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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

Comes To Auckland

Comes To Auckland.

As already stated, the Red Jacket visited Auckland in 1860, arriving at that port on the 17th May. She left Liverpool on January 27th, and notwithstanding adverse circumstances, made the passage to Port Philip in 84 days. The captain stated that he had never before met with such light N.E. and S.E. trades. After rounding the Cape the Red Jacket had no westerly winds, N. and N.E. prevailing right up to Cape Otway; still the run from the Cape to Melbourne was made in 27 days. With the exception of 58 hours, the ship kept on the port tack all the way from England. On arrival at Melbourne the Red Jacket landed 1200 tons of cargo and 250 passengers.

She remained in port at Melbourne until May 6, when she sailed for Auckland. She ran across to the Three Kings in seven days,. and on May 17 arrived at Auckland, where she landed general cargo and 150 passengers, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Smith, who celebrated their diamond wedding on March 8, 1924, at Edendale, Auckland.

the Red Jacket completed ten passages to Melbourne—from 1854 to 1860.