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A Grammar and Dictionary of the Samoan Language, with English and Samoan vocabulary

Other Examples of Chiefs' Language

page 40

Other Examples of Chiefs' Language

Ua alala le aliʻi i lona maota, The chief is sitting in his house.

Ua falafalanaʻi le aliʻi, The chief is reclining.

Ua taumamafa aliʻi, The chiefs are eating.

Ua taute le tupu, The king is eating.

Ua ʻauʻau i le taufa, He is bathing (lit. swimming) in the water.

Ua afio i lona uiuiga, He has gone in his canoe.

Sauni ia le tofaga, Prepare his bed.

Aua le toia le va, va toʻa le aliʻi, Donʻt make a noise, the chief sleeps.

Ua tulei mai le afioga a le tupu, The chief speaks.

Ua i le maota le masiofo o le tupu ma ona alo, The wife of the king and his children are in the house.

Ua malumalu ao le faatafa o le aliʻi The sickness of the chief is very great.