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Grammar of the New Zealand Language



Has three sounds; the slender, somewhat broader' and the full broad sound.


The slender, as in hat, pat


The somewhat broader; as in mar, far, father.


The full broad; as in wall, hall, &c.

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The following is a list of words classified under these heads:
patu, to strike.patu, partition of a house
mătua, a father.mātua. fathers.whana, to kick.
mărama, the moon.mārama, tight.wahi, a place.
taki, to drag a canoe in water.taki, take from the fire.whaki, to confess.
matenga, death.matenga, headware, a plebeian.
tăringa, ear.tāringa, waiting for.
păkaru, broken.pākarua. v. p. broken
pakeke, hard.pakeke, to creek.
tăngata, a man.tāngata, men.
tahu. to burn.tahuhu, a ridgepole.whare, a house.

The second and third head differ but little from each, other, and it sometimes may be difficult to decide under which of the two the sound should be classed.

The reader is requested to notice that the distinctions above made, are not founded so much on the length of the sound, as on the differences of the sounds themselves. If the length of the sound be considered, other classes, (at least two,) might easily be established; but the learner would, we fear, be more perplexed than benefitted by the addition.

The speaker should remember that in some compound words the last syllable of the first word, if it end in a, is pronounced strong; e g.

Patungā-poaka; place where pigs are killed. Mahingā-kai; a cultivation; Matā-pu; the lead of a gun, a bullet; Ta te tutuā tu; the plebeian's manners.

Note.—There are exceptions to this rule which it would be well for the student of observation to notice.

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In pronouncing such words as kata, mata, tata, the speaker must be careful not to slur over the first a, as if it were keta, meta, &c. It should be pronounced clearly and distinctly.