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Sport 40: 2012

The Six-Year-Old In Me and the Starry Sky Above Me

The Six-Year-Old In Me and the Starry Sky Above Me

For structural reasons the conference hall was screened from the outside world. It was the only way a sufficient number of rooms could be strung together, with the result that not every room had windows. But, because of the milky afternoon light that filled the city, even through windows it would have been impossible to see the starry sky, although the stars at all times watch over us up there.

The liveliest speaker in this company was considered to be ‘full of hot air’. None of those present thought much of the others. A room of indifference.

I’m older than the others. Inside me I hear the six-year-old, whom I once was and who I am at every point of my life. Often the seventeen- year-old or the thirty-two-year-old speak inside me, too. But they rarely speak at the same time, whereas the objections of the six-year- old seem to fit with each of the other voices. If I close my eyes for a moment, it can happen that I return to this room from an earlier time. I have an impression of having lived on a country estate in ancient Syria. And if this is true, I am also living now, even as I explain myself at this conference, in this other time. Is it dear to me? Would I remember it, if it were not dear to me?