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Immediate report of Victoria University of Wellington Antarctic Expedition 1988-89: VUWAE 33


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Digital recording of Erebus seismic activity began on 25.11.88, using a PC-computer-based system in parallel with the Japanese analog tape recorder. Activity was very low. Daily earthquake counts ranged from zero to c20, and few of these were explosion earthquakes. Equipment on the volcano was mostly OK, but no picture was present on the TV transmission.

The heated plastic-coated window fitted to the camera housing last season was obscured by volcanic sublimates, and the camera had a serious intermittent fault which necessitated its return to Philips NZ Ltd, but Dr Phil Kyle of S-081 loaned his NTSC colour camera, which was installed on 9 December, and recorded at Scott Base until 30 December. The lava lake was so inactive that no incandescence was recorded, and only a few explosions were seen to eject bombs. After our repaired camera was reinstalled on 30 December, its superior infrared sensitivity revealed convecting hot lava not seen in the colour transmissions.

By 8 February, when the last recordings were dispatched from Scott Base, 177 digital earthquake recordings on floppy disk, and 16 explosions with ejected bombs had been recorded. Those processed so far, confirm that the foci obtained using stacked seismograms of explosion earthquakes, and a velocity of 4 km/s in the volcano, are much shallower and nearer to the lava lake, and have smaller RMS errors (0.02 s) than those obtained from individual explosion earthquakes using the old 2.1 km/s velocity (0.33+/−0.14 s).

Recording of the Windless Bight Infrasonic Array recommenced on 27.11.88 after a gap since late August 1988, due to tapes going astray in the Scott Base Store. Both field and lab equipment were still operating well, but the RTG Hut at Windless Bight was visited for safety checks, and to raise the antenna, and adjust the power supply. The off-line analysis computer was shifted to Victoria University, and the accumulated tapes since 1987 are being searched for signals from Erebus, and other volcanic eruptions world wide.

Sources of Financial Support

University Grants Committee $12,000
Institute of Geophysics $500
National Inst of Polar Research $17,500

Proposed Program

Erebus is a unique volcano in its high latitude location within a tectonic plate, and its persistently active lava lake of phonolitic composition. In an aseismic region, more than 100 volcanic earthquakes have been recorded in a day. The larger (M=c1) accompany the 3.6 +/−2.7 strombolian eruptions observed per day during summer expeditions. The largest observed eruption (17/9/74) had air wave energy 1.6x10E9 joule, and seismic magnitude M=2.4.

Video recordings of the eruptions, begun in December 1986, show that they occur too early to be triggered by earthquakes at depths up to 4 km, as previously hypothesised, and are probably the source of the earthquakes, and at shallow depth. It was also found that similar explosions have similar seismic waveforms, as in earthquake families, and that when these are stacked to improve the quality of the seismic onsets, the apparent velocity is 4.0 km/s, which is much higher than that previously determined by minimising the time residuals during focal determination. The probable consequence is that the previously determined distribution of explosion earthquakes in a column down to 4 km depth is in error. The digital seismic recordings begun this season, allow the data page 8 base to be rapidly increased so as to prove or modify this result within the remaining two years of the study.

The infrasonic recordings of Erebus explosions have always had a controlling influence on the interpretation of the seismic data, and in 1984, the recordings from the Windless Bight Infrasonic Array were complete enough to describe the explosions and calculate the quantity and rate of gas release during the enhanced activity of Erebus. As well, the Windless Bight Array has recorded large eruptions from all over the world.

Disappointingly WBA became no-man's-land from 1985 to 1988, and although it is now agreed to be part of IMEEMS, approval to operate it past the end of 1989 has not been forthcoming. A tragedy I think!

Scientific Endeavours and Achievements

This year, the work fell into 5 categories:

19-30 November: Preparation for ascent of Erebus.

We installed our new digital seismograph, consisting of a Compaq 286 Deskpro computer with a 40 Mbyte hard disk, and 1.66 Mbyte of RAM, in the Science Lab beside the existing Sony and San-ei recorders. It is fitted with a Data Translation DT 2821 A/D board with 16 inputs sampled 100 times/s, and was programmed by Dr W.H.K. Lee of USGS, Menlo Park, CA. Although it displays the seismograms continuously on the computer screen, it only records when it is triggered by a large enough earthquake, or by serious electrical interference (such as the D-region Radar). These events are stored and later edited to remove false triggerings, and transferred to floppy disks. This data can be displayed on another computer one channel at a time, filtered, and the onset times picked for focal location using program Hypo71.PC. A full range of seismic programs for IBM PC computers has been provided by Dr W.H.K. Lee.

Static electricity was a serious hazard to the computer, and was possibly the reason that only Howard Nicholson's printer would work with our computer. Our printer was OK with his computer. To prevent further trouble, we earthed the computer table, and zapped ourselves on it before touching the computer. Misinterpretation of some teething problems with the program resulted in the hard disk becoming non-accessible, and we were grateful to Mr Bill Schmidt of the McMurdo Communications Message Centre for help in retrieving it.

30 November to 10 December: Work on Erebus.

Skilton, MacKay, and Dibble flew to Fang acclimatization camp on 30 Nov., but cloud prevented the helicopter returning with Grizzly G2, and it was left at Cape Royds until 2 December. Gentle 17 brought it up, but had trouble releasing the hook, and could not lift us to the hut. Attempts to drive up with 2 people on the toboggan (as laid down by the Operations Manager) were unsuccessful, but when S-081 arrived, we obtained permission for Bill McIntosh to drive up alone.

Continuing cloud deprived us of US Skidoos, and G2 was used to move both parties to the hut on 4 December. The TV camera, infrasonic microphones, and long period horizontal seismograph all needed servicing this season. The plastic coated heated window fitted to the camera box last season had become opaque, and was replaced by an acrylic window.

The camera had an intermittent fault, and had to be sent to Philips in Auckland for repair. Phil Kyle also had a TV system on the volcano to monitor crater activity at the Erebus Hut, but when he discovered his transmitter was unusable, we agreed to connect his NTSC colour camera to our transmitter, and it was recorded at Scott Base. We are sharing this data. Our camera was returned page 9 just in time for Dr Neilya Dunbar of S-081 to reinstall it on 30 December, before the final descent from Erebus.

New infrasonic pressure sensors of type SCX05 DN were installed at E1 and CON in place of the low sensitivity LX0503A types installed last season, and the long period horizontal seismometer was readjusted. Ice buildup in the rock recess around it appears to delevel it. 10-19 December: Re-activating the Windless Bight Infrasonic Array.

The array had been idle since August 1988 because the new tapes had been mislaid, and the off-line analysis computer had faults in the monitor and printer. The Array (Fig. 1) consists of 7 condenser type microphones arranged in two quadrilateral arrays - one large (RTG,ERE,TER,ROS) and one small (RTG.5,6,7), with one microphone common to each. Each microphone has an acoustic filter consisting of a 91 m long pipe with holes spaced along it, for the purpose of reducing wind noise. The pipes, RTG hut, and telemetry antenna are being progressively buried in snow, increasing the low pass filter effect, and threatening the RF signal level. Preamplifiers, VCO modulators and RF transmitters are powered by a radio-thermoelectric generator (RTG) in the hut at the common microphone, ensuring continuous operation. Initially of 40 W capacity, the RTG has decayed exponentially to c11 W, but the loading resistor intended to soak up the surplus power had not been removed.

At Scott Base, the analog signals are filtered to give bandwidths of 1 to 10 s for the small array, and 7 to 70 s for the large array, and digitised, 4 times per second for the small array and once a second for the large array, and after on-line processing in blocks of 128 s, are recorded on 800 BPI tapes lasting 5 days each. I was able to get the off-line computer to scan these tapes by exchanging components between two faulty unused consoles, but there was no serviceable serial input printer. This was my first success in reading the tapes since my 1984 visit to University of Alaska (attempts always stopped at the question "do you have the source code"), and so I requested and received permission to shift the off-line computer to Wellington.

The RTG hut was visited on 14 December by R. Dibble, K. MacKay, H. Nicholson, T. Exley, T Eason, M Van der Sluy, and Bill Schmit. The loading resistor was removed, restoring the 11.5 V supply to 12.0 V, and the RF outputs were measured, being within 65 to 250 mW on all 7 channels.

Currents to all microphones were 19-20 mA, and all were transmitting carrier tone. Apart from being untidy, and buried in snow, the hut and equipment were in excellent order. McMurdo had already checked the RTG itself.

The recorded tapes are being processed in two ways, using the programs provided by University of Alaska. SCAN and AZSCAN search the on-line analysis results recorded on the tapes, and print out times, amplitudes, spectral peak frequency, and arrival direction and velocity when the cross correlation coefficient exceeds a chosen level. These programs run very fast, but it is only the best correlated signal in any 128 second block which is returned. Brief eruption signals from Erebus are ignored unless very large. The other option is to reprocess the original digital waveforms, using BEMSCN, DATPLT, SPCTRM, and others. Of these, BEMSCN was specially modified for me by Mr B. Mckibben of the University of Alaska, to find the cross correlation coefficient of signals with Erebus azimuth and infrasonic velocity, and also the ratio of peak to RMS amplitude in each two minute block. Computer time was 9 s per block, Erebus is a frequent source of wind eddie signals, but only explosions give a high peak to RMS ratio.

Also in this period, a major effort was made to reduce the number of false triggers of the digital seismograph by the D- region radar. The frequent short duration high power radar pulses have a wide bandwidth, and the large horizontal loop antenna practically above the Science Lab induces strong signals in everything. Steps to reduce their effect included: (i) running the entire IMEEMS installation off one power point (because neighbouring points had separate long cables from the fuse box); (ii) running the computer from an isolating transformer and power filter; (iii) having a single common earth point at the power point for all chassis, racks, and table frames; (iv) coiling page 10 and binding all excess wire lengths; (v) shunting inputs and outputs with the lowest value resistors the circuits could tolerate. The result was satisfactory, but precarious. I object to such deliberate sources of interference, and to the stock reply that only badly engineered equipment is affected, especially as the problem is under my control for only 2 months a year.

19 December to 17 January 1989: Recording and analysis of data at Scott Base.

Prof Kaminuma and Kevin MacKay made chart records of all earthquakes well recorded on the Sony data-tape recorded, and printouts of the digitally recorded earthquakes. The latter were also archived onto floppy disk, at a normal rate of 5 per disk. This will allow 1500 earthquakes to be recorded on our 300 disks during the year. They also made continuous video tapes of Erebus TV, and recycled the tapes with no useful information, and made both PAL and NTSC copies of all the eruptions recorded for distribution to collaborators.

Preliminary Conclusion

Earthquake families were recognised by cross correlation of different earthquakes recorded on the same channel, using programs written by M. Iguchi, and after stacking to improve waveform clarity, the onset times of the stack were used to locate the family focus. These times, when used with the new 4 km/s model, give an epicentre 120 m from the lava lake, and depth 340 m below it, with an RMS time residual of 0.02 s. Using the old 2.1 km/s model, and the onset times of each of the 8 separate explosions in the best family, the epicentres were a mean distance of 2170 m +/−2470 m from the lava lake, and depth 6.2 +/− 4.4 km below it. The mean RMS residual was 0.33 +/−0.14 second.

Thus the new higher velocity model results in foci for explosion earthquakes which are shallower and nearer the lava lake than for the old velocity model. However, it is the stacking which produces the improvement in error statistics, not the change in velocity.


The work will be presented at the conference on Continental Magmatism at Santa Fe this year. Papers on IMEEMS published in 1988 are as follows:

Dibble, R.R., 1988: Infrasonic recordings of strombolian eruptions of Erebus, Antarctica, March-December 1984, covering the jump in activity on 13 September 1984. Proceedings in Volcanology, Vol.1, Elsevier, J.H. Latter (Ed).

Dibble, R.R., Barrett, S.I.D., Kaminuma, K., Miura, S., Kienle, J., Rowe, C.A., Kyle, P.R., McIntosh, W.C., 1988: Time comparisons between video and seismic signals from explosions in the lava lake of Erebus volcano, Antarctica. Bull. Disaster Res. Inst., Kyoto Univ., 38 (3):49-63.

Kaminuma, K., Dibble, R.R., 1988: An eruption process of Mount Erebus, Antarctica. Proceedings of the Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes, 1988: 66-70.

Kaminuma, K., Dibble, R.R., 1988: Geophysical studies on Mount Erebus, Antarctica. Proceedings of the Kagoshima International Conference on Volcanoes, 1988: 242-245.

Shibuya, K., Baba, M., Dibble, R.R., Kyle, K., 1988: Classification of volcanic earthquakes at Mount Erebus, Antarctica. Proceedings in Volcanology, Vol.1, Elsevier.

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Future Research

It is anticipated that sufficient digital earthquake recordings will be available by the end of 1990 to define enough earthquake families to establish an approximately correct velocity structure, and focal distribution within the volcano. The NSF owned telemetry seismographs on the volcano may need major renovation by that time also, but grant applications for this have not been approved since 1984. Consequently, the present leader plans to remove the VUW equipment from Erebus, for probable re-deployment on Taranaki volcano, which is showing signs of reawakening. Also, his compulsory retirement on 13 June 1991, will impede further work in Antarctica.

However, I see volcanic seismology as near the end of the pioneering phase, in which researchers settled for minimum equipment to obtain the skeleton of the situation. Already the earthquake seismologists are using arrays of 100 to 500 geophones to study earth structures far simpler than a volcano. The ease and reliability with which Erebus has been instrumented may attract more ambitious researchers. Until then, the activity of Erebus is important and unique enough to warrant a minimum monitoring program, by one or two telemetry seismometer/ microphone stations and a two channel San-ei long term ink-chart recorder. I would recommend Truncated Cones for the telemetry site, because it has very good signal/noise characteristics, and is easy to reach by motor-toboggan from the lower hut on Erebus. If the present equipment there could be acquired from NSF, maintenance costs would be minimal.

Historically, Victoria University has refused to support monitoring programs on volcanoes, handing the equipment at both Ruapehu and White Island volcanoes over to DSIR when the work reached that stage. They may do the same at Erebus, but I consider that the TV surveillance equipment is too precarious for long term monitoring, and that a 16 channel digital seismograph would be wasted on only two channels. I would be happy to consult and cooperate with anyone about this. NIPR and/or NSF may be interested.

The infrared thermometry work which was part of IMEEMS in 1986/7 and 87/8, but omitted in 1988/9 due to the NIPR application to RDRC going astray, should be continued to help assess the total heat output of the volcano, using satellite infrared data (by The Open University), and plume observations from TV and COSPEC measurements of SO2 flux (by the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology).

Management of Science in the Ross Dependency

Problems of International cooperation surfaced this season when an application to RDRC for NIPR participation in IMEEMS went astray in the mail. An attempt to have the application approved in reduced form at a later date was unsuccessful, and it was fortuitous that one of the approved VUWAE members resigned to emigrate, and enabled Prof K. Kaminuma to be approved as his replacement, and invited to Scott Base by Hugh Logan. Official invitations are a special feature of Japanese society.

I thank everyone concerned for this solution, which also satisfied DPP, and put us on a friendly footing once more.


Special thanks are due to Hugh Logan for oiling the diplomatic wheels; David Crerar for getting the RTG checked by McMurdo; John Alexander for the smooth field operations, Phil Robins for making G2 available for familiarisation; John Skilton for curing the oil leaks in G2; Terry Eason for extending the WBA antenna masts, Howard Nicholson for lending his printer; Bill Schmit for retrieving our hard disk; Phil Kyle for lending his colour camera; Bill McIntosh for installing it, and helping diagnose the faults in ours; Philips Industries for fixing ours in time, and Neilya Dunbar for reinstalling it.