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Dictionnaire Samoa-Francais-Anglais et Francais-Samoa-anglais : precede d'une grammaire de la langue samoa


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A, prép. une figure à genoux (a kneeling figure) : O le faàtagata tootuli; aller à grands pas (to walk very fast) : Savali tele vave. Laalaa tetele. — A l'anglaise (after the english way), faàpolotane.— A droite, une maison à droite (a house on the right), 'O le fale i le itu taumatau. — La route à gauche (the road on the left), 'O le ala i le itu tauagavale. — Il est à la maison (he is at home), O loo i fale. — Demeurez-vous à Apia?(do you live at Apia), E te mau ea i Apia ?

Abaisser, v. a. tuutuuifo (to lower, to let down). — Humilier (to humble) : faàtoilalo.

S'abaisser, v. r. faàmaulalo (to humble one's self).

Abandonné, a. Tuulafoaina (to be forsaken).

Abandonner, v. a. Tuulafoai, Tiai (to abandon, to forsake). — Abandonner le commerce, Tuu le faàtau (to leave off trade).

Abattement, sm. O le vaivai (weakness, discouragement).

Abattre, v. a. — un arbre, Ta, tuu. — des arbres, Ta laau (to cut down, to fell trees); — une tour, Faàsolo se òlo (to batter down).

S'abattre, v. r. la chaleurs'abat, 'O loo faàfeoloolo nei le là (the heat abates). Il ne s'abat point dans l'adversité, E le faàvaivai i le puapuagà (he is not cast down in adversity).

Abattu, a. il est abattu, Ua loto vaivai (he is dejected).

Abcès, sm. O le mai faàsua (an abcess).

Abdomen, sm. O le ona (the lower belly).

Abeille, sf. O le lago mumu (a bee).

Abéquer, v. a. fafaga se tama i manu tele i le lima (to feed a young bird by hand).

Ab hoc et ab hac, adv. Soona, Soona fai (at random).

Abhorrer, v. a. inoino (to abhor). Ou te—.Ta—.

Abîme, sm. 'O le vanu. 'O le to (an abyss).

Abîme, a. Ua faàumatia (to be destroyed).

Abîmer, v. a. Lepeti, Faàumatia (to destroy).

Abjurer, v. a. Tiai (to abjure).

Aboi, aboiement, sm. 'O le ou o le maile (barking).

Abois, sm. plur. être aux abois, page 334 Ua leaga. O loo tigâ, malomaloa (to gasp, to be at bay).

Abolir, v. a. Lepeti, Tinei (to destroy, to annul).

Abolition, sf. faàmagaloga, faàolataga o le sala (remission of a punishment or penalty).

Abomination, sf. 'O le mea soesa (abomination).

Abondamment, adv. faùfaulai (abundantly).

Abondance, sf. 'O le faulaiga (the abundance).

Abonder, v. a. faulai (to abound).

Abord, sm. Tuutaè (access, approach, landing).

D'abord, adv. muamua (first).

Aborder, v. a. faàlatalata atu mai (to come near, to land on); — arriver à..., Oò atu i... (to arrive at).

Aboucher (s'), v. r. feiloai : na ina —. (to have an interview).

Aboutir, v. n. iù i (to end in): cela aboutira au malheur de votre famille, 'O le mea nei, e iù le malaia o lou àiga.

Aboutissans, sm. pl. les tenans et aboutissans d'une terre, O tuasi o se fanua (the bounds of a piece of ground).

Aboutissant, a. taù nuù atu i (bordering upon).

Aboyer, v. Ou : o loo ou le maile (to bark).

Abrégé, sm. 'O le tala saasaa otooto (abridgment).

Abréger, v. a. Faàpuupuu, faàsaasaa (to abridge, to shorten).

Abreuver, v. a. faàinu (to lead animals to water). S'abreuver, v. r. Inu (to drink).

Abri, sm. 'O le mea e malie ai (a shelter).

Abroger, v. a. tinei (to annul).

Abrutir, v. a. Saunoa i (to besot, to render stupid).

Absent, a. E le o i ai (absent). —s. o le lagata e le o i ai, e lei sau (one who is absent).

Absolu, a. faàfia pule (arbitrary).

Absolument, adv. ma le matua loto (absolutely).

Absolution, sf. apesolusio; cath.

Absorber, v. a. faàsaga tasi i (to absorb).

Absoudre, v. a. faàmagalo atu (to absolve).

Absous, a. Ua magalo (absolved).

Abstrus, a. suegatâ (intricate).

Absurde, a. uiga sesê (preposterous).

Abus, s. 'O le faàleagaina. 'O le sesè (ili-use, mistake).

Abuser, v. pule leaga, òleòle (to make a bad use of, to deceive).

Sabuser, v. r. Sesê (to mistake, to be mistaken).

Accablant, e, a. mamafa lava (very heavy).

Accablement, sm. o le vaivai tele (dejection of mind, an over-burthening).

Accabler, v. a. faàtigà, ula anoanoai.

Accèder, v. n. tuu i ai (to accede).

Accélérer, v. a. Tili faàvave (lo hasten).

Accent, sm. moti (accent).

Acceptable, a. E talia (acceptable).

Accepter, v. a. Tali lelei (to receive kindly).

Acception, sf. Dieu ne fait pas acception des personnes, 'O le Atua e le faàiloga tagata (God has no respect of persons).

Accès, sm. d'un facile accès, faigofie (of an easy access).

Accessoire, sm. 'O tôtôga (accessory).

Accident, sm. 'O le maiala (a misfortune, accident).

Acclamation, sf. 'O le àlaga (shout).

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Acctimater, v. a. faàmasaui i le sau (to accustom to a climate).

Accommodant, e, a. faigofie (complaisant, complying).

Accommoder, v. a. agencer, faàtatau (to adapt). — deux personnes (to reconcile).

S'accommoder, v. r. s'entendre, Tautalo, faàtasi (to agree with).

Accompagner, v. a. escorter, Molimoli (to escort).

Accompli, e, a. Ua àtoa ona lelei (perfect). —, fini (performed).

Accomplir, v. a. faàtaunuu, faàoò (to fulfìl, to finish).

S'accomplir, v. r. Taunuu (to be fulfìlled).

Accomplissement, sm. 'O le taunuuga (the fulfilling).

Accord, sm. 'O le loto gatasi (the good understanding); être d'accord, tomber d'accord, Loto gatasi (to agree).

Accorder, v. a. Tua mai, atu, foaì (to grant).

Accouchement, sm. 'O le fanauga (a woman's delivery).

Accoucher, v. n. fanau (to deliver, to be brought to bed). Accoucher avant terme, Fanau le au (to miscarry).

Accoucheuse, sf. 'O le fafine faàtosaga (a midwife).

Accourcir, v. a. Faàpuupuu : — un récit, un livre (to abridge, to shorten).

Accourir, v. n. Tamoe mai (to run to).

Accoutumauce, sf. 'O le masani (the use, custom).

A l'accoutumée, adv., e pei o le ou lona masani (as usual).

Accoutumer, v. a. faàmasani (to accustom).

S'accoutumer, v. r. faàmasani (to accustom one's self).

Accroc, sm. 'O le masae (a. rent).

Accroche, sf. 'O le mea faàlavelava (an obstacle, a difficulty).

Accrocher, v. a. tautau (to bang). S'accrocher à..., v. r. Puè (to catch hold).

Accroissement, sm. 'O le saga tupu, ò le tupu alili (increase).

Accroître, v. a. faàtele (to increase).

S'accroître, v. r. saga tupu (to increase).

S'accroupir, v. r. Faàpuga (to squat down).

Accueil, sm. 'O le tali; bon —, ò le tali lelei (hearty welcome); mauvais —, ò le tali leaga (cold reception).

Accueillir, v. a. faire accueil, Tali lelei (to receive kindly). Accueillir avec des injures, Tali ma le muimui, le ùpu leaga (to receive with abuse).

Accumuler, v. a. Faàfaupue (to heap up).

S'accumuler, v. r. Tuputele (to increase).

Accusateur, sm. Molimau, Tagi (an accuser).

Accusation, sf. 'O le mau. 'O le tagi (a charge, accusation).

Accuser, v. a. Molimau. Tagi (to charge, to accuse).

Accusé, ée, a. et s. 'O le pagota (the accused, the culprit).

Acéphale, a. Ua leai sona ulu; secte —, a leai sona taitai.

Acerbe, a. 'Oona (sour, sharp).

Acéré, e, a. maai (sharp-edged).

Acharnement, sm. 'O le ita tele (animosity).

Acharner, v. a. faàoso tele (to animate).

S'acharner, v. r. 'Oso atu me le finali tele (to fall furiously upon).

Achat, sm. 'O le faàtau (purchase).

Acheter, v. a. faàtau mai (to buy, to purchase).

Achèvement, sm. 'O le faàumalaga (the finishìng).

Achever, v. a. faàuma, faàusi page 336 (to finish, to perfect). —, faàuma le ola (to put to death).

Achoppement, sm. pierre d'achoppement, 'O le maà faàtausuai (a stumbling block).

Acide, a. maai (acid, sharp).

Acidité, sf. 'O le maai (the acidity).

Acier, sm. 'O le sila (steel).

Acquérir, v. a. faàtau mai (to acquire, buy).

Acquet, sm. 'O le mea ua faàtau (acquisition).

Acquiescer, v. a. Loto i ai (to consent, to yield).

Acquisition, sf. 'O le faàlau (purchase).

Acquittement, sm. 'O le totogi, ò le aitalafu (the discharging of a debt).

Acquitter, v. a. Tologi (to pay off, to acquit).

S'acquitter, v. r. —d'une commission, Fai le feau (to execute, to fulfil).

Acre, sm. Eka (an acre of land).

Acte, sm. amioga (action).

Actif, ve, a. Titio loto filigâ (quick, active).

Action, sf. 'O le amioga (act, deed). Action de gràces, ò le faàfetai atu.. 'O le faàmanu (thanks-giving).

Actionnaire, sm. (a share-holder).

Activer, v. a. faàvave, faàtele (to put in motion).

Activité, sf. 'O le fai vave (quickness).

Actuellement, adv. I ona po nei (at tliis time, now).

Adapter, v. a. faàtatau (to adapt, to apply).

Addition, sf. 'O le faàopoopo (the addition).

Additionner, v. a. faàopoopo (to cast up).

Adhérer, v. a. Pipii (to adhere).

Adieu, sm. 'O le faàmavale (farewell).

Adjurer, v. a. Matua tau atu (to adjure).

Admettre, v. a. Tali (to admit).

Administrer, v. a. Pule (to administer).

Admirable, a. 'Ofoofogia (wonderful).

Admiration, sf. 'O le ofo (admiration, wondering at).

Admirer, v. a. 'Ofo i (to admire, to wonder at).

Admis, e, a. Ua talia (admitted).

Admissible, a. E talia (admissible).

Admonèter, admonester, v. a. Aoài (to admonish).

Adolescent, sm. ò le tàma faàtoà maiua (a youth).

S'adonner, v. r. matua faàsaga i (to give one's self up to).

Adopter, v. a. (to adopt).

Adoptif, ve, a. tâma fai (adoptive).

Adoration, 'O le ifo i le Atua (adoration).

Adorer, v. a. Ifo i le Atua (to adore).

S'adosser, v. r. faàlagolago i (to lean one's back against).

Adoucir, v. a. faàfifilemu (to appease).

S'adoucir, v. r. faàfeoloolo (to be appeased, mitigated).

Adoucissant, e, a. E malu ai (emollient).

Adoucissement, sm. 'O sina faàfaoloolo (a lessening, softening).

Adresse, sf. luma polo, ò le poto (dexterity, skill).

Adresser, v. a. Ave ma; — une lettre à..., Tasi atu ia...(to direct, to send).

S'adresser, v. r. aia, uiga ia (to concern).

Adroit, e, a. Poto (skilfull).

Adulateur, sm. (a flatterer, a fawner).

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Adultère, s. et a. 'O le mulilua (adultery, adulterer).

Adultérar, v. a. Mulilua (to adulterate).

Adversaire, sm. 'O le fili. Nafa (an adversary, an opponent).

Adverslté, sf. 'O le tigà, 'O le puapagâ (adversity).

Aérer, v. a. faàsavili (to air).

Affabilité, sf. agamalu (affa bility).

Affaiblir, v. a. faàvaivai (to enfeeble).

S'affaiblir, v. r. o loo alili pea lona vaivai (to grow weak).

Affaire, sf. feau (affair). Matagaluega (duty). 'O feau faàvave (pressing business).

Affairé, e, a. E tele ana feau (full of business, busy).

Affamé, e, a. Ua fia ài (famished, hungry).

Affamer, v. a. faàmamasa (to starve).

Affecté, e, a. faàfìa... (affected).

Affecter, v. a. faàfìa... (to affect).

Affection, sf. 'O le alo fa (love).

Affectionner, v. a. alofa atu (to love). —, désirer, Manaò (to be fond of).

Affectueusement, adv. ma le alofa (affectionately).

Affermer, v. a. galue i se fauna. Nofo i se fale (to let by lease).

Affermir, v. a. faàmalosi (to make strong, firm, to confirm).

Affermissement, sm. 'O le malosi (strengthening).

Affiler, v. a. faàmaai (to sharpen).

Afficher, v. a. faàpipii se laupepa (to post up).

Affinitè, sf. 'O le àiga (affìnity, relation).

Affirmation, sf. 'O le tautino (affirmation).

Affirmer, v. a. faàmaoi (to affìrm).

Affliction, sf. 'O le tigaina, 'O le puapuagâ (affliction).

Affligeant, e, a. faàtigâ (sad, afflicting).

Affliger, v. a. faàtigâ (to afflict).

Affluer v. n. tafe ifo i (to run into, to abound).

Affranchir, v. a. tuù atu e faàsaoloto (to free); — une lettre (to frank).

Affréter, v. a. nono se vaà (to freight, to hire a ship).

Affreux, se, a. mataùtia (frightful).

Affront, sm. 'O le faiga (insult).

Affronter, v. a. Faàmalosi. Tauemu atu (to brave, to enconuter).

Afin de..., que..., conj. Ina ia, ia... na te (in order to, so that).

Agacer, v. a. Faàlili :—les dents (to set the teeth on edge).

Âge, sm. quel est votre âge? Pe fìa ou tausaga ? Quel âge avezvous? (how old are you)? La fleur de lâge, 'O tausaga faàpolopolo o le olaga (the prime of life). Un homme entre deux âges, 'O le tagata e àtoa le malosi (a middle-aged man).

Âgé, e, a. âgé de 12 ans, e sefulu ma le lua ona tausaga (twelve years old).

Agencement, sm. 'O le leu o mea (the setting of things).

Agencer, v. a. teu (to set in order).

S'agenouiller, v. r. tootuli (to kneel, to kneel down).

Agenouilloir, sm. tootuliga (a hassock).

Aggravant, e, a. 'O le itu e mamafa ai (aggravating).

Aggraver, v. a. faàmamafa (to aggravate).

Agile, a. litio, vave (quick, nimble).

Agir, v. n. fai, amio (to act, to do). Il ne s'agit pas de cela, e le o lea (that is not the question).

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Agissant, e, a. fai amio (active).

Agiter, v. a. mettre le trouble (to agitate). — un liquide, Saaluu-luu (to shake).

Agneau, sm. tâma i mamoe (a lamb).

Agonie, sf.: êtrea l'agonie, 'O lo'O tigâ. Ua malomaloa (to be at the point of death).

Agrandir, v. a. faàlautele (to enlarge, to make greater).

S'agrandir, v. r. tupu tele, atili (to increase).

Agréable, a. matagofte (agreeable, pleasant).

Agréer, v. a. tali lelei, tali ma le fiafia (to receive kindly).

Agresscur, sm. le ulamua (an aggressor).

Agriculteur, sm. tagata e galue i le èleèle (a husbandman).

Agripper, v. a. puè vave (to catch eagerly).

Aguerrir, v. a. faàmasani i le tana (to inure to war).

S'aheurter, v. r. finauvale (to be obstinate).

Ahuri, e, a. magavate (stupified .)

Aide, sf. 'O le fesoasoani (help, assistance): Dieu vous soit en aide (God help you).

Aide, sm. 'O le fesoasoani (a helper, an assistant).

Aider, v. a. fesoasoani (to aid, to help): II l'a aidé (ho helped him).

Aigle, sm. 'O le aeto (an eagle).

Aigre, a. mafu (sour) : Aigre dans ses réprimandes, e memafa ana ùpu aòài (severe in his reprimands).

Aigrir, v. a. faàmafu (to make sour). —, faàtigà le loto (to exasperate) : Aigrir un mal, faàtupu atili le mai (to make worse).

Aigu, e, a. maai (acute;):— le mata (sharp-pointed).

Aiguille, sf. 'O le gila (a needle).

Aiguiser, v. a. faàmata, faàmaai (to whet or sharpen).

Aile, sf. 'O le apaau (a wing).

Ailé, e, a. fai apaau (pennated).

Ailleurs, adv. i le isi mea (elsewhere).

Aimable, a. aimé, alofagia (lovely).

Aimer, v. a. alofa, alofa atu (to love, to like). Aimer l'argent, manaò i tupe (to be fond of money).

Aîné, sm. O le lâma ultimatila (the eldest son or brother).

Aînè, e, a. matua ia (elder).

Aînée, sf. 'O le afafine ultimatua, ò le uso ultunatua (the eldest daughter or sister).

Aînesse, sf. le droit d'aìnesse, ò le pule a le ulumatua (birth-right).

Ainsi, conj. 'O lenei (therefore). —, de mêmecjue..., E pei o... (as — so...):Ainsi soit-il, ia faàpea lava (be it so).

Air, sm. 'O le savili, 'O le sau (the air). —, ton, 'O le fali, 'O le pese (he tune of a song): L'air gai, matafiafia (a gay look). Prendre l'air, faàsavilivili (to go into the open air). Se donner des airs, faàfia mea sili (to affect).

Airain, sm. apa nunuu (brass).

Aisance, sf. 'O le nofo taigalemu (to be at case).

Aise, sf. 'O le fiafia (joy, pleasure, to be in easy circumstances).

A l'aise, adv. Filemù, Mapu (easily, comfortably).

Aisé, e, a. faigofie (easy).

Aisément, adv. ma le faigofie (easily).

Aisselle, sf. 'O le aoao (the armpit).

Ajourner, v. a. Atofa. Tolo (to adjourn).

Ajouter, v. a. faàopoopo (to add).

Ajustfer, v. a. leu (to adjust, to set in order, to adorn).

S'ajuster, v. r. tea ia ia (to dress one's self).

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Alarmant, e, a. vale, mataùtia (dreadful, alarming).

Alarmer, v. a. faàmataù (to frighten).

S'alarmer, v. r. fefe (to be frightened).

Alentour, les alentours, sm. 'O mea e vagavagai (the environs).

Alerte, a. Fai vave (alert).

Aliénation d'esprit, sf. 'O le vale (folly).

Aligner, v. a. faàtu i le atu sao (to lay out quite straight).

Aliment, sm. 'O le mea e ài (food).

Alimenter, v. a. fafaga (to feed).

Alisés, a. vents alisés, 'O le toèlau (the trade winds).

Alité, a. 'O loo taoto (who keeps his bed).

Allaiter, v. a. faàsusu (to suckle).

Allécher, v. a. maunu (to entice).

Allée, sf. 'O le ala i se loloa (an alley in a garden).

Alléger, v. a. faàmàmà (to disburden, to lighten).

Allégorie, sf. 'O le faàtaoto (an allegory).

Allégresse, sf. O le fiafia (Joy, gladness): Louons le Seigneur avec allégresse (Let us pray the Lord with gladness), tatou vivii atu i le Alii ma le fiafia.

Alléguer, v. a. taù atu (to allege, to quote).

Allemagne, sf. Stamani (germany).

Aller, v. n. ala (to go) : Aller à Apia, alu i Apio, (to go to Apio). Aller se coucher, ala moe (to go to bed). Aller bien, v. g. un habit, uà tatau (to fìt well). N'allez pas vous imaginer, aùà e te manatu (don't fancy). Aller par la douceur, faifai malie (to use fair means). Aller à pied, savalì i lalo (to walk). Aller à cheval, tietie (to ride on horseback). Aller à tatons, tautagotago i le ala (to grope). Se laisser aller à ses passions, usitai i ona mqnaà (to give way to one's passions). Se laisser aller aux conseils des méchants, usitai i le faàoso a tagata leaga (to hearken to the advice of the wicked). Vous allez vite en besogne, ua e tele vave (you are very expeditious). Comment allez-vous? A faàpefea òe ? (how do you do ?). Comment va la jambe? A faàpefea lou vae? (how is your leg?). S'en aller, alu atu (to go away).

Alliance, sf. 'O le feagaiga (an alliance).

Allié, a. et s. àiga (relation, ally).

Allier, v. a. fefiloi (to mix). —, joindre 2 choses, faàtasi (to join With).

Allongement, sm. 'O le faàumi (lengthening).

Allonger, v. a. faàumi (to prolong).

Allumer, v. a.:— le feu, tafu le afi. Faàmu le afi (to kindle, to inflame).

Allumette, sf. 'O le afi tusi. Masi (a match).

Allure, sf. savali (walk).

Alors, adv. I ona po ia (at that time).

Altérer, gâter, v. a. faàleaga (to adulterate).

S'altérer, v. r. liu leaga (to grow worse, deteriorated).

Alternativement, adv. faàfesuiai (by turns).

Altier, ère, a. faàmaualuga (proud).

Amaigrir, v. n. et a. tupu tino vale : Il est —, ua tino vale (to grow lean, to fall away).

Amalgamer, v. a. fefiloi (to mix, to amalgamate).

Amarrer, v. a. faàmau, Fus (to tie).

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Amas, sm. faupuega (heap).

Amasser, v. a. faàpotopoto (to collect, to heap).

Ambassade, sf. 'O le savali (an embassy).

Ambigu, uë, a. faànenefu, faàletonu (of a double meaning, equivocal).

Ambigument, adv. faàlemanino (ambiguously).

Ambitieux, se, a. faàfiasili (ambitious).

Ambitionner, v. a. salii le pule le faàaloalo ma le manaò tele (to seek greedily after pride, honour, power).

Âme, sf. 'O le atamai (the soul, mind).

Amen, adv. Amene (Amen).

Amende, sf. 'O le sala (a fine): Mettre à l'amende, Faàsala (to fine).

S'amender, v. r. Il s'estamendé, ua atili ona lelei (he did grow more virtuous).

Amener, v. a. taìtaì. Taìtaì mai (to bring). Faàtupu (to cause) : Amener le pavillon, Tuù i lalo le fuà (to strike, to haul down the colours).

Amer, a. 'Oona (bitter).

Amèrement, adv. ma le ùpu faàtigà (bitterly).

Amérique, sf. Amelika (America).

Amertume, sf. 'O le oona (the bitterness) : L'amertume da cœur, 'O le loto tigà (affliction).

Ameubler, v. a. teu se potu (to furnish).

Ameuter, v. a. faànunununu (to raise a mob, to excite to sedition).

Ami, ie, s. et a 'O le(a friend).

'A l'amiable, amiablement, adv. faàuó (amicably).

Amicalement, adv. faauô (in a friendly manner).

Amincir, v. a. faàmanifinifi (to make thin).

Amiral, sm. 'O le Tamatoa (an admiral).

Amitié, sf. 'O le alo fa (love) : Présenter ses amitiés, 'Ou te alofa atu (I present my complirnents).

Amnistie, sf. 'O le faàmagaloga tele (an amnesty).

Amoindrir, v. n. Maui. Memei (to decrease, to grow less).

Amollir, v. a. Faàmalu le mea malosi (to soften, to mollify).

Amonceler, v. a. Faàputu (to heap up).

Amorce, sf. Se mea e maunu ai (bait).

S'amortir, v. r. Maui (to decrease).

Amour, sm. 'O le alofa (love) : Pour l'amour de Dieu, 'Onâ o le Atua (for the sake of God).

Ample, a. Lautele (large, wide); habit ample, e oò (wide).

Amplement, adv. Matua tele (copiously).

Amplifier, v. a. Faàtuputele (to amplify).

Amputer, v. a. Sala. Sala le vae (to cut off).

Amusant, e, a. Faàfiafia (amusing).

Amusement, sm. 'O le mea faàfiafia (amusement, recreation).

Amuser, v. a . Faàfiafia (to amuse). —, tromper, 'Oleòle (to deceive).

Amusenr, sm. 'O le tagata òieòle (one who deceives by his delays, or false promises).

An, sm. 'O le tausaga (a year).

Ananas, sm. 'O le fala (a pineapple).

Anathématiser, v. a. (to excommunicate).

Anathème, sm. 'O le anatema (anathema).

Ancêtres, sm. pl. 'O tamâ anamua (forefathers).

Ancien, sm. 'O le alii matua (a senior).

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Ancien, ne, a. Tuai, anamua (ancient, old).

Anciennement, adv. Anamua. I po pa (in former times).

Ancre, sf. 'O le taula (an anchor) : Jeter l'ancre, tuù laula (to anchor).

Ane, sm. 'O le asini (an ass).

Anéantir, v. a. Tinei (to destroy).

S'anéantir, v. r. Mattia faàmaulalo (to humble one's self).

Anesse, sf. 'O le asini fafìne (a she ass).

Ange, sm. 'O le agelo (an angel).

Angelus, sm. 'O le agelo (prayer beginning with the word Angelus) : Ta le agelo (to ring the bell...). Lau le agelo (to repeat that prayer).

Anglais, a. Polotane (english).

Angleterre, sf. Peritania (england).

Anguille, sf. 'O le pusi (an eel).

Angulaire, a.: pierre angulaire. 'O le maà tulimanu (the cornerstone).

Animal, sm. 'O le manu (an animal).

Animer, v. a. Faàosooso (to excite). Animer contre... faàoso i (to exasperate).

Animoslté, sf. 'O le ita tele (animosity).

Anneau, sm. 'O le mama (a ring).

Année, sf. 'O le tausaga (a year): L'année prochaine, ò le tausaga a san (next year).

Annexer, v. a. Faàopoopo (to add).

Anniversaire, sm. et a. : C'est demain l'anniversaire de la naissance du roi, Taeao ò le aso e faàmanatu ai i le fanauga o le tupu (to morrow is the king's birth-day).

Annonce, f. 'O le faàtonu (advertisement).

Annoncer, v. a. Faàtonu (to tell, foratell).

Annoter, v. a. Faàiloga (to note down).

Annuellement, adv. I tausaga uma (every ear).

Anon, sm. 'O le tamai asini (a young ass).

Anse, sf. 'O leuumaga, 'O le taulaga (the handle).

Anse, sf. 'O le taulaga itiiti (a little bay).

Antécédent, e, a. Muamua (antecedent).

Antechrist, sm. anetikeliso (antichrist).

Antédiluvien, ne, a. E muamua i le lolo (before the deluge).

Antérieurement, adv. Muamua (before).

Anthropophage, s. et a. Feài (cannibal, a man eater).

Anticiper sur..., v. n. Sopo tuaoi (to encroach upon).

Antique, à l'antique, adv. Faàletu anamua (after the old fashion).

Antre, sm. 'O le ana (a natural grotto).

Anxiété, sf. 'O le popole tele (perplexity).

Aoùt, sm. 'O aukuso (august).

Apaiser, v. a. faàlaulelei. filemu : — la douleur (to caim). — la chaleur (to cool). — la soif (to quench). — les esprits (to pacify).

S'apaiser, v. r. 'O loo faàfeo-loolo... (to become more tranquil).

Apathique, a. Loto noa i mea uma (insensible to every thing).

Apercevoir, v. a. Il'Oa (to perceive).

S'apercevoir, v. r. Faàtoàiloa (to perceive).

Apétisser, v. a. Faàlaiti (to lessen).

'A peu près, adv.: à peu près dix, pe sefulu ea? (nearly).

Aplanir v. a. Faàgatasi (to level, tu make even).

Aplatir, v. a. Faàsalafa (to make flat).

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S'aplatir, v. r. Palasi (to become flat).

D'aplomb, adv. Faàsaga tomu (upright).

Apocalypse sf. 'O le faàaliga (the apocalypse).

Apostasier, v. n. Tiai le lota.

Apostat, sm. 'O le apositata (an apostate).

Apostème, sm. O le mai faàsua (a sore swelling).

Apostolique, a. Aposetoliko (apostolic).

Apostropher, v. a . Valaau atu (to call).

Apostume, sm. 'O le mai faàsua (a sore swelling).

Apôtre, sm. 'O le aposetolo (an apostle).

Apparaître, v. n. Tu mai. Aliali (to appear).

Apparat, sm. 'O le faàlialia (pomp, pompous preparation).

Appareil, sm. 'O le sauniuni (preparation).

Appareiller, v. n. Teu folau (to hoist sail).

Apparemment, adv. Ai : Ai ua sau (probably, likely).

Apparence, sf. 'O le tino mai. Mata (appearance, semblance).

Apparent, e, a. Aliali (evident, eminent).

Appartement, sm. 'O le potu (room, apartment).

Appartenir, v. n. Taula (to belong).

Appàt, sm. 'O le maunu (bait).

Appauvrir, v. a. Faàmativa (to empoverish, to make poor).

Appauvrir, v. n. E tupu a i le mativa (to grow poor).

Appel, sm. 'O le valaau (a call, an appeal).

Appeler, v. a. Valaau (to call): comment vous appelez-vous? O ai lou igoa? (what is your name?). Je m'appelle Pierre, 'O Petalo lou igoa (my name is Peter).

Appendre, v. a. Tautau (to append, to hang up).

Appesantir, v. a. Faàmamafa (to make beavy, to make dull).

Appétissant, e, a. manaòmia (relishing, desirable).

Appétit, sm. 'O le fia ài (appetite) : Je n'ai pas d'appétit, E le magoni ia te au mea e ài (i bave no appetite). Rester sur son appétit. Tuù manaò (to givo over eating though one could eat more).

Applaudir, v. a. Vivii atu (to praise). Patilima (to clap hands).

Application, sf. 'O le toàga (application, attention of mind).

Appliquer, v. a. : — une attiche, Faàpìpii se laupepa (to stick up... a bill to a gate).

S'appliquer, v. r. Faàsaga i... (to apply one's self).

Appointement, sm. salaire, —totogi (salary).

Apporter, v. a. Aumai. Taìtaì mai (to bring).

Apposer le scellé, v. a. Faàmau (to puf the seal).

Appréhender, craindre, v. a. Fefe i (to fear).

Appréhender, saisir, v. a. Puè (to seize).

Appréhension, sf. 'O le fefe. 'O le mataù (fear, apprehension).

Apprendre, v. a. Aòaò (to learn).

Apprendre, v. a. (to teach).

Apprenti, a. soo (novice, a learner).

Apprêter, v. a. Teu (to prepare): Apprêter des vivres, Sauni mea e ài (to cook victuals).

S'apprêter, v. r. nofo sauniuni (to get ready, to prepare oneself).

Apprivoiser, v. a. Faàlata (to tame).

S'apprivoiser, V. r. Faàmasani (to grow tame, to grow familiar).

Approche, sf.: lunettes d'approche, 'O le faàata (a telescope).

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Approcher, v. a. Faàlatalat amai. Aumai lata mai (to bring nearer).

Approcher, v. n. Ua oò lata... mai? ane (to come near).

Approfondir, v. a Eli atili (to dig deeper, to make deeper).

Approprier, v. a. Faàtatau ma (to adapt to).

Approuver, v. a. Vivii atu faàfetai atu (to approve, to praise).

Appui, sm. 'O le puipui. 'O le fesoasoani (a protector, help).

Appuyer, v. a. Faàlagolago (to prop, to protect) : appuyer sur, tatao (to press upon).

S'appuyer sur..., v. r. Faàlagolago i (to lean upon).

Âpre, a. Talatala (rough). Apre au goùt. Oona (sonr). Apre dans ses paroles, faigatâ (rigid).

Après, adv. et prép. Mulimuli ane, pito ane... (after, next to...).

D'Apròs, prép. Mai... (from).

Après qaoi, adv. Mulimuli ane i le ame (after that).

Après-demain, adv. et s. ielua (the day after to morrow).

Après-midi, sf. i le sipa o le là (in the afternoon).

Apte, a. tatau ma... (fìt to or for, proper).

Apurer, v. a. Faàmmâ le aulo (to cleanse gold).

Aquatique, a. : oiseaux aquatiques, manu vai (water fowls).

Aquedue, sm. 'O le vai taìtaì (water conduct).

Aquilon, sm. 'O le matu (the north wind).

Araignée, sf. 'O le apugaleveleve (spider).

Arbitraire, a. 'O le pule a le faitalia (arbitrary).

Arbitre, sm. faàmasino (arbitrator); libre arbitre, ò le faitalia (free will).

Arborer, v. a.: arborer le pavillon anglais, sisi le fuà peritania (to hoist the english flag).

Arbre, sm. 'O le laau (a tree).

Arbrisseau, sm. 'O le laau iti (a shrub).

Are, sm. 'O le faàpiò lua (a bow, an arc).

Arc-en-ciel, sm. 'O le nuanua (rainbow).

Archal, fil d'arehal, sm. Tuaniu (wire).

Archange, sm. 'O le alekagelo (archangel).

Arche, sf. : l'arche de Noe, 'O le aleka a Noe (noah's ark). L'Arche d'alliance, 'O le aleka o le feagaiga (the ark of the covenant).

Architecte, sm. 'O le matai o tufuga taìtaì (an architect).

Ardemment, adv. ma te manaò tele (with eagerness).

Ardent, e, a. Vevela (hot): une fièvre ardente, ò le mai vevela tele (a fierce fever).

Ardeur, sf. 'O le vevela tele (buraing heat).

Ardoise à écrire, sf. 'O le maà tusi (slate).

Ardu, a. faigata (arduous).

Arête, sf. 'O le ivi (a fish-bone).

Argent, sm. Tupe (money).

Argent, sm. Siliva (silver).

Argile, sf. 'O le èle (clay).

Aride, a. Tuufua (barren, dry).

Armateur, sm. 'O le alii e ona le vaà (a ship's owner).

Arme, sf. 'O le auùpega (arm, weapon).

Armes, sf. plur. 'O auùpega (arms).

Armée, sf. 'O le itu taua, 'O le àu fitafita (an army). Armée navale, 'O le fua (a fleet).

Arménie, sf. Alemenia (armenia).

Armer, v. a. avatu auùpega (to arm) : Armer un fusil, Faàtu le fana (to cock a gun).

S'armer, v. r. Tago i àuùpega (to take up arms).

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Aromatiser, v. a. faàmagoni (to perfume, to scent).

Arpenter, v. a. fua (to survey).

Arracher, va. Liai (to root out): Arracher une dent, Fai se nifo (to draw a tooth). Arracher de l'argent à quelqu'un (to extort money from one). Àrracher un secret à quelqu'un (to get a secret from one).

Arranger, v. a. Teu (to place in order).

Arrèt, sm. 'O le faàmasìnoga (decree, sentence).

Arrèter, v. a. Puè, fusifusi to arrest); —un char, etc. (to stop), Faàpau.

Arrière, sf. Taumuli (the stern).

En Arrière, adv. ltua (backward).

Arriver, v. n. Oò(to arrive): Arriver à bon port (to come safe home).

Arrogant, e, a. faàmaualuga.

Arrogance, sf. 'O le faàmaualuga (arrogancy).

S'arroger, v. r. Faàfia pale fua (to claim, to assume unjustly).

Arrondir v. a. Faàlapotopoto (to make round).

Arroser, v. a. Fufui (to water) : Fufui laau (to water trees).

Art, sm. 'O le faiva, 'O le mata galuega (art).

Articulation, sf. 'O le gauga, vae, lima, etc. (articulation).

Artifice, sm. 'O le togafiti pepelo (deceit, craft).

Artillcrie, sf.: une pièce d'artillerie, 'O le fatta fanua (a cannon).

Ascension, sf. 'O le Asesione (ascension day).

Asie, sf. 'O Asia (asia).

Asiie, sm. 'O le mea e malu ai (a shelter).

Aspect, sm. 'O le tino mai (the appearance).

Asperger, v. a. Saluuluu i le vai paia (to besprinkle with holy water).

Aspirer, v. a. mâttava ifo (to aspirate).

Assassin, sm. 'O le fasioti tagata (a murderer).

Assassiner, v. a. fasioti (to assassinate, to vex).

Assaut, sm.: donnerl'assaut, aè i se òlo (to storm).

Assemblée, sf. 'O le faùpotopotoga (meeting, society).

Assemblée déliberante, Fono (assembly, to hìnder the resolution of an assembly).

Assembler, v. a. Faàpotopoto.

Assembler, joindre, v. a. Faàtasi (to join together, to assemble).

S'assembler, v. r. Potopoto mai (to meet together).

Asseoir, v. a. faànofo (to set).

S'asseoir, v. r. nofo (to sit, to sit down).

Asservir, v. a. faànofopologa (to subdue).

Asservissement, sm'Olenofopologa (bondage).

Assez, adv. Soia. Moia (Enough, It is enough): Il y en a assez, soia e lâva (that will do).

Assidu, e, a. toàga (diligent).

Assiéger, v. a. Vagavagai i se òlo (to surround, to besiege a stronghold).

Assiette, sf. 'O le pa (a plate, used for eating).

Assigner, v. a. valaau, tagi (to summon).

Assistance, sf. 'O ie fesoasoani (help, assistance).

Assistance, sf. 'O le alaalafaga (those who are present at).

Assister, v. a. fesoasoani (to help).

Assister, v. n. matamata (to be present at).

Associé, a. La te, latou le faàtasi (a partner in business).

Assommant, e, a. faàfiufiu (wearisome).

Assomption, sf. 'O le Asopesio (the Assumption).

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Assoupir, v. a. faàtnoe (to make sleepy).

Assouplir, v. a. faàmalû (to make supple).

Assujettir, v. a. faànofopologa (to subdue).

Assujettir, lier, wa. faàmau (to fìx).

Assurance, sf. 'O le faàmoi (security) : Mettre son assurance en Dieu, faàlagolago i le Atua (to trust in God).

Assurer, v. a. Taùtino atu (to affirm). S'assurer d'une personne, puè fusifusi (to arrest).

Astre, sm.: l'astre dujour,'O le (the sun). L'astre de la nuit, 'O le tnasina (the moon).

Astringent, e, a. faàmamau le manava (astringent).

Atelier, sm. 'O le fatelâ (a workshop).

'A tort et à travers, adv. soona fai (right or wrong).

Atrocité, sf. 'O le faivale (atrocity).

Attache, sf. 'O le nonoa (tie, string).

Attachement, sm. 'O le alo fa (love).

Attachement, sm. 'O le manào (passion).

Attacher, v. a. nonoa, faàmau (to tie, to fasten).

Attaché, a.: un homme attaché à ses intérêts, 'O le tagata manumana (a covetous man).

S'attacher, v. r. loto atu i (to conceive an inclination for).

S'attacher, s'efforcer de... v. r. Taumafai. Fina ftnau i... (to strive, to endeavour).

Attaquer, v. a. 'Oso atu, F'cosofi (to assault, to insult).

Atteindre, v. g. un objet, v. a. taea (to reach).

Atteiut, e, a. ua lavea, safea (struck or hit) : Atteint d'une flòche, lavea i le u (hit by an arrow). Atteint d'un mal, pesta i le mai (afflicted with a disease).

Atteinte, sf. puèga (fit); Donner atteinte à la réputation de quelqu'un, ùpu èse i se tasi (to stain one's reputation).

Attenant, adv. et prép. lata ane (near, close by).

Attendre, v. a. faàtali (to expect, to wait for) : En attendant qu'il vienne, seia sau (till he comes).

Attendez, faàtali (stay).

S'attendre, v. r. faàtali (to rely on, to expect).

Attendrir, v. a. faàlupu le alofa (to move to pity).

S'attendrir, v. r. (to be moved to pity).

Attendrissement, sm. 'O le alofa (compassion).

Attendu, prép. 'Onà o, auâ (on account of).

Attendu, conj. (because).

Attente, sf. 'O le faàtali (expecting, waiting for).

Attentif, ve, a. faàlogo lelei (attentive, mindfull).

Attention, sf. 'O levaavaai lelei (the look out): Avoir des attentions, faàaloalo (to pay respect).

Attentivement, adv. ma le vaai lelei lava (attentively).

Atténuant, e, a. e marnâ, faàfeoloolo ai (weakening, lessening).

Atténuer, v. a. faàmàmà. E feoloolo ai (to weaken, to lessen).

Attester, v. a. tautino, faàmaoi (to certify, to attest).

Attiédir, v. a. faàmaui le toàga (to render less fervent).

S'attiédir, v. r. liu loto noa (to grow careless).

Attiser, v. a.: attiser le feuyfaàola le afi. (to stir up the fire). Attiser le feu de la discorde, faàtupu atili le maseiga (to excite trouble).

Attouchement, sm. 'O le lago (touching, touch).

Attrape, sf. 'O le mailei (a snare).

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Attraper, v. a. puè (to catch): Attraper quelqu'un, puè, matta se tagata (to cheat one). Attraper le printemps, aulia le... (to reach the spring). Àttraper quelqu'un sur le fait, maxta le pagota o fai lana mea (to surprise one in the fact). Attraper la fìèvre, ua matta au e le mai vevela (to catch a fever).

Attrapoire, sf. 'O le mailei (a trap, a trick).

Attribuer, imputer, v. a. tuù i le... (to impute).

S'atribner v. r. tagi o lana mea (to claim).

Attristante e, a. faàtigà.., vale: Nouvelle attristante, 'O le tala vale (sad news).

Attrster, v. a. faàtigâ (to afflict).

Attroupement, sm. 'O le molu o tagata (a mob).

S'nttrouper, v. r. faàpotopoto (to flock in crowds).

Aube, sf. l'aube du jour, 'O le tafa o ata (the dawn, or break of the day).

Auberge, sf. 'O le fale inuàva (an inn).

Aucun, e, pron. e leai se tasi (not any, none).

Aucunement, adv. e leai lava (not at all).

Audace, sf. 'O le loto tele (boldness). C'est un audacieux, 'O le tagata loto tele (it is a daring man).

Au deçà, prép. i le itu mai (on this side).

Au-delà, prép. I ona tala atu (on the other side).

Au-devant, prép.: Aller au devant de quelqu'un, Ala e fetaiai i se tasi (to go to meet a person).

Auditoire, sm. 'O le àu lota (congregation, met to hear a sermon).

Auge, sf. O le ùmete (a trough).

Augmenter, v. a. Faàtele, faàopoopo (to enlarge, to aggravate, to make additions to).

Augmenter, v. r. s'augmenter, v. r. tupu tele, tupu alili (to increase).

Augure, sm. Matega, valoaga (présage, prédiction).

Augurer, v. a. Mate (to foretell).

Aujourd'hui, adv. I le aso nei (to-day, this day).

Aumône, sf. 'O le mea alofa (alms) : Faìre l'aurnóne, foai atu se mea alofa (to give alms).

Auparavant, adv. Mua. Muamua (before, first of all).

Auprès, adv. lata ane (close by).

Auprès, prépos. I tafalafa (near, close to).

Aurore, sf. 'O le ata. 'O le tafa o lata (the dawn, the break of day).

Aussi, conj. foi (also, likewise).

Aussi, 'O le mea lea (therefore).

Aussi je ne le ferai pas, 'O le mea lea ou le le fata ai (therefore i shall not do it).

Aussi. ..que, conj. pei o...

Aussi bien que..., e pei (as well as): Les faibles aussi bien que les forte, O e vaivai e pei o e malotosi (the weak as Well as the strong).

Aussitòt, adv. loa (immediately).

Austère, a. faigatâ (severe) : Une mine austère, Mata pogi (a stern look).

Austérité, sf. 'O le faigatà (the severity) : l'austèrité du visage, 'O le mata pogi (the sternness of the countenance).

Autant, adv. E faàpea ona tele, ona toatele (as much, as many) : Autant de tètes, autant d'opinions, 'O le tagata ma lona taofi (so many men, so many opinions). d'Àutant que.., conj. auâ (because).

Autel, sin. 'O le aletale (an altar).

Auteur, sm. 'O le na maua,'O le na tupu ai (author, inventor, cause).

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Autoriser, v. a. foai atu le pule (to empower).

Autorité, sf. 'O le pule (power).

Autour, adv. faàtaaliolioi... (round about) : Il regarda tout autour, Ua tepa faàtaaliolio (he looked round about).

Au travers de..., prép. i totonu (through).

Autre, pron. 'O le tasi, 'O le isi (other, another): L'autre chat, 'O le tasi pusi (the other cat).

Autrefois, adv. Anamua (in times past, formerly). Quelquefois, Seasea (at times).

Autrement, adv. a leai (Else) : Corrigez-vous, autrement on vous punira, Tuù lea mea, a leai ona faàsalaina ai lea òe (mend, or else you will be punished).

Autre part. adv. I le isi mea (somewhere else).

D'autre part, Mai le tasi itu (on the other side).

Autrui, sm. I le tasi, i nisi (other, others).

Avaler, v. a. folo (to swallow).

Avance, sf. : Il a deux jours d'avance sur moi, E lua aso o loo muamua ia te au (he is two days journey before me).

d'Avance, par avance, adv. muaì (beforehand).

Avancer, v. a.:Avancer le bras, Faàloloa atu le lima (to stretch one's arm forward). Avancer la besogne, Tili le galuega (to forward the work). Avancer l'horloge (to put the clock forward). Avancer une vérité, Taù atu se mataùpu (to advance a truth).

Avancer, v. n. : Ma montre avance, O loù nati e loo savali vave nana (my watch goes too fast). L'ouvrage avance, o loo vave le galuega (the work gets on). Cette pierre avance trop, 'O le maà nei e oso tele naua (this stone juts too much). La vigne avance, 'O loo tupu vave le vite (the vine grows fast).

S'avancer, v. r. aga atu i (to move, go forward): S'avancer dans le chemin de la vertu, Savali lelei ì le ala o le agatonu (to advance in the path of virtue).

Avanie, sf. 'O le faàmaasiasi (an affront).

Avant, prép. muamua: Avant le temps, Muamua i le itu aso (before the time).

Avant, adv. (forward, deep, far): Il ne faut pas creuser si avant, E le tatau ona èli e faàpea ona loloto (you must not dig so deep). N'allez pas plus avant, Aùà e te aga atu atili (don't go farther).

Avant que, conj. muamua i : Avant qu'il parte, Muamua i lana alu atu (before he sets off, before setting off), avant de partir.

Avantage, sm. : César eut l'avantage sur Pompée, 'O Sesale ua malo ia Pomopee (Coesar got the victory over Pompey). Parler à l'avantage de quelqu'un, tautala lelei i se tasi (to give a good character of one).

Avantageux, se, a. : Une taille avantageuse, au lelei tino èse (a majestic size). Une mine avantageuse, Matalelei. Manaia (a noble look).

Avant-dernier, ère, a. 'O le pito mai i le mulimuli (the last but one).

Avant-garde, sf. 'O mua à u (the van of an army, vanguard).

Avant-hier, adv. I e lua (the day before yesterday).

Avant-midi, sm. I le taeao o... (the fore-noon).

Avare, a. 'O le tagata manumanu (stingy, covetous).

Avarice, sf. 'O le manumanu (avarice, covetousness).

Avarié, a. Ua faàleagaina (damaged).

Avec, prép. Ma (with) : La paix soit avec vous ! Ia manuia òe ! Ia filemu òe! (Peace be with you).

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Aveindre, v. a. Vaili (to take out).

Avenant, e, a. Matagofie (well-looking).

'A l'avenant, adv. faàtatau (in proportion, answering).

Avènement, sm. 'O le maliu mai (coming) : L'avènement du Messie, 'O le afio mai o le Mesia (the coming of the Messiah).

Avenir, sm. 'O tausaga a sau. (the time to come):'A l'avenir, A le tu. I se aso (for the time to come, henceforth).

Avent, sm. 'O le atevetu (advent).

Aventure, sf. àl'aventure, soona fai (at random).

S'aventurer, v. r. alu i se mea faàletonu (to hazard, to run risk).

Averse, sf. 'O le uaga mama fa ma le faàfuasei (a sudden and heavy shower of rain).

Aversion, sf. 'O le inoino (aversion, hatred).

Avertir, v. a. faàtonu (to warn, to inform).

Avertissement, sm. 'O le faàtonu (warning advice).

Aveu, sm. 'O le taùtaù atu (consent, confession).

Aveugle, a. tauaso. Taulagì, T. r. (blind).

A l'aveugle, adv. faàvalea (ignorantly).

Aveuglement, sm. 'O le pouli uli (blindness).

Aveuglément, adv. Soona... (inconsiderately).

Aveugler, v. a. Faàtauaso (to make blind, to blind).

Avide, a. manumanu (covetous).

Avidement, adv. Ma le manumanu. faàmanumanu (greedily, eagerly).

S'avilir, v. r. fai amio faàlemamalu ai (to become contemptible).

Avilissant, e, a. faàlemamalu (disgraceful).

Aviron, sm. 'O le foe (an oar).

Avis, sm. : donner avis, faàtonu (to give an advice) faàiloaatu. Il est du même avis, E tasi lo lana taofi (he is of the sanie opinion).

Avisé, a. poto, faàutauta (wise' prudent).

Aviser, v. n. Manatu, mafaufau i ai (to consider of): Avisez à vos allaires, Ia e manatu i au mea, i au feau (mind your business). Avisez-y, manatu i ai (mind that).

S'aviser, v. r. manatu i... (to think of): Il nes'avise de rien, E le manatu i se mea e tasi (he thinks of nothing).

Aviso, s. m. 'O le vaà e ave feau (an advice-boat).

Aviver, v. a. Faàmumu le afi (to brisk up the fire).

Avocat, sm. 'O le Faàtonu i suèga... (advocate, barrister).

Avocate, sf. puluvaga (mediatrix).

Avoir, v. a.: avoir du bien, mauòloa (to have wealth). Avoir de l'argent, mau tupe (to have money). Avoir faim : J'ai faim, 'Ou te fia ài. J'ai une grande faim, 'Ou te matelaina (to be hungry. I am hungry). J'ai soif, 'Ou te fia inu (I am dry, thirsty). J'ai froid, 'Ou te maalili (I am cold). Il y a longtemps, ua leva (long since, long ago). Il y a làbas un homme, 'O loo iò le tasi tagata (here is a man below).

Avorter, v. n. Fanau le au (to miscarry, to bring forth before time).

Avorton, sm. 'O le têe;ma fanau le au (an abortive child).

Avouer, v. a. Taùtaù atu (to confess, to acknowledge) : Avouer son crime, Taùtaù lona pagota (to confess one's crime). S'avouer coupable : il s'—, O loo taùtaù lona pagota (he acknowledges his guilt).

Avril, sm. Apelila (april).

Azyme, a.: pain —, 'O le pane e le faàfefeteina (unleavened bread).