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The Spike or Victoria College Review 1946

Drama Club

Drama Club

There was a time when the Dramatic Club was described as moribund. Fortunately, it is now well on the road to recovery. The club made a promising start at the beginning of the first term with "Mr. Bolfrey," which was acclaimed by large audiences at Varsity. A presentation of the same play in the Concert Chamber followed and, although this was sparsely attended, mainly by reason of conflicting attractions elsewhere, it was well received by those who saw it. Following this, an evening of one-act plays produced in the Gymnasium was attended by an appreciative audience, notwithstanding the technical calamities and the substitution of a mine for one of the plays which had to be withdrawn at the last minute. The major production Ibsen's "Ghosts," is under rehearsal at the time of writing, and gives every indication of a successful run at Varsity. The Dramatic Club's entry in the British Drama League Competition was marked by the simplicity and originality of set and lighting and was accorded third place equal in the competition.

A Revue is planned for the third term and during the long vacation the Club will start rehearsing for a three-act play to be presented in the city early next year.

Renovations to the stage will be under way shortly. The Club can make no progress in accumulating properties, wardrobe and library until adequate storage space is available. It is expected that this will be forthcoming in the near future.

The main activities of the Club still revolve around a small nucleus of enthusiasts. Casting is made difficult, and the types of play which can be produced are limited, by the paucity of active members, more particularly of man. If you have dramatic talent in any direction and you are anxious to remove your light from under the bushel, please communicate with the Secretary, who will inform you of the current activities of the Club, and how you can participate.

Enrol with the Club, and count yourself among the active members who are assisting the Club to

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shake off its shroud and to make its rapid progress to recovery.