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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1937. Volume 8. Number 7.

A Bite

A Bite.

Dear "Smad,"—

On behalf of the suggested Trifle or Rampling Club mentioned in your issue of April 14, I must assure your readers that there is no truth in this rumour that the Rifle and Tramping Clubs are contemplating amalgamation.

Although the Rifle Club has certainly been "ramping" lately, subsequent events have shown that it is not to be "trifled" with.

Speaking of the overlapping of club personnel, reminds me that at one time, not so very long ago, it was possible to get a quorum of the Maths, and Physics Society Committee on any Tramping Club trip, and vice versa Indeed, the Science Faculty, particularly the Physics Department, still dominates the Tramping Club as is shown by the song of the scientific trampers composed and sung frequently during and after the Christmas trip to Rotoiti. The tune is the same as the "Scholastic Savages" song in the 1936 Extrav., and the words are as follows:

"The Science Faculty are we

Pride of the University,

Our intellects command respect,

We are the aristocracy."

I am, etc.,

Yours, etc.,
