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Typo: A Monthly Newspaper and Literary Review, Volume 4

[miscellaneous paragraphs]

It is rather late for the acknowledgment; but we have to thank the editor of the Clarence and Richmond Examiner, Grafton, (N.S.W.) for a copy of the paper published under such remarkable difficulties—the water having been nine feet deep in the lower story of the office on the day preceding publication. He has also sent us a very interesting letter, which, with the paper, we shall preserve as an interesting memorial. The paper shows no outward and visible sign of the exceptional difficulties attending its production. It is a well printed 8-page sheet of 48 columns; and contains a remarkably full account of the flood and its effects in all the surrounding districts. Considering that all the ordinary means of communication were suspended, this is one of the most remarkable features of the paper.

The following is a specimen of protectionist logic from one of the most intelligent of the party—Sir Robert Stout. It is worthy of careful study. « We lived in a country that must have indirect taxation, because our requirements for the payment of interest and the carrying on of government were such that it would be simply ruinous, and the country could not stand it to depend on direct taxation alone. If we were to have indirect taxation it was necessary we should have Customs duties; and if we had Customs duties it was the duty of every man to see that these were imposed so as to help the industries of the colony. He apprehended that some Freetraders could go that length. Others would not, but said a tariff was simply to get revenue. He did not agree with that, but thought we should so arrange the tariff as to help the country to have diversified industries. » That is to say, the same amount of taxation which, directly and therefore much more cheaply imposed, would be ruinous, is not so when indirectly contributed. And further, that the taxpayer derives such benefit from his otherwise ruinous taxation being indirect, that he can not only afford to pay the extra expense of collection, but to contribute a further donation to help the industries of the colony!

The following resolution, passed unanimously by the Master Printers' Association of Christchurch, on the 12th June, was inadvertently shut out of our last issue:— « The Master Printers of Christchurch (Associated), reviewing with great satisfaction and pleasure the establishment of Master Printers' Associations in all the chief centres of New Zealand, think the time has now come when some attempt should be made at 'Federation.' They consider that the advantage to be derived from a meeting of delegates selected from the various Master Printers' Associations in the colony, held in one of the towns annually, would do much permanent good in consolidating and improving the general state of the trade throughout New Zealand. A meeting of delegates should, in our opinion, be empowered to deal with all the larger questions affecting the trade—such as the relations that should exist between the several associations in the colony; the avoidance of competition between members of our Association and another; an endeavor to make as near as possible a uniform tariff of charges for printing, with rules relating to same; questions affecting wages; terms and conditions of apprenticeship; and generally to discuss all matters that have for their object the advancement and improvement of the general printing business in New Zealand. »