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Historical Records of New Zealand



London, 18th November, 1823.


In reply to your letter requiring a tender of 3 ships about 300 tons each to convey 100 soldiers and 100 convicts each to page 612 New South Wales, and from thence to New Zealand to load spars, &c., home to England, I am prepared to tender you the ships, to be approved by the Government agent, at 20/- p. ton p. month, and to take my payment from the sale of the return cargoes. Altho’ the nett proceeds may far exceed my demand for frt., yet as Government will have at your credit the charge for conveyance of 300 convicts you will give me their guarantee for any deficiency.

On the ships’ arrival at New South Wales, should you wish to detach one or two of them for supplies of cattle, &c., while you with the others proceeded to the settlement to prepare their cargoes, of course anny on monthly charter are at your command.

Yours, &c.,


John Moore.Wm. L. Ogilvy.

To Lt.-Col. Nicolls.