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Samoan Material Culture

Figure 325.—Whale tooth necklace lashing:

Figure 325.—Whale tooth necklace lashing:

Figure 325.—Whale tooth necklace lashing:

a, the cord (1) is composed of four smaller cords which are passed through the holes in the pendants. The cord (2) is a single cord the same size as the other four. It is knotted to the passive cord (1) near the first pendant (3). The active cord (2) makes a figure-of-eight turn around the ends of the passive cord (1) and over the back or convex side of the pendants. Hence in the figure it crosses the back of the pendant (3) to the left of the passive cord on the near side, passes under it to the right, crosses obliquely back to the left of the passive cord on the far side, and then passes under it. b, After the first figure-of-eight fixing the first pendant (3), the active cord passes over two pendants (3 and 4) to the left of the passive cord on the near side of (4) and passes under it to the right. c, From the right, the active cord completes the figure of eight by crossing diagonally over the new pendant (4) to the left of the passive cord on the far side and passes under it to the right. d, The technique is established. After completing the figure-of-eight turn on one pendant, the active cord crosses two pendants and completes the figure of eight on the newly added pendant of the pair.