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An Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology

Literature on the Tokelau Islands

Literature on the Tokelau Islands

Early Voyagers
  • Byron (1764-1766)
  • Edwards (1790-1791)
  • Quiros (1605-1606)
  • Wilkes (1838-1842)
Other Writers

Burrows, William, Some notes and legends of a south sea island [Fakaofu]: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 32, pp. 143-173, 1923.

Hale, Horatio, Ethnography and philology, U. S. Exploring Expedition, Narrative, vol. 6, Philadelphia, 1846.

Lister, J. J., Notes on the natives of Fakaofu (Bowditch Island) Union Group: Royal Anthrop. Inst.Great Britain and Ireland, Jour., vol. 22, pp. 43-63, 1891.

Smith, S. Percy, A note on the Tokelau or Union Group: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 31, pp. 91-93, 1922.

Bishop Museum Publication

Macgregor, Gordon, Ethnology of Tokelau, Bull. 146, 1937.