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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1981-82: VUWAE 26


page 2


The VUW Engineering Workshop built and modified several items of equipment for the sediment sampling programme. The sphincter corer built the previous year was modified to improve its triggering on the sea floor and method of adding weight to increase the depth of penetration. Twelve inch diameter ice augers were built to fit the existing "Mate" motorised powerhead. These augers are used to provide a 12 inch diameter access hole through the sea ice. A wire laying system for the winch and tools for core splitting and sampling were also built.

Equipment borrowed for the programme included an underwater camera and flash system, current meter and water column sampling bottles from the New Zealand Oceanographic Institute. An orange peel grab was once again borrowed from the McMurdo Station Bio Lab.

Antarctic Division, DSIR, provided logistic support for VUWAE 26 programmes. The IH500 tractor, Wannigan and Cantago sledge, toboggan, Maudheim and Tamworth sledges were provided for the sea ice party. VUWAE 26 was charged $40.00 per man week for food, tentage and accommodation by Antarctic Division while in Antarctica.

New field clothing bought to replace old VUW stocks included: 4 dacron jackets, 4 anoraks and 4 dacron insulated bib-overalls. Mukluks were again purchased second-hand from Antarctic Division and New Zealand-made felt inner boots purchased for these.

PLATE I: Places where VUWAE personnel worked during the 1981-82 season.

PLATE I: Places where VUWAE personnel worked during the 1981-82 season.


1.Mt. Erebus (K4)
2.McMurdo Sound transect (K5)
3.New Harbour (K5)
4.Granite Harbour (K5)
5.Mt. Bastion (K7A)
6.Lower Wright Valley (K7B)