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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 10 July 1927

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 10 July 1927

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version:

Creation of digital images: Tarn McDonald

Conversion to TEI.2-conformat markup: Tarn McDonald

Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 33 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish, NZETC
    Altered TEI Header: added extent of electronic file, altered format of XML, fixed respStmts for fileDesc.

  • 7 January 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered spacing of markup. Clarified text.

  • 19 October 2004
    Kamala Bain
    General document-wide corrections: added commas where they did not appear; added deletions where they were not indicated; changed some upper case letters to lower case and vice versa; deleted hyphens where they did not exist. Corrected text on page 1: changed "invested in anew sports coat" to "invested in a new sports coat"; changed "& dragged into it" to "& dragged me into it". Corrected text on page 2: changed "Paris Dr [unclear] Lettres" to "Paris Dr és Lettres"; changed "& the lad & lasses" to "& the lads & lasses"; changed "& a Times [unclear]" to "& a Times atlas". Corrected text on page 3: changed "sandwiches & a brown. parcel" to "sandwiches & a brown-paper parcel"; changed "through with them now" to "through with them by now". Corrected text on page 4: changed "The Dutch trains simplify" to "The Dutch trams simplify"; changed "visited the [unclear] huis" to "visited the Mauritshuis"; changed "Thus [unclear] hus is an old" to "This Mauritshuis is an old". Corrected text on page 5: changed "opinion than the [unclear] things" to "opinion than the [unclear: sating] things"; changed "ignorance on my part you will know" to "ignorance on my part — you will know"; changed "very prosperous, the towns" to "very prosperous, & the towns"; changed "pension was in one" to "pension was on one"; changed "the Reichs Museum" to "the Reichs Museum [sic: Rijksmuseum]"; changed "We bugged round all over" to "We buzzed round all over"; changed "cocoa-drink, called [unclear]" to "cocoa-drink, called Fosco".

  • 26 October 2004
    Kamala Bain
    Corrected text on page 6: changed "diamonds all round" to "diamonds all around,"; changed "is due of their craft" to "is due to their craft"; changed "The Reichs-Museum" to "The Reichs-Museum [sic: Rijksmuseum]". Corrected text on page 7: changed "I suppose G.N.C. mentions [unclear]" to "I suppose G.N.C. mentions Israels"; changed "trip to Manken" to "trip to Marken"; changed "your vulgar companion at" to "your vulgar companions. At". Corrected text on page 8: changed "charming, it would" to "charming, & it would"; changed "4 guilder a day — 6/8" to "4 gulden a day — about 6/8"; changed "saw the Groote [unclear] which is" to "saw the Groote Kerk which is". Corrected text on page 9: changed "charged a bob for the same" to "charged a bob for same"; changed "cake too. Something [unclear]" to "cake too. Something [unclear: crook]"; changed "The [unclear: Pearce] Palace" to "The Peace Palace". Corrected text on page 10: changed "Carving of the chair-stalls" to "Carving of the choir-stalls"; changed "organ & a chair was functioning" to "organ & a choir was functioning". Corrected text on page 11: changed "type-setting & painting rooms" to "type-setting & printing rooms"; changed "block, copper-plates" to "blocks, copper-plates"; changed "[unclear: stamped Flemish leather" to "stamped Flemish leather". Corrected text on page 12: changed "came to Brussels" to "came on to Brussels"; changed "worth only 1 1/2d" to "worth only 1½d"; changed "& 1/2 past 11" to "& ½ past 11".