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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1878.

No. 278.—Petition of Mrs. Marian Stewart

page 25

No. 278.—Petition of Mrs. Marian Stewart.

The petitioner, a half-caste woman of the Ngatipukeko Tribe, states that the land of that tribe was confiscated for the disloyalty of certain members thereof. The petitioner alleges that neither herself nor any members of her family were ever disloyal to the Queen. The petitioner prays that the particulars of her claim, which she sets forth at length in her petition, may be investigated, and that she may receive an award of such land at Whakatane as she may be found entitled to.

I am directed to report that the Committee regret that the time at their disposal has not been sufficient to enable them to make such inquiries as would justify them in reporting an opinion on the subject-matter of this petition.

26th October, 1878.