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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 35 No 5. March 29, 1972


A Ritual For The Aquarian Age

A Ritual For The Aquarian Age

It has been said that "Progress depends upon change, and change is a rearrangement of the Thinker, the Thought and the Thing. Change is sight from another angle - that is all. "Humanity is experiencing what may be termed an unfoldment in human understanding - there is an emerging new consciousness and culture which is based upon the underlying unity that binds all men.

Until quite recently the basic oneness of the major religions and philosophies of the world was recognised by only few. But today millions share the conviction that there is an inner spiritual unity transending all outer differences of faith and belief. It is as an expression of this recognition that people throughout the world have been joining together in a group meditation on the occasion of three spiritual Festivals: the Christian festival of Easter, the widely celebrated Buddhist festival of Wesak, and a universal festival of Goodwill. Their work is based upon the fact that in the incoming Aquarian age humanity's use of prayer is undergoing fundamental changes. There is a general tendency amongst new age thinkers to ignore prayers for personal salvation. Increasingly the emphasis is coming to be placed on the welfare of humanity and the invocation of divinity as an active force in world affairs. The way of aspiration and the heart and the way of mental prayer or meditation are being combined in a new science of group invocation. Group invocation involves the united use of group thought to focus and give clarity of direction to massed aspiration and desire. "The truth lying behind all invocation is based upon the power of thought, particularly in its telepathic nature, rapport and aspect." Religion is coming to be the name given to the invocative appeal of humanity and the evocative response of the greater Life to that cry. As more and more men of spiritual inclination and intention join together in a unity of selfless motive there will occur a pooling of spiritual resources and a united spiritual effort.

There is an acceptance by those who share a conviction in this underlying unity of religions that humanity is not following an unchartered course; that there is a Plan (an evolutionary pattern) i in the cosmos of which we are a part. At the end of an age human resources and established institutions seem inadequate to meet world needs and problems. It is at just such a time that the advent of a Teacher, a spiritual leader or Avatar, is anticipated or invoked by the masses of humanity in all parts of the world. The reappearance of the world Teacher the Christ - is anticipated or invoked by the masses of humanity in all parts of the world. The reappearance of the world Teacher - the Christ I is today expected by millions, not only by those of Christian faith but by those of every faith who expect the Avatar under other names. - the Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Messiah, Iman Mahdi and the Bodhisattva.