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Typo: A Monthly Newspaper and Literary Review, Volume 3

21st May, 1889


21st May, 1889.

After long working under cost, to their own serious loss, and the great detriment of the trade, the master-printers have formed an association, and agreed upon a tariff; but they find it hard work to reinstate rates once reduced. The tenders for the burgess rolls this year, though a long way above the ridiculous figures of twelve months ago, were very moderate, being the same as allowed by the Government for the electoral rolls—a much lighter job. But on the recommendation of Mr Gibson, town clerk, who stated that « a printers' ring » had been formed, and that the rates were « exorbitant, » the city council refused to accept any of the tenders. A writer in the Star suggests putting the handsomely-paid billet of town clerk up to tender, as there are plenty of honest and capable men who would be glad to fulfil the duties at half the present salary.

The new magazine Zealandia is announced to appear on 1st July, and is being freely advertised. It has secured some good contributors, and has a fair prospect of success. The fact that several similar ventures have failed in bygone years need not discourage the promoters, who start under better auspices. The name of the editor is given as « William Freeman. » I do not know him, but Mr William Freeman Kitchen is pretty well known in literary circles. « What's in a name? »

The industrial committee of the exhibition have issued a circular, giving a list of classes of work in which competition is proposed to take place, and for which a court will be provided. The list of classes is a very full one, but I fail to see a class set down for printers. And there are two printers on the committee! Why is this thus?