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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 7. 30th May, 1957

Exec. Elec. What the Heck?

Exec. Elec. What the Heck?

What are these elections that are coming up? What is Exec.? Can I stand? Can I vote? What do I get out of it?

Questions of this sort are always asked around the caf and commonroom—or rather whispered in lecturerooms by the sort of student who never looks at caf or common-room—about this time of the year.

A resolution of the annual general meeting of the Stud. Ass. last year instructed the powers that be, through Salient, to issue a broadsheet explaining just what the elections were for, and just what being on Exec. involved. It has been decided that an article in a prominent place in "Salient" could be squeezed within the coniines of a definition of a "broadsheet." So the Stud. Ass. Secretary and one of "Salient's" editors have stuck their heads together, and this is the result.

Cartoon of a man and woman looking into a crystal ball

The elections which take place in June every year are for the purpose of electing an Executive Committee ("Exec." to you) to manage the dayto-day affairs of the Association.

Exec, consists of 13 bods:
  • †A President—who is usually male (but has been, on at least two occasions in V.U.C.'s stormy past, a female) and has, by hallowed tradition (but not by law) usually been a member of the retiring Exec.
  • †Men's Vice-President—must be male, also customarily an experienced exec, member.
  • †Women's Vice-President—must be female, otherwise ditto.
  • †Secretary—the cornerstone of the whole structure, is expected to do three or four times as much work as everyone else. Only qualification imposed by tradition is willingness, but incumbents are usually also people of imagination and vision. May be of either sex.
  • †Treasurer—must have some accountancy qualification (for details, consult Constitution).
  • †8 Committee Members—4 men and 4 women.

These people meet at least fortnightly in term-time (meetings usually last till 4 a.m. or later after a 7 p.m. start), and you will have read enough of their Minutes (copies are pinned on the notice boards) or stray reports in "Salient" to gather an impression of the sort of things they discuss.

But attending Exec. meetings is not the only duty of Exec. members. There are countless sub-committees of the Association (Capping, Finance, Publications, Blues, etc.) on which they have to take their share of jobs. And there are other jobs doled out among them—liaison with various College clubs, Gym. controller, Capping Ball Controller, etc.), all of which involve a good deal of inglorious sweat.

What are the perks? There really aren't any, unless you call a good deal of limelight a perk. You have to pay for your own tickets to Extrav., and Capping Ball, and for your own beer after Procesh. The only free show for Exec. members (and this they share with everyone who is getting capped that year) is Grad. Supper—and there it is necessary to listen to a lot of speeches, some of which are always du'.

The prospect is generally a gloomy one. But there are rewards less tangible but more lasting in the way of positive results shown for sound service. And the work of administration is in itself enjoyable to the ideal Exec. member.

Now you know whether you are the sort of person who ought to stand—or whether your mate is who you were going to nominute.

Don't let the picture we have drawn put you off. You are probably just the person the Association needs, and there is a worthwhile job waiting for you which you will find satisfying if at times strenuous.

Nominations for all positions close at Exec. office (in the wooden Gym., end of verandah) at 12 noon, Saturday, June 15.

The ballot-box will be in the Main Hall, together with the roll (all students who are members of the Association—which means all who are taking at least 2 subjects—can vote) at convenient times on Friday, 21st, Monday, 24th. and Tuesday, 25th June. (The roll will be open for inspection from a week or so earlier.)

Results of the draw—pat don me, results of the count, are announced at the A.G.M. on Thursday, June 27. Be there.