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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 14. 28 June 1972

Elections — Man Vice President

page 13


Man Vice President

Pat Duignan

  • Student Rep, Joint Cmttee of Council, Prof Board and Students Association.
  • Student Rep, Library Advisory Committee
  • National Chairman, University Catholic Society 1970; — Member, Youth International Committee (a Subcmttee of the National Youth Council)
  • Full participation in SRC since its inception.
[unclear: I] believe that the University community has three major functions:
  • to be a critic of society and agent of radical social change
  • to develop individuals to live full socially useful lives
  • to carry out research to expand knowledge.

If their workloads are too great, students cannot give sufficient time to participation in the first two functions therefore:

Policy: I will initiate a detailed review of the Credit system to insure that it provides flexibility rather than increases workloads (as it happens when each course is treated like a whole unit).

[unclear: If] students are to develop their interests and enjoy their time at University he various clubs must be active: therefore:

Policy: I will give full support to the [unclear: nini-] Art Festival being organised by he Cultural Affairs Council.

Photo of Pat Duignan

If the University is to be an effective agent of social change the staff (and a greater number of students) must be mobilised.

Policy: To hold discussions with the Staff Club and take action to encourage staff to mix more with students and to join with students in working for social change.

At present activity to implement SRC policy on Vietnam, the Tour and Military Service is at a satisfactory high level

Policy:To vigorously support HART and OHMS and any action which I consider productive, aimed at implementing SRC policy.

In general as your Man Vice-President during the next six months I will ease the administrative load of the President and support students working to improve the Students Association contribution to the three functions outlined at the beginning.

Mike McKinley

Sports Officer on present Executive; Student Representative on Professorial Board; Member Publications Board; Representative on University Sports Council; Delegate to NZUSC; Finance and Representation Organizer NZUSC Deputy Club Captain VUWASC; NZU Waterpolo Representative; (2) Victoria University "Blues" Awards.

It is my intention to conscientiously support the following programme and policies:

Vuwsa: Student's Representative Council, if it is to be regarded seriously must become more effective. In particular I advocate an Independent Chairman to reduce the Executive's domination and to encourage wider student participation.

Photo of Mike McKinley

University Union: Only judicious and efficient use of Union facilities will counteract the present situation of low Maintenance budgets and rising food prices.

Accommodation: Accommodation is essentially government's responsibility.

Imperative that living and working conditions of students be of sufficient standard to enable them to make the most of their opportunity and ability for higher education.

Association funds which are at present invested in the Short Term Money Market to be deployed more usefully into funds which directly benefit students - such as loans for the new student flats complex in Talavera Tce. This item must remain as first priority for any executive in the immediate future.

National And International Affairs: No contact with South Africa so long as the present racial policies of that country's government exist.

University: Health and Welfare services to be improved, particularly in the field of Creche facilities.

I believe the above proposals convey a realistic and responsible approach to the problems which students are currently faced with on this campus.

Simon C. Roughan

The position of Man's Vice-President is a post very much ill-defined on the Executive. However, it will call of me to give support to the President, and share in some of the menial tasks in his work.

Phot of Simon C. Roughan

I am a second year Arts student. Not cast in any mould of allegiance to politics - student or external. I hold a policy though, which will be implemented only by the wish of the student voters.

On Campus

I advocate open structured tutorials for pursuing research work run by the students. This would be more effective in fostering interest in the course of study. Work for the course; rather than the lectures talking at you.

Accommodation is severely acute. Shall press for further action on accommodation.

Creche should be offered Government finance, as part of University Welfare. Must be closer to the University.

Off Campus

French Tests opposition should be endorsed. Students should act on suggestions to man vessels sailing into the test area as visible means of protest.

Anti-war Mobilisation should be supported earnestly. To keep in focus the protest of opposing war, - whoever it be fought by. Goal; Withdrawal of all foreign forces from Indo-China.

The Springbok tour should never eventuate. With S.A.'s present Apartheid policies, this issue can never be fought too vigourously. We must differentiate between our like of rugby as a sport; and our means to object to racial repression (ie. Apartheid).

As a Conscientous Objector I stand against Compulsory Military Service and support 'OHMS' in abolishing the act. Having been-balloted, I have yet to be called to the Tribunal to justify my objection.

The University should never be an Ivory Tower. It should serve as a centre to a wider community.

I offer the above, and myself, to the vote.

Saban Singh

I am a 4th year BCA student majoring in Business Administration. Over the past years I have held the following positions:

1971—Vice President, MSSA

July 1971-May 1972 —National

Editor 'Berita MSSA'.

1972— Overseas student officer, VUWSA.

Accordingly, I have set squarely on the peripheral of students activities. And have come to feel that the greatest problem which students have to face is our apathy - resulting from our disunity. We must accept the fact that we are hopelessly disunited. A minority which is splintered into many sections must necessarily be ineffective. At the same time we want a more humane and equal society, we want a campus that really works. A campus where we can pursue our individual goals, where everybody has a decent hope to do so, and the chance for an education to give him a fuller life. Yet we stand uninvolved. This is why I am sounding the call for unity for total involvement and co-operation.

This is my main objective in seeking the position for vice-president. For I feel the said can only be acheived by a closer co-operation with all sectors of community and I intend to do my utmost to ensure that at least one voice is heard and we do get a square deal. Campus being a multi-racial society we cannot operate or exist by ourselves, particularly when we are a minority, we must be able to get people spending as much intelligent thought and sweat on the development of 'higher-values' - such as men's character and ability to live with his brother man, instead of developing his worth, his power and his scientific knowledge that our presently 'education-meal-ticket-system does.

To be effective, therefore, we cannot stand on the sidelines and cry we are neutral for we are a part of the whole. The fuller the commitment, the greater will be our strength. Sitting on the fence is the surest way to political cultural and social oblivion, if not extinction.

Perhaps just another voice against the mighty wall!

Photo of Saban Singh