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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1878.

Nos. 19 and 36.—Petitions of Riwi Taikawa and 4 Others, and Riwi Taikawa and Others

Nos. 19 and 36.—Petitions of Riwi Taikawa and 4 Others, and Riwi Taikawa and Others.

The prayer of these petitions is that lands called Te Hue and Otonga, in the Otanga Block, Whangarei, should be made permanent reserves for the petitioners.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That it appears to the Committee that the petitioners have a right, under "The Native Land Act, 1873," to require the Government to make the lands in question a permanent reserve, as prayed for in the petition. The petition to the House being therefore unnecessary, the Committee have no recommendation to offer thereon.

22nd August, 1878.