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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 22 September 1927

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 22 September 1927

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version: Claire McCullough, NZETC

Creation of digital images: Claire McCullough, NZETC

Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Claire McCullough, NZETC


Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 29 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 22 June 2004
    Jamie Norrish, NZETC
    Changed date format in title to be consistent with other letters.

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish, NZETC
    Altered TEI Header: added extent of electronic file, altered format of XML, fixed respStmts for fileDesc.

  • 7 January 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered spacing of markup.

  • 3 November 2004
    Kamala Bain
    General document-wide corrections: changed ' to ’ and "" to “”; changed some lower case letters to upper case; added commas where they did not appear; changed some commas to semi-colons. Corrected text on page 1: changed "news of moment to recount" to "news of movement to recount". Corrected text on page 3: changed "down handsomely with" to "down handsomely into". Corrected text on page 4: changed "giving up the ghost, in" to "giving up the ghost, i.e."; changed "tests & complicatons" to "toils & complicatons"; changed "anticipating a somewhat hectic week in the great city" to "anticipating a somewhat hectic week or two meeting them all & making them at home in the great city". Corrected text on page 5: changed "patronise reg="Bertorelli's">Ber-torelli's" to "patronise Ber-torelli's". Corrected text on page 6: changed "better start making up" to "better start [unclear: raking] up"; changed "about 1/2 [unclear: sovs]" to "about ½ sovs"; changed "By the was, as I put" to "By the way, as I put"; changed "on the sorrowing sub editor" to "or the sorrowing sub-editor".

  • 8 November 2004
    Kamala Bain
    Corrected text on page 7: changed "us the leaves are turning" to "us & the leaves are turning"; changed "Cesar Franck’s" to "César Franck’s"; changed "down to Aunties Jeannes" to "down to Auntie Jeannes"; changed "good at the night time" to "good at the right time". Corrected text on page 8: changed "Regal Dental Hospital" to "Royal Dental Hospital". Corrected text on page 9: changed "family & sung" to "family to sing"; changed "Aunty Jeanne invited" to "Auntie Jeanne invited". Corrected text on page 10: changed "I though I might" to "I thought I might"; changed "N.Z. & the the face of which" to "N.Z., to the the force of which"; changed "Briony [unclear: Lycaght]" to "Briony Lysaght".