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In A German Pension

History and Philosophy

History and Philosophy

BRITISH BATTLE BOOKS. By Hilaire Belloc. F'cap. Bvo. Cloth, is, net; leather, 2s. 6d. net. The British Battle Books will consists of a number of monographs upon actions in which British troops have taken part. Each battle will be the subject of a separate booklet, illustrated with coloured maps illustrative of the movements described in the text, together with a large number of line maps showing the successive details of the action. In each case the political circumstances which led to the battle will be explained: next, the stages leading up to it; lastly, the action in detail. 1. Blenheim. 2. Malplaquet. 3. Tourcoing. 4. Waterloo. 5. Crecy. 6. Poltiers. 7. Cortinna. 8. Talaveras. 9. Flodden. 10. The Siege of Valenciennes. 11. Vittoria. 12. Toulouse.

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EIGHT CENTURIES OF PORTUGUESE MONARCHY. By V. de Braganca Cunha. Demy 8vo. 15 pencil portraits. 15s. net. This book reveals the series of causes, both political and social, which have brought Portugal to its present condition.

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