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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1904.

Nos. 37, 38, 48, 76, 111, 118, 137, 184, 185, 186, 311, 462, and 503, 1904.—Petitions of Cook County Council, Woodville County Council, Whangaroa County Council, Whangarei County Council, Rodney County Council, Waitotara County Council, Mauriceville County Council, Bay of Islands County Council, Pohangina County Council, Hutt County Council, Masterton County Council, Tauranga County Council, and Opotiki County Council

Nos. 37, 38, 48, 76, 111, 118, 137, 184, 185, 186, 311, 462, and 503, 1904.—Petitions of Cook County Council, Woodville County Council, Whangaroa County Council, Whangarei County Council, Rodney County Council, Waitotara County Council, Mauriceville County Council, Bay of Islands County Council, Pohangina County Council, Hutt County Council, Masterton County Council, Tauranga County Council, and Opotiki County Council.

Petitioners pray that the portion of "The Maori Councils Act, 1900," which gives Maori Councils power to levy a dog-tax may be repealed.

I am directed to report that the Committee recommends that these petitions should be referred to the Government for favourable consideration.

25th August, 1904.