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The Laws of England, Compiled and translated into the Māori language.

1. Abduction.—Unlawful taking away of a Girl. *

[i roto i te reo Māori]

1. Abduction.—Unlawful taking away of a Girl. *

If any unmarried woman be taken or detained by any persons from motives of lucre, without her consent, and with an intention on the part of the taker to marry or to defile her; this also is a Criminal Offence, and is indictable in the Supreme Court. This applies only in cases where the woman is possessed of property, and the person taking her does so in order to obtain her property. In the case of a woman not possessed of property, who may be so taken, another course is adopted; the taker may be indicted for an "Assault." (See List of Criminal Offences, No. 9). Or the case may be treated as one of Civil Injury and compensation Sought in a Court of Law for the injury sustained in consequence of the wrongful act of the taker, which would be a "False Imprisonment." (See Civil Injuries.)