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White Wings Vol II. Founding Of The Provinces And Old-Time Shipping. Passenger Ships From 1840 To 1885

The George Canning

The George Canning.

This vessel, registering only 411 tons, brought out to the colony a large number of passengers. She was the first of a series despatched by the emigration agent, who had been sent home from Otago.

In 1857, the George Canning, under Captain Sim, sailed on the 23rd August, and arrived at Port Chalmers on the 28th November, making a good passage of 97 days, port to port.

She made two voyages to Nelson, the first in 1861, under the same command, arriving in port on the 12th April, 102 days out. The following year the barque sailed from London in 1862, with passengers and cargo, and arrived on the 28th January, 1863, making the passage in 118 days. Captain Harris was in command.

In 1864, under Captain Harris, she sailed from London on the 11th February, and arrived at Wellington on the 4th June, the passage occupying 114 days.