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Reports of the Native Affairs Committee, 1878.

No. 98.—Petition of Susannah Sorenson

page 13

No. 98.—Petition of Susannah Sorenson.

The petitioner states that land in the Waikato to which she and her brothers had a claim was confiscated by reason of the rebellion of the tribes of that district; that she did not prefer her claim before the Compensation Court, because of her youth, and the absence of her father. She complains that an inquiry recommended by a Committee of the House last session has not been duly held, and prays for relief.

I am directed to report as follows:—

That such slight evidence as the Committee have been able to obtain in reference to the alleged claims of the petitioner does not lead to the belief that there is much reality in them. The Committee cannot therefore recommend that specific action be taken for her relief.

2nd October, 1878.