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Acts Affecting Native Lands, Etc. (In English and Maori), Passed by the General Assembly, Session 1892, 1893, 1897, 1898, 1899.

1893, No. 13. An Act to amend "The Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act, 1892."

1893, No. 13. An Act to amend "The Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act,Title. 1892."

2nd September, 1893.

Be It Enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

1. The Short Title of this Act is "The Rohe Potae Investigation short Title.of Title Act Amendment Act, 1893."
2. The several orders of the Native Land Court, made at a sitting orders specified in Schedule to be deemed further orders under the said Act.of the Court at Otorohanga between the date of the passing of "The Rohe Potae Investigation of Title Act, 1893," and the twenty-third day of November, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two, as the same are particularly specified in the Schedule hereto, shall be deemed to have been "further orders" within the meaning of the said Act, and shall be as valid and effectual for all intents and purposes as if such orders had been made and dated prior to the coming into operation of the said Act: Provided that any person who shall consider himself aggrieved by the making of any such order may, at any time within three months from the passing of this Act, apply for a rehearing as if such order had been made and dated on the day of the passing of this Act.
3. Notice of the Passing and of the effect of this Act shall Notice to Natives.immediately be given to the Natives affected by the orders in the Schedule hereto, in such manner as the Governor in Council shall determine.
page 2
Date of Order. Land affected. Nature of Proceeding.
26th September, 1892 Hauturu West No. 1b Partition of original block called Hauturu West No. 1.
26th September, 1892 Hauturu West No. 1 (balance) Partition of original block called Hauturu West No. 1.
26th September, 1892 Hauturu. West No. 1a, Section A Partition of original block called Hauturu West No. 1a.
26th September, 1892 Hauturu West No. 1a (balance) Partition of original block called Hauturu West No. 1a.
3rd October, 1892 Hauturu West, F Partition of original block called Hauturu West (balance).
3rd October, 1892 Hauturu West, G Partition of original block called Hauturu West (balance).
5th October, 1892 Hauturu East, A Partition of original block called Hauturu East.
5th October, 1892 Hauturu East, B Partition of original block called Hauturu East.
5th October, 1892 Hauturu East, C Partition of original block called Hauturu East.
5th October, 1892 Hauturu East, D Partition of original block called Hauturu East.
5th October, 1892 Hauturu East, E Partition of original block called Hauturu East.
5th October, 1893 Hauturu East No. 1b Partition of original block called Hauturu East No. 1.
5th October, 1893 Hauturu East No. 1c Partition of original block called Hauturu East No. 1.
5th October, 1893 Hauturu East No. 1d Partition of original block called Hauturu East No. 1.
5th October, 1893 Hauturu East No. 1e Partition of original block called Hauturu East No. 1.
23rd November, 1892 Mangarapa No. 1 Partition of original block called Mangarapa.
23rd November, 1892 Mangarapa No. 2 Partition of original block called Mangarapa.
23rd November, 1892 Mangarapa No. 3 Partition of original block called Mangarapa.
23rd November, 1892 Mangarapa No. 4 Partition of original block called Mangarapa.