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Te Ture Tiaki Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori [Second Draft, 1898]

About the electronic version

Te Ture Tiaki Whakahaere hoki i nga Whenua Maori [Second Draft, 1898]

Creation of machine-readable version: Keyboarded by Planman Technologies

Creation of digital images: Planman Technologies

Conversion to TEI-conformant markup: Planman Technologies

New Zealand Electronic Text Collection, 2009
Wellington, New Zealand

Publicly accessible


Copyright 2009, by Victoria University of Wellington

Extent: ca. 42.2 kilobytes

Line breaks have only been retained for non-prose elements


Prepared for the New Zealand Electronic Text Collection

Taken from the text "Note.—Additions by the Maoris are shown by a line down the margin, and in case of parts of lines by a rule underneath"

Marginal lines are not represented in this digital edition but those additions indicated by an underline have been captured and represented.

All unambiguous end-of-line hyphens have been removed, and the trailing part of a word has been joined to the preceding line. Every effort has been made to preserve the Māori macron using unicode.

Some keywords in the header are a local Electronic Text Collection scheme to aid in establishing analytical groupings.