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The Founders of Canterbury

Reigate, 16th February, 1850

Reigate, 16th February, 1850.

My Dear Wynter,

—After what you said yesterday, and after some talk with George Lyall, whom I met at the widow Somes's, I should have been surprised, however delighted, if you had been able to come to the other conclusion. As it is, I can only deeply regret the issue, which, I have a presentiment, will be very hurtful to what you call "the best design the mind of man ever framed for the reproduction of an English nation." But I give it up once more, because needs must, and this time finally.

But your postscript! If you cannot help us in the one way why not in many others? I thought your first refusal had set you free to join the Association and take an active part in its proceedings. Such part is the more required now; because when it shall be finally settled that you are impos-page 219sible, the danger of a false step in this most essential matter of the Bishopric will be more urgent. I therefore pray of you to reconsider the posrscript. If you could not, I should be cut off from consulting you. Trusting that you will, I wish you to assure Mrs. Wynter that she need not fear that I shall importune you further on the grand point. I give it up, and will not return to it. But that being settled, she, I trust, will be glad to see you taking the prime part that your "Church Colonization" has made for you in this great Founding work, and will not mind seeing me approach your house.

If you have no objection, I should be glad if your decision could be made known to the Association not through me. Lord Courtenay came from London in the train, but I was able, Lady C. being present, to avoid alluding to your letter.