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New Zealand Home & Building, October-November 1985


Photography: Robin Morrison

Photography: Robin Morrison

Like the Ruler of the Queen's Navy in W.S. Gilbert's H.M.S. Pinafore a carefully polished front door knob or knocker of superior design can do as much for the prestige of its owner, as any single aspect of the home. A door invites entry — it is the introduction to the house, and the door knob or knocker reflects the character of the home inside.

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Knobs come in a variety of shapes and sizes — the market leaders are brass and chrome, plastic, ceramic and wood. Here are just some that caught our eye when we visited the showroom at Knobs n' Knockers, 16-20 New North Rd, Eden Terrace, Auckland.

Knobs come in a variety of shapes and sizes — the market leaders are brass and chrome, plastic, ceramic and wood. Here are just some that caught our eye when we visited the showroom at Knobs n' Knockers, 16-20 New North Rd, Eden Terrace, Auckland.