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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1878.

No. 246.—Petition of Areka Manahi te Ratu and Others

No. 246.—Petition of Areka Manahi te Ratu and Others.

Petitioners ask for the restoration to them of a piece of land called Papaahina, in the County of Manukau. They state that the acquisition of that piece of land by the Government was entirely wrong, and that the decision of the Court in 1866 was equally so. The petitioners allege that they were told, during the time of the late Government, that they would be justified in applying for a rehearing of their case; but the result has been nothing but "Taihoa" to the end of the chapter. They pray that their case may be heard before the Native Land Court.

I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that the petition be referred to the Government for further inquiry.

14th October, 1878.