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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.



Harbour—Harbour Regulations. 14
Harbourng—Harbouriug constables 8
Harbouring deserted soldier 24
Harbouring felons 31
Hay—Setting fire to hay 3
House—Riding over a person with a horse 32, 35
Stealing, or killing with intent to steal, skin, or maliciously injure 6
Cruelty to horse 10
Impounding horses without feeding 10 page 64
Horse—Accidental death of man by horse See "Animals." 35, 34
House—Malicious injury to house 22
Entering forcibly with intent to commit injury 22
Throwing powder &c. into house 23
Riotously demolishing house 27
Forcibly entering house 32
Stealing in a house 15, 20
Housebreaking and burglary 15, 6
Setting fire to a house 2, 32
Attempting to set fire to house 3
Breaking into by night or breaking out 6
Vagrant in house for unlawful purpose 29
Person attempting to burn house killed 34
Obstructing windows of houses 40