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Heels 1963

Renata-Alpha Dec. 14-16th

Renata-Alpha Dec. 14-16th.

The taxi unceramoniously dumped us in the gathering dark, and hurriedly returned to the haven of civilisation. But we didn't care for us the hills!

The going through the bush on to Maymorn ridge was cool and pleasant and we soon shook off those stale end-of-week feelings.

Next morning dawned with perfect tramping weather, high overcast, cool, slight breeze, view for miles After waking everyone else up with our noisy preparations for breakfast we set off in high spirits at eight o'clock.

After only a couple of slight deviations from the approved track, we reached the heights of Ranata 'A' and stopped to admire the view. The ridge was visible all the way along to Elder and we could see where the route dropped into a deep saddle between Elder and Aston.

The route continued on through typical high altitude bush, gnarled beech festooned with mosses, turpantine bush etc.

After a final bash through leatherwood, we came out onto the top of Eler at midday. By now it was very hot and we were thirsty. We found an empty been bottle half full of water. We drank it!

After an hour's lunch we set off to tackle the formidable saddle between Elder and Aston, the first part, going down into the saddle was easy. But going up the other side was not so easy!

A rest on a bump in the ridge was very welcome. By now the tops were becoming shrouded in mist. We sat down on flattish ground wondering how mush further the top was (it seemed miles!) Suddenley the mist cleared a bit and we noticed a peculiar line going to the left. It was the track leading off round to Hector. We were one minute from the top and had not realised it!

We reached Alpha hut soon after and spent the night fighting for bunk space with several P.N.S.S.S.T.C. bods page break aassorted Tararuas, shooters, and other odd individuals.

Next moring the highlight of the trip came. The door burst open and in came Steve, looking in a state of collapse.

"Help!" he cried, and sank wearily to the floor. Hystirically he told us how he had spent the the night—lost his torch and pack on Omega and had blundered down to Hutt forks.

"Give me food," he cried and many willing hands heaped victuals into his lap. Suddenly his face broke into smiles, and his frame shook with silent mirth.

"I've had youall on," he said and explained that he had slepf out on Omega, caught without torch and sleeping bag cover. The P.N.S.S.S.T.C.'s looked on in respact at this at this mighty chief of bludgers.

We sent off our numbers now swelled to five, now swelled tonted Hell's Gate and collected Steve's pack on Omega. The rest of the trip consisted of a not uniteresting triwl down the Marchant, with a brief stop at Dobson's for rehydration before continueing on to the shelter hut.

Transport back to the evil of civilization was by motorbike, thumb, and train.


Weary and homesick and distressed,
They wander east, wander west,
And are baffled and beaten and blown about
By the winds of the wilderness of doubt;
To stay at home is best.