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Ethnology of Tongareva

Figure 29. Rauhara marae. a, general plan: 1–7, pillars on back line (1, tallest of series, 6 feet 7 inches high, flange on right; 2, pillar with flange on left, 6 feet 4 inches high, set at back of platform (12); 3, 4, broken pillars at back of platform; 5, broken pillar included in back wall of platform; 8, double flanged pillar on right side; 9, pillar included in right wall of platform; 10, back line of curbstones extending from left corner, passing 2 feet behind corner pillar (1) and 2 fee…

Figure 29. Rauhara marae. a, general plan: 1–7, pillars on back line (1, tallest of series, 6 feet 7 inches high, flange on right; 2, pillar with flange on left, 6 feet 4 inches high, set at back of platform (12); 3, 4, broken pillars at back of platform; 5, broken pillar included in back wall of platform; 8, double flanged pillar on right side; 9, pillar included in right wall of platform; 10, back line of curbstones extending from left corner, passing 2 feet behind corner pillar (1) and 2 feet 4 inches behind platform (12), and turning in at right angles on right to meet back wall of platform; 11, back line of curbstones commencing 1 foot 3 inches behind right back corner of platform and continuing to back of left edge of right corner pillar; 12, platform formed of four walls of limestone slabs set vertically (height of walls, 1 foot 7 inches, on back, 1 foot 6 inches on front), inclosure filled in with coral boulders but not quite to top, giving impression as in Tokerau marae that some of material has been removed; 13, short curb line in front of pillar completing an inclosure floored with white coral gravel, thus raising it above surface of marae: 14, small inclosure; 15, paved open inclosure defined on right by curb extending from back curb line to left back corner of platform and covered with white coral gravel; 16, narrow transverse pavement with left end in line with left end of platform; 17, rows of two curbstones set on edge; 18, angle on left boundary; line runs to right of angle for 2 feet 7 inches and turns at obtuse angle to run forward to meet front line at left corner; front boundary curbed, with no spaces for pillars. b, inclosure (a, 15), enlarged scale, formed by back curb line (10) and front and side lines of curbstones set on edge: 2, left side, 3 feet 4 inches long; 3, right side, 4 feet long; 4, two large curbstones set parallel with left side; 5, two large curbstones set parallel with right side; 6, two curbstones, closing front of inner inclosure, open at back; 7, skull and bones; 8, skull and thigh bones.

Figure 29. Rauhara marae. a, general plan: 1–7, pillars on back line (1, tallest of series, 6 feet 7 inches high, flange on right; 2, pillar with flange on left, 6 feet 4 inches high, set at back of platform (12); 3, 4, broken pillars at back of platform; 5, broken pillar included in back wall of platform; 8, double flanged pillar on right side; 9, pillar included in right wall of platform; 10, back line of curbstones extending from left corner, passing 2 feet behind corner pillar (1) and 2 feet 4 inches behind platform (12), and turning in at right angles on right to meet back wall of platform; 11, back line of curbstones commencing 1 foot 3 inches behind right back corner of platform and continuing to back of left edge of right corner pillar; 12, platform formed of four walls of limestone slabs set vertically (height of walls, 1 foot 7 inches, on back, 1 foot 6 inches on front), inclosure filled in with coral boulders but not quite to top, giving impression as in Tokerau marae that some of material has been removed; 13, short curb line in front of pillar completing an inclosure floored with white coral gravel, thus raising it above surface of marae: 14, small inclosure; 15, paved open inclosure defined on right by curb extending from back curb line to left back corner of platform and covered with white coral gravel; 16, narrow transverse pavement with left end in line with left end of platform; 17, rows of two curbstones set on edge; 18, angle on left boundary; line runs to right of angle for 2 feet 7 inches and turns at obtuse angle to run forward to meet front line at left corner; front boundary curbed, with no spaces for pillars. b, inclosure (a, 15), enlarged scale, formed by back curb line (10) and front and side lines of curbstones set on edge: 2, left side, 3 feet 4 inches long; 3, right side, 4 feet long; 4, two large curbstones set parallel with left side; 5, two large curbstones set parallel with right side; 6, two curbstones, closing front of inner inclosure, open at back; 7, skull and bones; 8, skull and thigh bones.