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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 02 February 1927

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 02 February 1927

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version:

Creation of digital images: Tarn McDonald

Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Tarn McDonald

Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 35 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 10 September 2004
    Colin Doig
    Added name tags to various names of people/places/organisation/titles.

  • 9 September 2004
    Jason Darwin
    Corrected all occurences to "Lener quartet".

  • 8 September 2004
    Jason Darwin
    General document-wide corrections: changed hyphens to em-dashes; added [orig] tags around all words hyphenated over line-breaks; changed non-monetary fractions to true fractions; specified full expansion for all abbreviations; changed hyphen in numeric ranges to en-dashes; specified supralinear additions where they appear in the text of the letter; ensured all indented paragraphs are tagged [p rend="indent"]. Corrected text on page 1: changed "21 Brunswick Sq." to "21 Brunswick Square"; changed "it is not too late" to "it is too late"; changed "literary and" to "literary art"; changed "what is or is" to "what is & is"; changed "math in question" to "matter in question"; changed "[unclear: Nuff sed]" to "Nuff sed"; changed "107-postage" to "10/- postage". Corrected text on page 2: changed "goals" to "[unclear: goals]"; changed "on [unclear]" to "or Ern"; changed "home in the [unclear]" to "home in the nest"; changed "[unclear: shd] like you" to "shd like you"; changed "excepting perhaps students" to "excepting perhaps the students"; changed "critical [unclear]" to "critical prolegomena"; changed "go and I manage" to "go hard but I manage"; changed "[unclear: McIlveney's]" to "McIlveney's". Corrected text on page 3: changed "seem to warm" to "seem to run"; changed "[unclear: script]" to "script"; changed "[unclear] Paris lately" to "Jimmy Parr's lately; changed "the others." to "the other."; changed "[unclear] up other" to "ripped up & threw"; changed "after sending same" to "after reading same"; changed "[unclear: Pawsons]" to "parsons". Corrected text on page 4: changed "B & 7" to "B & F"; changed "was a slow" to "was as slow"; changed "[unclear: screw]" to "screw"; changed "young females & persons" to "young females & parsons"; changed "drifting around" to "drifting round"; changed "book society on" to "Book Society &"; changed "Christian activities" to "Unitarian activities". Corrected text on page 5: changed "Kiewiet" to "Kievriel"; changed "so same night" to "so some night". Corrected text on page 6: changed "climactic" to "climatic"; changed "Kiewiet" to "Kievrel"; changed "LHR" to "I.H.R."; changed "[unclear] I Johannesberg" to "— Univ of Johannesberg"; changed "with one [unclear]" to "with one cobber"; changed "bugged up to his place" to "buzzed up to his place"; changed "teachers & you" to "teachers — you". Corrected text on page 7: changed "rapid raises" to "rapid rises"; changed "Until when they get" to "Still when they get"; changed "Pygmalion &" to "Pygmalion or"; changed "living in" to "living in."; changed "[unclear] the leading man" to "Esmé Percy the leading man"; changed "[unclear: Duberat]" to "Dubedat"; changed "[unclear: Duberatish]" to "Dubedatish"; changed "[unclear: Kempcan]" to "Frangçon"; changed "full blooded accent Cockney" to "full-blooded Cockney"; changed "[unclear: Macdona]" to "Macdona"; changed "[unclear: Rose Marnie]" to "Rose Marie". Corrected text on page 8: changed "[unclear: bugg] to a girl" to "buzz along to a girl"; changed "Jimmy Paris" to "Jimmy Parr's"; changed "[unclear: round]" to "round"; changed "make London [unclear]" to "male London buzzes"; changed "States [unclear]" to "States — it"; changed "Lene quartet" to "Leuen Quartet"; changed "of W.F. [unclear: Furmen" to "of W.J. Turner"; changed "is another on the man" to "book is another on the man"; changed "two lenen" to "two Leuen"; changed "way it should go" to "way that it should go". Corrected text on page 9: changed "don't emulate here" to "don't imitate here"; changed "played a jolly" to "also played a jolly"; changed "Liszt piano concert" to "Liszt piano concerto"; changed "modern cover" to "modern cove". Corrected text on page 11: changed "Bertrand Rus-sel" to "Bertrand Rus-sell"; changed "[unclear: Bondfield]" to "Bondfield"; changed "[unclear: Clay Catch]" to "Clay Patch"; changed "took us to see" to "took us out to see"; changed "sculpting" to "sculping". Corrected text on page 12: changed "other before" to "others before"; changed "smashed the remnants" to "smashed the remnant"; changed "[unclear: sin]" to "sin"; changed "[unclear: descant]" to "descant"; changed "The of course" to "Then of course"; changed "[unclear: permissive]" to "permissive".

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered TEI Header: added extent of electronic file, altered format of XML, fixed respStmts for fileDesc.

  • 9 January 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered spacing of markup. Minor corrections to transcription.