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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.



Penal—Compounding information on penal statute 8
Definition of penal servitude 51
Piracy—Definition of 51
Laws respecting Piracy 25
Plaintiff—Definition of 40
Plantations—Setting fire to plantations 3
Malicious injury te plantations 21, 22
Plunder—Plunder a ship, piracy 25
Assault with intent to plunder 4
Person killed in attempt to plunder 34
See "Theft."page 68
Poison—Administering poison te woman te procure abortion 1
Administering poison with intent te commit murder 5
Policeman—See "Constable."
Post office—Description of Post office 55
Laws respecting Post office 25
Stealing, &c., letters, &c., 25, 26
Pound—Definition of 54
Impounding cattle trespassing 40
Impounding ditto and not feeding 10, 40
Breaking open pound 12, 26
Prison—Laws respecting prison 11, 12
False imprisonment 13
Proceedings judicial—See "Judicial proceedings."
Prosecution—Malicious prosecution 43
Accusing of crime te extort money 1, 20, 31
Conspiracy to accuse 8