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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 2006-07: VUWAE 51

Fig. 1: Overview map of the Ross Sea region showing the location of the satellite images A and B. A) Locations of sites in the McMurdo Sound region, B) Location of sites in the Cape Hallett region. Satellite images are derived from MODIS

Fig. 1: Overview map of the Ross Sea region showing the location of the satellite images A and B. A) Locations of sites in the McMurdo Sound region, B) Location of sites in the Cape Hallett region. Satellite images are derived from MODIS

Fig. 1: Overview map of the Ross Sea region showing the location of the satellite images A and B. A) Locations of sites in the McMurdo Sound region, B) Location of sites in the Cape Hallett region. Satellite images are derived from MODIS