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White Wings Vol II. Founding Of The Provinces And Old-Time Shipping. Passenger Ships From 1840 To 1885

The Brig Susanne

The Brig Susanne.

During the 'fifties and early 'sixties a number of small vessels, brig-rigged, brought hundreds of immigrants from Britain to New Zealand, and similarly rigged vessels were extensively used in the cargo and cattle trade between New Zealand and Australia. A typical vessel of this once popular rig was the German brig Susanne, 265 tons, which dropped anchor in the Waitemata on November 27th, 1862, after a smart passage of fifty days from Table Bay. Most of the early arrivals in New Zealand came from Britain, but the Susanne's 84 passengers came from Capetown. The only cargo the little vessel brought was 362 boxes of raisins and 100 cases of wine. She was in command of Captain P. J. Moller. Recording her arrival, the "New Zealander" said: "She sailed from Capetown on October 6, and had strong westerly weather all the way, running down her longitude in the parallel of 50 deg. south. She passed to the southward of Tasmania without sighting that island, and fetched the Three Kings on Friday at midnight, and on Sunday she was off the Bay of Islands. Boarded the ship Roman, 375 tons, Captain Hamblin, New Bedford, 2,900 barrels of whale oil, and then fast to two whales. The Susanne is a fine wholesome craft, one of Cesar Goddefroy's line; and, from the warm testimonial of his numerous British passengers from Capetown (84 souls in all) we are happy to learn that Captain Moller has won their cordial esteem."

The only passengers who made the trip sixty-four year ago, and are still alive, are Mr. P. Lynch, of the Devonport Ferry Company, and Mr. A. Belsham, of Ponsonby.