offered a wide range of courses, more than perhaps Non-Apathetic student can imagine. They are also not subjected to some petty quotas and restrictions as in New Zealand. In order to make education a saleable commodity I suggest Non-Apathetic student should advise his/her government to increase the quality of the product. To offer overseas students crumbs and to charge them at such an exorbitant price is nothing less than extortion.

On the point of us fighting discrimination, doesn't Non-Apathetic student know that we have been doing that since 1948? By the way, we still are. Thanks to the New Zealand troops and her Australian and British allies the Malayan people weren't too successful. We've had our little Vietnam long before the Americans had theirs. Don't forget the part the New Zealand public and your government played in sending your troops to Malaysia to suppress a popular movement back in the 50's and 60's under the ANZAM Treaty and as part of the reactionary Commonwealth Strategic Reserve Force. If only your government had been a little more concerned with the economy then, rather man indulge in little nasty war games against our people, we might have been able to get a decent education back home or in the University of Peking instead of being in this stinking rat-hole.

Yours sincerely,

Loh Seng.

We Think Buses are Neat

Dear Editor,

Remember the hour long queues for mat short expensive ride up the hill? The evil Cable Cars are coming back! They're great for Aussie tourists, but bloody useless for a Poor student in a hurry. Our idiot City Council is going to give the excellent, efficient bus service the chop. A bus service that will cart you anywhere, from Courtney Place through town to Varisty.

What is Mr Tees planning to do? There are no doubt many like ourselves who would like to see that at least a reduced version of the bus service is retained. If you agree with us, do a Patricia Bartlett on Fowler folks and send him those cards and letters.

Yours literary speaking,

Frank Hemingway,

Ron Orwell,

Rustus T. Kipling.

Drawing of a man by an easle giving a thumbs up

Don't Blame me, I Voted Labour

Dear Sirs;

I have very little to my today but I would like to congratulate Dr Dutch on his PSYCH 101 lectures last term. They consisted of a forty minutes lecture followed by a twenty minute question and answer. Some persons wrote into Salient early this year critidsng Dr Dutch for some comments he made then, but he has more than made good.

Now to other matters:

I saw in a dream that Albion isle
Where sweete Margaret Thatcher doth goodly rule;
And great Cuttle — Fishe swimme in the sea
Protecting herre from a Labourre m.p.

O, Goddesse of iron, bringerre of light,
Thy haire of spun gold cloth shine throo the nite;
Britannia's protectress, a lawyer thou wast,
Now rulingge the kingdom, Vertue thou hast.

The reyne of the lady was sounded throughotte
The world, and her wisdom and beauty none doubt;
But like a Grimme Specterre, o'er hanging herre reyne
The Horrorre of eville, goode itt disdayne

And therre in my dreame I beholded its nayme
The echo of forses that werre darke and grimme;
Itt shouted its name, by its wroth was I caught I Be 7244046699230!

Yours faithfully,

Guru Mad-clog-drug-bum.

(Tibetan Guru to Major Von Prunemuncher.)


Revolution hairstylists