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Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 27 December 1926

About the electronic version

Letter from John Cawte Beaglehole to his Mother, 27 December 1926

Author: Beaglehole, John Cawte

Creation of machine-readable version:

Creation of digital images: Margaret Mackley

Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: Margaret Mackley

Publicly accessible


Extent: ca. 40 kilobytes

Illustrations have been included from the original source.


Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.

Revisions to the electronic version

  • 8 September 2004
    Colin Doig
    Added name tags to various names of people/places/organisation/titles.

  • 2 September 2004
    Jason Darwin
    General document-wide corrections: changed hyphens to em-dashes; added [orig] tags around all words hyphenated over line-breaks; changed non-monetary fractions to true fractions; specified full expansion for all abbreviations; changed hyphen in numeric ranges to en-dashes; specified supralinear additions where they appear in the text of the letter; ensured all indented paragraphs are tagged [p rend="indent"]. Corrected text on page 1: changed "23/1/26" to "27/12/26"; changed "bought a motorbike" to "bought a motor-bike". Corrected text on page 2: changed "calibre of Keithle's" to "calibre of Keithles'". Corrected text on page 3: changed "niggers neck" to "nigger's neck"; changed "spread to Sydney as &" to "spread to Sydney &". Corrected text on page 4: changed "soloist for songs" to "soloist & for songs"; changed "goes all twittering" to "goes all twittery"; changed "twice about coming up" to "twice before coming up"; changed "paly ping-pong" to "play ping-pong". Corrected text on page 5: changed "unhealthy, either, they" to "unhealthy, either; they"; changed "paterfamiliars" to "paterfamilias"; changed "handsturn" to "hand's turn"; changed "worry about himself" to "worry about him himself"; changed "Walt Whitmen" to "Walt Whitman". Corrected text on page 6: changed "Kropothein" to "Kropotkin". Corrected text on page 8: changed "back perpetually" to "back paternally". Corrected text on page 9: changed "[unclear: Ffrangcon]" to "Ffrangçon"; changed "[unclear: farce]" to "farce"; changed "tun by Nigel" to "run by Nigel"; changed "into a raoaring" to "into a roaring"; changed "ste to music" to "set to music"; changed "[unclear: Bonphton]" to "Boughton". Corrected text on page 10: changed "As far as plans go" to "As far as plays go"; changed "The White Headed Boy" to "The White-Headed Boy"; changed "performance by e" to "performance by me". Corrected text on page 11: changed "Jack doesn't mind —" to "Jack doesn't mind!". Corrected text on page 12: changed "with Heaton HAll" to "with Heaton Hall"; changed "spend 25?-" to "spend 25/-". Corrected text on page 13: changed "monetry" to "monetary"; changed "King of the Turnball" to "thing of the Turnbull"; changed "entirely suitable suitable" to "entirely suitable"; changed "an end now" to "an end about now". Corrected text on page 14: changed "for fooling" to "for foolery"; changed "much love from" to "usual love from".

  • 1 March 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered TEI Header: added extent of electronic file, altered format of XML, fixed respStmts for fileDesc.

  • 9 January 2004
    Jamie Norrish
    Altered spacing of markup. Corrections to transcription.